Theory AndPhase
subsection ‹AndNode Phase›
theory AndPhase
context stamp_mask
lemma AndCommute_Val:
assumes "val[x & y] ≠ UndefVal"
shows "val[x & y] = val[y & x]"
using assms apply (cases x; cases y; auto) by (simp add: and.commute)
lemma AndCommute_Exp:
shows "exp[x & y] ≥ exp[y & x]"
using AndCommute_Val unfold_binary by auto
lemma AndRightFallthrough: "(((and (not (↓ x)) (↑ y)) = 0)) ⟶ exp[x & y] ≥ exp[y]"
apply simp apply (rule impI; (rule allI)+; rule impI)
subgoal premises p for m p v
proof -
obtain xv where xv: "[m, p] ⊢ x ↦ xv"
using p(2) by blast
obtain yv where yv: "[m, p] ⊢ y ↦ yv"
using p(2) by blast
obtain xb xvv where xvv: "xv = IntVal xb xvv"
by (metis bin_eval_inputs_are_ints bin_eval_int evalDet is_IntVal_def p(2) unfold_binary xv)
obtain yb yvv where yvv: "yv = IntVal yb yvv"
by (metis bin_eval_inputs_are_ints bin_eval_int evalDet is_IntVal_def p(2) unfold_binary yv)
have equalAnd: "v = val[xv & yv]"
by (metis BinaryExprE bin_eval.simps(6) evalDet p(2) xv yv)
then have andUnfold: "val[xv & yv] = (if xb=yb then new_int xb (and xvv yvv) else UndefVal)"
by (simp add: xvv yvv)
have "v = yv"
apply (cases v; cases yv; auto)
using p(2) apply auto[1] using yvv apply simp_all
by (metis Value.distinct(1,3,5,7,9,11,13) Value.inject(1) andUnfold equalAnd new_int.simps
xv xvv yv eval_unused_bits_zero new_int.simps not_down_up_mask_and_zero_implies_zero
equalAnd p(1))+
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: yv)
lemma AndLeftFallthrough: "(((and (not (↓ y)) (↑ x)) = 0)) ⟶ exp[x & y] ≥ exp[x]"
using AndRightFallthrough AndCommute_Exp by simp
phase AndNode
terminating size
lemma bin_and_nots:
"(~x & ~y) = (~(x | y))"
by simp
lemma bin_and_neutral:
"(x & ~False) = x"
by simp
lemma val_and_equal:
assumes "x = new_int b v"
and "val[x & x] ≠ UndefVal"
shows "val[x & x] = x"
by (auto simp: assms)
lemma val_and_nots:
"val[~x & ~y] = val[~(x | y)]"
by (cases x; cases y; auto simp: take_bit_not_take_bit)
lemma val_and_neutral:
assumes "x = new_int b v"
and "val[x & ~(new_int b' 0)] ≠ UndefVal"
shows "val[x & ~(new_int b' 0)] = x"
using assms apply (simp add: take_bit_eq_mask) by presburger
lemma val_and_zero:
assumes "x = new_int b v"
shows "val[x & (IntVal b 0)] = IntVal b 0"
by (auto simp: assms)
lemma exp_and_equal:
"exp[x & x] ≥ exp[x]"
apply auto
subgoal premises p for m p xv yv
obtain xv where xv: "[m,p] ⊢ x ↦ xv"
using p(1) by auto
obtain yv where yv: "[m,p] ⊢ x ↦ yv"
using p(1) by auto
then have evalSame: "xv = yv"
using evalDet xv by auto
then have notUndef: "xv ≠ UndefVal ∧ yv ≠ UndefVal"
using evaltree_not_undef xv by blast
then have andNotUndef: "val[xv & yv] ≠ UndefVal"
by (metis evalDet evalSame p(1,2,3) xv)
obtain xb xvv where xvv: "xv = IntVal xb xvv"
by (metis Value.exhaust_sel andNotUndef evalSame intval_and.simps(3,4,9) notUndef)
obtain yb yvv where yvv: "yv = IntVal yb yvv"
using evalSame xvv by auto
then have widthSame: "xb=yb"
using evalSame xvv by auto
then have valSame: "yvv=xvv"
using evalSame xvv yvv by blast
then have evalSame0: "val[xv & yv] = new_int xb (xvv)"
using evalSame xvv by auto
then show ?thesis
by (metis eval_unused_bits_zero new_int.simps evalDet p(1,2) valSame widthSame xv xvv yvv)
lemma exp_and_nots:
"exp[~x & ~y] ≥ exp[~(x | y)]"
using val_and_nots by force
lemma exp_sign_extend:
assumes "e = (1 << In) - 1"
shows "BinaryExpr BinAnd (UnaryExpr (UnarySignExtend In Out) x)
(ConstantExpr (new_int b e))
≥ (UnaryExpr (UnaryZeroExtend In Out) x)"
apply auto
subgoal premises p for m p va
proof -
obtain va where va: "[m,p] ⊢ x ↦ va"
using p(2) by auto
then have notUndef: "va ≠ UndefVal"
by (simp add: evaltree_not_undef)
then have 1: "intval_and (intval_sign_extend In Out va) (IntVal b (take_bit b e)) ≠ UndefVal"
using evalDet p(1) p(2) va by blast
then have 2: "intval_sign_extend In Out va ≠ UndefVal"
by auto
then have 21: "(0::nat) < b"
using eval_bits_1_64 p(4) by blast
then have 3: "b ⊑ (64::nat)"
using eval_bits_1_64 p(4) by blast
then have 4: "- ((2::int) ^ b div (2::int)) ⊑ sint (signed_take_bit (b - Suc (0::nat)) (take_bit b e))"
by (simp add: "21" int_power_div_base signed_take_bit_int_greater_eq_minus_exp_word)
then have 5: "sint (signed_take_bit (b - Suc (0::nat)) (take_bit b e)) < (2::int) ^ b div (2::int)"
by (simp add: "21" "3" Suc_le_lessD int_power_div_base signed_take_bit_int_less_exp_word)
then have 6: "[m,p] ⊢ UnaryExpr (UnaryZeroExtend In Out)
x ↦ intval_and (intval_sign_extend In Out va) (IntVal b (take_bit b e))"
apply (cases va; simp)
apply (simp add: notUndef) defer
using "2" apply fastforce+
then show ?thesis
by (metis evalDet p(2) va)
lemma exp_and_neutral:
assumes "wf_stamp x"
assumes "stamp_expr x = IntegerStamp b lo hi"
shows "exp[(x & ~(const (IntVal b 0)))] ≥ x"
using assms apply auto
subgoal premises p for m p xa
obtain xv where xv: "[m,p] ⊢ x ↦ xv"
using p(3) by auto
obtain xb xvv where xvv: "xv = IntVal xb xvv"
by (metis assms valid_int wf_stamp_def xv)
then have widthSame: "xb=b"
by (metis p(1,2) valid_int_same_bits wf_stamp_def xv)
then show ?thesis
by (metis evalDet eval_unused_bits_zero intval_and.simps(1) new_int.elims new_int_bin.elims
p(3) take_bit_eq_mask xv xvv)
lemma val_and_commute[simp]:
"val[x & y] = val[y & x]"
by (cases x; cases y; auto simp: word_bw_comms(1))
text ‹Optimisations›
optimization AndEqual: "x & x ⟼ x"
using exp_and_equal by blast
optimization AndShiftConstantRight: "((const x) & y) ⟼ y & (const x)
when ¬(is_ConstantExpr y)"
using size_flip_binary by auto
optimization AndNots: "(~x) & (~y) ⟼ ~(x | y)"
by (metis add_2_eq_Suc' less_SucI less_add_Suc1 not_less_eq size_binary_const size_non_add
optimization AndSignExtend: "BinaryExpr BinAnd (UnaryExpr (UnarySignExtend In Out) (x))
(const (new_int b e))
⟼ (UnaryExpr (UnaryZeroExtend In Out) (x))
when (e = (1 << In) - 1)"
using exp_sign_extend by simp
optimization AndNeutral: "(x & ~(const (IntVal b 0))) ⟼ x
when (wf_stamp x ∧ stamp_expr x = IntegerStamp b lo hi)"
using exp_and_neutral by fast
optimization AndRightFallThrough: "(x & y) ⟼ y
when (((and (not (IRExpr_down x)) (IRExpr_up y)) = 0))"
by (simp add: IRExpr_down_def IRExpr_up_def)
optimization AndLeftFallThrough: "(x & y) ⟼ x
when (((and (not (IRExpr_down y)) (IRExpr_up x)) = 0))"
by (simp add: IRExpr_down_def IRExpr_up_def)