Theory ConditionalPhase
subsection ‹ConditionalNode Phase›
theory ConditionalPhase
phase ConditionalNode
terminating size
lemma negates: "∃v b. e = IntVal b v ∧ b > 0 ⟹ val_to_bool (val[e]) ⟷ ¬(val_to_bool (val[!e]))"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) intval_logic_negation.simps(1) logic_negate_def new_int.simps
of_bool_eq(2) one_neq_zero take_bit_of_0 take_bit_of_1 val_to_bool.simps(1))
lemma negation_condition_intval:
assumes "e = IntVal b ie"
assumes "0 < b"
shows "val[(!e) ? x : y] = val[e ? y : x]"
by (metis assms intval_conditional.simps negates)
lemma negation_preserve_eval:
assumes "[m, p] ⊢ exp[!e] ↦ v"
shows "∃v'. ([m, p] ⊢ exp[e] ↦ v') ∧ v = val[!v']"
using assms by auto
lemma negation_preserve_eval_intval:
assumes "[m, p] ⊢ exp[!e] ↦ v"
shows "∃v' b vv. ([m, p] ⊢ exp[e] ↦ v') ∧ v' = IntVal b vv ∧ b > 0"
by (metis assms eval_bits_1_64 intval_logic_negation.elims negation_preserve_eval unfold_unary)
optimization NegateConditionFlipBranches: "((!e) ? x : y) ⟼ (e ? y : x)"
apply simp apply (rule allI; rule allI; rule allI; rule impI)
subgoal premises p for m p v
proof -
obtain ev where ev: "[m,p] ⊢ e ↦ ev"
using p by blast
obtain notEv where notEv: "notEv = intval_logic_negation ev"
by simp
obtain lhs where lhs: "[m,p] ⊢ ConditionalExpr (UnaryExpr UnaryLogicNegation e) x y ↦ lhs"
using p by auto
obtain xv where xv: "[m,p] ⊢ x ↦ xv"
using lhs by blast
obtain yv where yv: "[m,p] ⊢ y ↦ yv"
using lhs by blast
then show ?thesis
by (smt (z3) le_expr_def ConditionalExpr ConditionalExprE Value.distinct(1) evalDet negates p
negation_preserve_eval negation_preserve_eval_intval)
optimization DefaultTrueBranch: "(true ? x : y) ⟼ x" .
optimization DefaultFalseBranch: "(false ? x : y) ⟼ y" .
optimization ConditionalEqualBranches: "(e ? x : x) ⟼ x" .
optimization condition_bounds_x: "((u < v) ? x : y) ⟼ x
when (stamp_under (stamp_expr u) (stamp_expr v) ∧ wf_stamp u ∧ wf_stamp v)"
using stamp_under_defn by fastforce
optimization condition_bounds_y: "((u < v) ? x : y) ⟼ y
when (stamp_under (stamp_expr v) (stamp_expr u) ∧ wf_stamp u ∧ wf_stamp v)"
using stamp_under_defn_inverse by fastforce
lemma val_optimise_integer_test:
assumes "∃v. x = IntVal 32 v"
shows "val[((x & (IntVal 32 1)) eq (IntVal 32 0)) ? (IntVal 32 0) : (IntVal 32 1)] =
val[x & IntVal 32 1]"
using assms apply auto
apply (metis (full_types) bool_to_val.simps(2) val_to_bool.simps(1))
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) bool_to_val.simps(1) val_to_bool.simps(1) even_iff_mod_2_eq_zero
odd_iff_mod_2_eq_one and_one_eq)
optimization ConditionalEliminateKnownLess: "((x < y) ? x : y) ⟼ x
when (stamp_under (stamp_expr x) (stamp_expr y)
∧ wf_stamp x ∧ wf_stamp y)"
using stamp_under_defn by fastforce
lemma ExpIntBecomesIntVal:
assumes "stamp_expr x = IntegerStamp b xl xh"
assumes "wf_stamp x"
assumes "valid_value v (IntegerStamp b xl xh)"
assumes "[m,p] ⊢ x ↦ v"
shows "∃xv. v = IntVal b xv"
using assms by (simp add: IRTreeEvalThms.valid_value_elims(3))
lemma intval_self_is_true:
assumes "yv ≠ UndefVal"
assumes "yv = IntVal b yvv"
shows "intval_equals yv yv = IntVal 32 1"
using assms by (cases yv; auto)
lemma intval_commute:
assumes "intval_equals yv xv ≠ UndefVal"
assumes "intval_equals xv yv ≠ UndefVal"
shows "intval_equals yv xv = intval_equals xv yv"
using assms apply (cases yv; cases xv; auto) by (smt (verit, best))
definition isBoolean :: "IRExpr ⇒ bool" where
"isBoolean e = (∀m p cond. (([m,p] ⊢ e ↦ cond) ⟶ (cond ∈ {IntVal 32 0, IntVal 32 1})))"
lemma preserveBoolean:
assumes "isBoolean c"
shows "isBoolean exp[!c]"
using assms isBoolean_def apply auto
by (metis (no_types, lifting) IntVal0 IntVal1 intval_logic_negation.simps(1) logic_negate_def)
optimization ConditionalIntegerEquals_1: "exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals (c ? x : y) (x)] ⟼ c
when stamp_expr x = IntegerStamp b xl xh ∧ wf_stamp x ∧
stamp_expr y = IntegerStamp b yl yh ∧ wf_stamp y ∧
(alwaysDistinct (stamp_expr x) (stamp_expr y)) ∧
isBoolean c"
apply (metis Canonicalization.cond_size add_lessD1 size_binary_lhs) apply auto
subgoal premises p for m p cExpr xv cond
proof -
obtain cond where cond: "[m,p] ⊢ c ↦ cond"
using p by blast
have cRange: "cond = IntVal 32 0 ∨ cond = IntVal 32 1"
using p cond isBoolean_def by blast
then obtain yv where yVal: "[m,p] ⊢ y ↦ yv"
using p(15) by auto
obtain xvv where xvv: "xv = IntVal b xvv"
by (metis p(1,2,7) valid_int wf_stamp_def)
obtain yvv where yvv: "yv = IntVal b yvv"
by (metis ExpIntBecomesIntVal p(3,4) wf_stamp_def yVal)
have yxDiff: "xvv ≠ yvv"
by (smt (verit, del_insts) yVal xvv wf_stamp_def valid_int_signed_range p yvv)
have eqEvalFalse: "intval_equals yv xv = (IntVal 32 0)"
unfolding xvv yvv apply auto by (metis (mono_tags) bool_to_val.simps(2) yxDiff)
then have valEvalSame: "cond = intval_equals val[cond ? xv : yv] xv"
apply (cases "cond = IntVal 32 0"; simp) using cRange xvv by auto
then have condTrue: "val_to_bool cond ⟹ cExpr = xv"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) cond evalDet p(11) p(7) p(9))
then have condFalse: "¬(val_to_bool cond) ⟹ cExpr = yv"
by (metis (full_types) cond evalDet p(11) p(9) yVal)
then have "[m,p] ⊢ c ↦ intval_equals cExpr xv"
using cond condTrue valEvalSame by fastforce
then show ?thesis
by blast
lemma negation_preserve_eval0:
assumes "[m, p] ⊢ exp[e] ↦ v"
assumes "isBoolean e"
shows "∃v'. ([m, p] ⊢ exp[!e] ↦ v')"
using assms
proof -
obtain b vv where vIntVal: "v = IntVal b vv"
using isBoolean_def assms by blast
then have negationDefined: "intval_logic_negation v ≠ UndefVal"
by simp
show ?thesis
using assms(1) negationDefined by fastforce
lemma negation_preserve_eval2:
assumes "([m, p] ⊢ exp[e] ↦ v)"
assumes "(isBoolean e)"
shows "∃v'. ([m, p] ⊢ exp[!e] ↦ v') ∧ v = val[!v']"
using assms
proof -
obtain notEval where notEval: "([m, p] ⊢ exp[!e] ↦ notEval)"
by (metis assms negation_preserve_eval0)
then have logicNegateEquiv: "notEval = intval_logic_negation v"
using evalDet assms(1) unary_eval.simps(4) by blast
then have vRange: "v = IntVal 32 0 ∨ v = IntVal 32 1"
using assms by (auto simp add: isBoolean_def)
have evaluateNot: "v = intval_logic_negation notEval"
by (metis IntVal0 IntVal1 intval_logic_negation.simps(1) logicNegateEquiv logic_negate_def
then show ?thesis
using notEval by auto
optimization ConditionalIntegerEquals_2: "exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals (c ? x : y) (y)] ⟼ (!c)
when stamp_expr x = IntegerStamp b xl xh ∧ wf_stamp x ∧
stamp_expr y = IntegerStamp b yl yh ∧ wf_stamp y ∧
(alwaysDistinct (stamp_expr x) (stamp_expr y)) ∧
isBoolean c"
apply (smt (verit) not_add_less1 max_less_iff_conj max.absorb3 linorder_less_linear add_2_eq_Suc'
add_less_cancel_right size_binary_lhs add_lessD1 Canonicalization.cond_size)
apply auto
subgoal premises p for m p cExpr yv cond trE faE
proof -
obtain cond where cond: "[m,p] ⊢ c ↦ cond"
using p by blast
then have condNotUndef: "cond ≠ UndefVal"
by (simp add: evaltree_not_undef)
then obtain notCond where notCond: "[m,p] ⊢ exp[!c] ↦ notCond"
by (meson p(6) negation_preserve_eval2 cond)
have cRange: "cond = IntVal 32 0 ∨ cond = IntVal 32 1"
using p cond by (simp add: isBoolean_def)
then have cNotRange: "notCond = IntVal 32 0 ∨ notCond = IntVal 32 1"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) IntVal0 IntVal1 cond evalDet intval_logic_negation.simps(1)
logic_negate_def negation_preserve_eval notCond)
then obtain xv where xv: "[m,p] ⊢ x ↦ xv"
using p by auto
then have trueCond: "(notCond = IntVal 32 1) ⟹ [m,p] ⊢ (ConditionalExpr c x y) ↦ yv"
by (smt (verit, best) cRange evalDet negates negation_preserve_eval notCond p(7) cond
zero_less_numeral val_to_bool.simps(1) evaltree_not_undef ConditionalExpr
obtain xvv where xvv: "xv = IntVal b xvv"
by (metis p(1,2) valid_int wf_stamp_def xv)
then have opposites: "notCond = intval_logic_negation cond"
by (metis cond evalDet negation_preserve_eval notCond)
then have negate: "(intval_logic_negation cond = IntVal 32 0) ⟹ (cond = IntVal 32 1)"
using cRange intval_logic_negation.simps negates by fastforce
have falseCond: "(notCond = IntVal 32 0) ⟹ [m,p] ⊢ (ConditionalExpr c x y) ↦ xv"
unfolding opposites using negate cond evalDet p(13,14,15,16) xv by auto
obtain yvv where yvv: "yv = IntVal b yvv"
by (metis p(3,4,7) wf_stamp_def ExpIntBecomesIntVal)
have yxDiff: "xv ≠ yv"
by (metis linorder_not_less max.absorb1 max.absorb4 max_less_iff_conj min_def xv yvv
wf_stamp_def valid_int_signed_range p(1,2,3,4,5,7))
then have trueEvalCond: "(cond = IntVal 32 0) ⟹
[m,p] ⊢ exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals (c ? x : y) (y)]
↦ intval_equals yv yv"
by (smt (verit) cNotRange trueCond ConditionalExprE cond bin_eval.simps(13) evalDet p
falseCond unfold_binary val_to_bool.simps(1))
then have falseEval: "(notCond = IntVal 32 0) ⟹
[m,p] ⊢ exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals (c ? x : y) (y)]
↦ intval_equals xv yv"
using p by (metis ConditionalExprE bin_eval.simps(13) evalDet falseCond unfold_binary)
have eqEvalFalse: "intval_equals yv xv = (IntVal 32 0)"
unfolding xvv yvv apply auto by (metis (mono_tags) bool_to_val.simps(2) yxDiff yvv xvv)
have trueEvalEquiv: "[m,p] ⊢ exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals (c ? x : y) (y)] ↦ notCond"
apply (cases notCond) prefer 2
apply (metis IntVal0 Value.distinct(1) eqEvalFalse evalDet evaltree_not_undef falseEval p(6)
intval_commute intval_logic_negation.simps(1) intval_self_is_true logic_negate_def
negation_preserve_eval2 notCond trueEvalCond yvv cNotRange cond)
using notCond cNotRange by auto
show ?thesis
using ConditionalExprE
by (metis cNotRange falseEval notCond trueEvalEquiv trueCond falseCond intval_self_is_true
yvv p(9,11) evalDet)
: "exp[(c ? true : false)] ⟼ c
when isBoolean c"
using isBoolean_def by fastforce
: "exp[(c ? false : true)] ⟼ !c
when isBoolean c"
apply auto
subgoal premises p for m p cExpr cond
obtain cond where cond: "[m,p] ⊢ c ↦ cond"
using p(2) by auto
obtain notCond where notCond: "[m,p] ⊢ exp[!c] ↦ notCond"
by (metis cond negation_preserve_eval2 p(1))
then have cRange: "cond = IntVal 32 0 ∨ cond = IntVal 32 1"
using isBoolean_def cond p(1) by auto
then have cExprRange: "cExpr = IntVal 32 0 ∨ cExpr = IntVal 32 1"
by (metis (full_types) ConstantExprE p(4))
then have condTrue: "cond = IntVal 32 1 ⟹ cExpr = IntVal 32 0"
using cond evalDet p(2) p(4) by fastforce
then have condFalse: "cond = IntVal 32 0 ⟹ cExpr = IntVal 32 1"
using p cond evalDet by fastforce
then have opposite: "cond = intval_logic_negation cExpr"
by (metis (full_types) IntVal0 IntVal1 cRange condTrue intval_logic_negation.simps(1)
then have eq: "notCond = cExpr"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) IntVal0 IntVal1 cExprRange cond evalDet negation_preserve_eval
intval_logic_negation.simps(1) logic_negate_def notCond)
then show ?thesis
using notCond by auto
optimization ConditionalEqualIsRHS: "((x eq y) ? x : y) ⟼ y"
apply auto
subgoal premises p for m p v true false xa ya
obtain xv where xv: "[m,p] ⊢ x ↦ xv"
using p(8) by auto
obtain yv where yv: "[m,p] ⊢ y ↦ yv"
using p(9) by auto
have notUndef: "xv ≠ UndefVal ∧ yv ≠ UndefVal"
using evaltree_not_undef xv yv by blast
have evalNotUndef: "intval_equals xv yv ≠ UndefVal"
by (metis evalDet p(1,8,9) xv yv)
obtain xb xvv where xvv: "xv = IntVal xb xvv"
by (metis Value.exhaust evalNotUndef intval_equals.simps(3,4,5) notUndef)
obtain yb yvv where yvv: "yv = IntVal yb yvv"
by (metis evalNotUndef intval_equals.simps(7,8,9) intval_logic_negation.cases notUndef)
obtain vv where evalLHS: "[m,p] ⊢ if val_to_bool (intval_equals xv yv) then x else y ↦ vv"
by (metis (full_types) p(4) yv)
obtain equ where equ: "equ = intval_equals xv yv"
by fastforce
have trueEval: "equ = IntVal 32 1 ⟹ vv = xv"
using evalLHS by (simp add: evalDet xv equ)
have falseEval: "equ = IntVal 32 0 ⟹ vv = yv"
using evalLHS by (simp add: evalDet yv equ)
then have "vv = v"
by (metis evalDet evalLHS p(2,8,9) xv yv)
then show ?thesis
by (metis (full_types) bool_to_val.simps(1,2) bool_to_val_bin.simps equ evalNotUndef falseEval
intval_equals.simps(1) trueEval xvv yv yvv)
optimization normalizeX: "((x eq const (IntVal 32 0)) ?
(const (IntVal 32 0)) : (const (IntVal 32 1))) ⟼ x
when stamp_expr x = IntegerStamp 32 0 1 ∧ wf_stamp x ∧
isBoolean x"
apply auto
subgoal premises p for m p v
proof -
obtain xa where xa: "[m,p] ⊢ x ↦ xa"
using p by blast
have eval: "[m,p] ⊢ if val_to_bool (intval_equals xa (IntVal 32 0))
then ConstantExpr (IntVal 32 0)
else ConstantExpr (IntVal 32 1) ↦ v"
using evalDet p(3,4,5,6,7) xa by blast
then have xaRange: "xa = IntVal 32 0 ∨ xa = IntVal 32 1"
using isBoolean_def p(3) xa by blast
then have 6: "v = xa"
using eval xaRange by auto
then show ?thesis
by (auto simp: xa)
optimization normalizeX2: "((x eq (const (IntVal 32 1))) ?
(const (IntVal 32 1)) : (const (IntVal 32 0))) ⟼ x
when (x = ConstantExpr (IntVal 32 0) |
(x = ConstantExpr (IntVal 32 1)))" .
optimization flipX: "((x eq (const (IntVal 32 0))) ?
(const (IntVal 32 1)) : (const (IntVal 32 0))) ⟼ x ⊕ (const (IntVal 32 1))
when (x = ConstantExpr (IntVal 32 0) |
(x = ConstantExpr (IntVal 32 1)))" .
optimization flipX2: "((x eq (const (IntVal 32 1))) ?
(const (IntVal 32 0)) : (const (IntVal 32 1))) ⟼ x ⊕ (const (IntVal 32 1))
when (x = ConstantExpr (IntVal 32 0) |
(x = ConstantExpr (IntVal 32 1)))" .
lemma stamp_of_default:
assumes "stamp_expr x = default_stamp"
assumes "wf_stamp x"
shows "([m, p] ⊢ x ↦ v) ⟶ (∃vv. v = IntVal 32 vv)"
by (metis assms default_stamp valid_value_elims(3) wf_stamp_def)
optimization OptimiseIntegerTest:
"(((x & (const (IntVal 32 1))) eq (const (IntVal 32 0))) ?
(const (IntVal 32 0)) : (const (IntVal 32 1))) ⟼
x & (const (IntVal 32 1))
when (stamp_expr x = default_stamp ∧ wf_stamp x)"
apply (simp; rule impI; (rule allI)+; rule impI)
subgoal premises eval for m p v
proof -
obtain xv where xv: "[m, p] ⊢ x ↦ xv"
using eval by fast
then have x32: "∃v. xv = IntVal 32 v"
using stamp_of_default eval by auto
obtain lhs where lhs: "[m, p] ⊢ exp[(((x & (const (IntVal 32 1))) eq (const (IntVal 32 0))) ?
(const (IntVal 32 0)) : (const (IntVal 32 1)))] ↦ lhs"
using eval(2) by auto
then have lhsV: "lhs = val[((xv & (IntVal 32 1)) eq (IntVal 32 0)) ?
(IntVal 32 0) : (IntVal 32 1)]"
using ConditionalExprE ConstantExprE bin_eval.simps(4,11) evalDet xv unfold_binary
by fastforce
obtain rhs where rhs: "[m, p] ⊢ exp[x & (const (IntVal 32 1))] ↦ rhs"
using eval(2) by blast
then have rhsV: "rhs = val[xv & IntVal 32 1]"
by (metis BinaryExprE ConstantExprE bin_eval.simps(6) evalDet xv)
have "lhs = rhs"
using val_optimise_integer_test x32 lhsV rhsV by presburger
then show ?thesis
by (metis eval(2) evalDet lhs rhs)
optimization opt_optimise_integer_test_2:
"(((x & (const (IntVal 32 1))) eq (const (IntVal 32 0))) ?
(const (IntVal 32 0)) : (const (IntVal 32 1))) ⟼ x
when (x = ConstantExpr (IntVal 32 0) | (x = ConstantExpr (IntVal 32 1)))" .