Theory NewAnd

subsection ‹Experimental AndNode Phase›

theory NewAnd

lemma intval_distribute_and_over_or:
  "val[z & (x | y)] = val[(z & x) | (z & y)]"
  by (cases x; cases y; cases z; auto simp add: bit.conj_disj_distrib)

lemma exp_distribute_and_over_or:
  "exp[z & (x | y)]  exp[(z & x) | (z & y)]"
  apply auto
  by (metis bin_eval.simps(6,7) intval_or.simps(2,6) intval_distribute_and_over_or BinaryExpr)

lemma intval_and_commute:
  "val[x & y] = val[y & x]"
  by (cases x; cases y; auto simp: and.commute)

lemma intval_or_commute:
  "val[x | y] = val[y | x]"
  by (cases x; cases y; auto simp: or.commute)

lemma intval_xor_commute:
  "val[x  y] = val[y  x]"
  by (cases x; cases y; auto simp: xor.commute)

lemma exp_and_commute:
  "exp[x & z]  exp[z & x]"
  by (auto simp: intval_and_commute)

lemma exp_or_commute:
  "exp[x | y]  exp[y | x]"
  by (auto simp: intval_or_commute)

lemma exp_xor_commute:
  "exp[x  y]  exp[y  x]"
  by (auto simp: intval_xor_commute)

lemma intval_eliminate_y:
  assumes "val[y & z] = IntVal b 0"
  shows "val[(x | y) & z] = val[x & z]"
  using assms by (cases x; cases y; cases z; auto simp add: bit.conj_disj_distrib2)

lemma intval_and_associative:
  "val[(x & y) & z] = val[x & (y & z)]"
  by (cases x; cases y; cases z; auto simp: and.assoc)

lemma intval_or_associative:
  "val[(x | y) | z] = val[x | (y | z)]"
  by (cases x; cases y; cases z; auto simp: or.assoc) 

lemma intval_xor_associative:
  "val[(x  y)  z] = val[x  (y  z)]"
  by (cases x; cases y; cases z; auto simp: xor.assoc)

lemma exp_and_associative:
  "exp[(x & y) & z]  exp[x & (y & z)]"
  using intval_and_associative by fastforce

lemma exp_or_associative:
  "exp[(x | y) | z]  exp[x | (y | z)]"
  using intval_or_associative by fastforce

lemma exp_xor_associative:
  "exp[(x  y)  z]  exp[x  (y  z)]"
  using intval_xor_associative by fastforce

lemma intval_and_absorb_or:
  assumes "b v . x = new_int b v" (* TODO: required? *)
  assumes "val[x & (x | y)]  UndefVal"
  shows "val[x & (x | y)] = val[x]"
  using assms apply (cases x; cases y; auto)
  by (metis (full_types) intval_and.simps(6))

lemma intval_or_absorb_and:
  assumes "b v . x = new_int b v" (* TODO: required? *)
  assumes "val[x | (x & y)]  UndefVal"
  shows "val[x | (x & y)] = val[x]"
  using assms apply (cases x; cases y; auto)
  by (metis (full_types) intval_or.simps(6))

lemma exp_and_absorb_or:
  "exp[x & (x | y)]  exp[x]"
  apply auto
  subgoal premises p for m p xa xaa ya
    obtain xv where xv: "[m,p]  x  xv"
      using p(1) by auto
    obtain yv where yv: "[m,p]  y  yv"
      using p(4) by auto
    then have lhsDefined: "val[xv & (xv | yv)]  UndefVal"
      by (metis evalDet p(1,2,3,4) xv)
    obtain xb xvv where xvv: "xv = IntVal xb xvv"
      by (metis Value.exhaust_sel intval_and.simps(2,3,4,5) lhsDefined)
    obtain yb yvv where yvv: "yv = IntVal yb yvv"
      by (metis Value.exhaust_sel intval_and.simps(6) intval_or.simps(6,7,8,9) lhsDefined)
    then have valEval: "val[xv & (xv | yv)] = val[xv]"
      by (metis eval_unused_bits_zero intval_and_absorb_or lhsDefined new_int.elims xv xvv)
    then show ?thesis
      by (metis evalDet p(1,3,4) xv yv)

lemma exp_or_absorb_and:
  "exp[x | (x & y)]  exp[x]"
  apply auto
  subgoal premises p for m p xa xaa ya
    obtain xv where xv: "[m,p]  x  xv"
      using p(1) by auto
    obtain yv where yv: "[m,p]  y  yv"
      using p(4) by auto
    then have lhsDefined: "val[xv | (xv & yv)]  UndefVal"
      by (metis evalDet p(1,2,3,4) xv)
    obtain xb xvv where xvv: "xv = IntVal xb xvv"
      by (metis Value.exhaust_sel intval_and.simps(3,4,5) intval_or.simps(2,6) lhsDefined)
    obtain yb yvv where yvv: "yv = IntVal yb yvv"
      by (metis Value.exhaust_sel intval_and.simps(6,7,8,9) intval_or.simps(6) lhsDefined)
    then have valEval: "val[xv | (xv & yv)] = val[xv]"
      by (metis eval_unused_bits_zero intval_or_absorb_and lhsDefined new_int.elims xv xvv)
    then show ?thesis
      by (metis evalDet p(1,3,4) xv yv)

  assumes "y = 0"
  shows "x + y = or x y"
  by (simp add: assms)

  fixes x y :: "64 word"
  assumes "∃e. n = 2^e"
  assumes "and y n = 0"
  shows "x + y = (or (and x n) (and y n)) + ((x >> n) + (y >> n) << n)"

lemma no_overlap_or:
  assumes "and x y = 0"
  shows "x + y = or x y"
  by (metis bit_and_iff bit_xor_iff disjunctive_add xor_self_eq assms)

(*lemma no_carry_zero_bit:
  assumes "¬(bit y j)"
  assumes "¬(bit y (Suc j))"
  shows "bit (x + y) (Suc j) = bit x (Suc j)"
  using assms sorry*)

  fixes x y :: "'a :: len word"
  assumes "(and y (mask (Suc j))) = 0"
  shows "bit (x + y) j = bit (or x y) j"
  using assms proof (induction j)
  case 0
  then show ?case
    by (metis Word.mask_Suc_0 bit_0 bit_1_iff bit_and_iff bit_mask_iff even_add even_or_iff less_numeral_extra(3) mask_0)
  case (Suc j)
  then show ?case sorry

lemma packed_bottom_zeros_elim_add:
  fixes x y :: "'a :: len word"
  assumes "⋀n. n ≤ j ⟹ ¬(bit y n)"
  shows "bit (x + y) j = bit x j"
  using assms 
proof -
  have "(and y (mask j)) = 0"
    using assms
    by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) bit_and_iff bit_eq_iff bit_mask_iff order_le_less zero_and_eq)
  have "bit (x + y) j = bit (or x y) j"
    using assms
    proof (induction j)
      case 0
      then show ?case
        by (simp add: even_or_iff)
      case (Suc j)
      then show ?case sorry
  then show ?thesis
    by (simp add: assms bit_or_iff)
proof (induction j)
  case 0
  then show ?case
    by auto
  case (Suc j)
  have "(and y (2^(Suc j))) = 0"
    using Suc.prems and_exp_eq_0_iff_not_bit by blast
  then show ?case sorry
  using assms bit_and_iff bit_xor_iff disjunctive_add xor_self_eq sorry*)
using assms proof (induction j)
  case 0
  then show ?case
    by (metis assms bit_0 bot_nat_0.extremum even_add)
  case (Suc j)
  have j0: "¬(bit y j)"
    by (simp add: Suc.prems)
  have sj0: "¬(bit y (Suc j))"
    by (simp add: Suc.prems)
  show ?case using j0 sj0 no_overlap_or
    by blast
qed *)

lemma packed_bits:
  fixes a :: "64 word"
  assumes "numberOfLeadingZeros a + bitCount a = 64"
  assumes "a ≠ 0"
  shows "n ≤ highestOneBit a ⟶ bit a n"
proof -
  obtain j where j: "j = highestOneBit a"
    by simp
  then have "∀i. i < Nat.size a ∧ i > j ⟶ ¬(bit a i)"
    unfolding highestOneBit_def
    by (simp add: j zerosAboveHighestOne)
  have "Nat.size a > highestOneBit a"
    unfolding highestOneBit_def MaxOrNeg_def
    by (simp add: max_bit)
  then have jcard: "numberOfLeadingZeros a = card {i. j ≤ i ∧ i ≤ Nat.size a}"
    unfolding numberOfLeadingZeros_def using j card_of_range_bound leadingZerosAddHighestOne sorry
    by presburger
  obtain k where k: "k = Nat.size a - numberOfLeadingZeros a"
    by presburger
  then have "k = bitCount a"
    using assms
    using size64 by auto
  have union: "{i. j < i ∧ i < Nat.size a} ∪ {i. i ≤ j} = {i. i < Nat.size a}"
    apply auto
    using ‹highestOneBit (a::64 word) < int (size_class.size a)› j by linarith
  have intersect: "{i. j < i ∧ i < Nat.size a} ∩ {i. i ≤ j} = {}"
    by force
  have "card {i. j < i ∧ i < Nat.size a} + card {i. i ≤ j} = card {i. i < Nat.size a}"
    using card_add intersect union sorry
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) Int_commute bounded_nat_set_is_finite finite_Un mem_Collect_eq)
  then have "numberOfLeadingZeros a + card {i. i ≤ j} = Nat.size a + 1"
    unfolding jcard card_of_range apply auto sorry
    by (metis j jcard leadingZerosAddHighestOne)
  then have "k = card {i. i < j}"
    using assms k
    by (simp add: add.commute)
  have "{i. j < i ∧ i < Nat.size a} ∩ {i. i ≤ j} = {}"
    using intersect by blast
  have "∀i . i ∈ {i. j < i ∧ i < Nat.size a} ⟶ ¬(bit a i)"
    using ‹∀i::nat. i < size_class.size (a::64 word) ∧ (j::nat) < i ⟶ ¬ bit a i› by blast
  then have "∀i . i ∈ {i. i < j} ⟶ bit a i"
  then have less: "∀i. i < j ⟶ bit a i"
    by blast
  have eq: "bit a j"
    using j unfolding highestOneBit_def MaxOrZero_def
    by (metis Max_in assms(2) disjunctive_diff eq_iff_diff_eq_0 equals0D finite_bit_word mem_Collect_eq zero_and_eq)
  then show ?thesis
    using j
    by (simp add: less order_le_less)

context stamp_mask

lemma intval_up_and_zero_implies_zero:
  assumes "and (x) (y) = 0"
  assumes "[m, p]  x  xv"
  assumes "[m, p]  y  yv"
  assumes "val[xv & yv]  UndefVal"
  shows " b . val[xv & yv] = new_int b 0"
  using assms apply (cases xv; cases yv; auto)
  apply (metis eval_unused_bits_zero stamp_mask.up_mask_and_zero_implies_zero stamp_mask_axioms)
  by presburger

lemma exp_eliminate_y:
  "and (y) (z) = 0  exp[(x | y) & z]  exp[x & z]"
  apply simp apply (rule impI; rule allI; rule allI; rule allI) 
  subgoal premises p for m p v apply (rule impI) subgoal premises e
  proof -
    obtain xv where xv: "[m,p]  x  xv"
      using e by auto
    obtain yv where yv: "[m,p]  y  yv"
      using e by auto
    obtain zv where zv: "[m,p]  z  zv"
      using e by auto
    have lhs: "v = val[(xv | yv) & zv]" 
      by (smt (verit, best) BinaryExprE bin_eval.simps(6,7) e evalDet xv yv zv)
    then have "v = val[(xv & zv) | (yv & zv)]"
      by (simp add: intval_and_commute intval_distribute_and_over_or)
    also have "b. val[yv & zv] = new_int b 0"
      by (metis calculation e intval_or.simps(6) p unfold_binary intval_up_and_zero_implies_zero yv
    ultimately have rhs: "v = val[xv & zv]"
      by (auto simp: intval_eliminate_y lhs)
    from lhs rhs show ?thesis
      by (metis BinaryExpr BinaryExprE bin_eval.simps(6) e xv zv)

lemma leadingZeroBounds:
  fixes x :: "'a::len word"
  assumes "n = numberOfLeadingZeros x"
  shows "0  n  n  Nat.size x"
  by (simp add: MaxOrNeg_def highestOneBit_def nat_le_iff numberOfLeadingZeros_def assms)

lemma above_nth_not_set:
  fixes x :: int64
  assumes "n = 64 - numberOfLeadingZeros x"
  shows "j > n  ¬(bit x j)"
  by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) highestOneBit_def int_nat_eq int_ops(6) less_imp_of_nat_less size64 
      max_set_bit zerosAboveHighestOne assms numberOfLeadingZeros_def)

no_notation LogicNegationNotation ("!_")

lemma zero_horner:
  "horner_sum of_bool 2 (map (λx. False) xs) = 0"
  by (induction xs; auto)

lemma zero_map:
  assumes "j  n"
  assumes "i. j  i  ¬(f i)"
  shows "map f [0..<n] = map f [0..<j] @ map (λx. False) [j..<n]"
  by (smt (verit, del_insts) add_diff_inverse_nat atLeastLessThan_iff bot_nat_0.extremum leD assms
      map_append map_eq_conv set_upt upt_add_eq_append)

lemma map_join_horner:
  assumes "map f [0..<n] = map f [0..<j] @ map (λx. False) [j..<n]"
  shows "horner_sum of_bool (2::'a::len word) (map f [0..<n]) = horner_sum of_bool 2 (map f [0..<j])"
proof -
  have "horner_sum of_bool (2::'a::len word) (map f [0..<n]) = horner_sum of_bool 2 (map f [0..<j]) + 2 ^ length [0..<j] * horner_sum of_bool 2 (map f [j..<n])"
    using assms apply auto
    by (smt (verit) assms diff_le_self diff_zero le_add_same_cancel2 length_append length_map
        length_upt map_append upt_add_eq_append horner_sum_append)
  also have "... = horner_sum of_bool 2 (map f [0..<j]) + 2 ^ length [0..<j] * horner_sum of_bool 2 (map (λx. False) [j..<n])"
    by (metis calculation horner_sum_append length_map assms)
  also have "... = horner_sum of_bool 2 (map f [0..<j])"
    using zero_horner mult_not_zero by auto
  finally show ?thesis 
    by simp

lemma split_horner:
  assumes "j  n"
  assumes "i. j  i  ¬(f i)"
  shows "horner_sum of_bool (2::'a::len word) (map f [0..<n]) = horner_sum of_bool 2 (map f [0..<j])"
  by (auto simp: assms zero_map map_join_horner)

lemma transfer_map:
  assumes "i. i < n  f i = f' i"
  shows "(map f [0..<n]) = (map f' [0..<n])"
  by (simp add: assms)

lemma transfer_horner:
  assumes "i. i < n  f i = f' i"
  shows "horner_sum of_bool (2::'a::len word) (map f [0..<n]) = horner_sum of_bool 2 (map f' [0..<n])"
  by (smt (verit, best) assms transfer_map)

lemma L1:
  assumes "n = 64 - numberOfLeadingZeros (z)"
  assumes "[m, p]  z  IntVal b zv"
  shows "and v zv = and (v mod 2^n) zv"
proof -
  have nle: "n  64"
    using assms diff_le_self by blast
  also have "and v zv = horner_sum of_bool 2 (map (bit (and v zv)) [0..<64])"
    by (metis size_word.rep_eq take_bit_length_eq horner_sum_bit_eq_take_bit size64)
  also have "... = horner_sum of_bool 2 (map (λi. bit (and v zv) i) [0..<64])"
    by blast
  also have "... = horner_sum of_bool 2 (map (λi. ((bit v i)  (bit zv i))) [0..<64])"
    by (metis bit_and_iff)
  also have "... = horner_sum of_bool 2 (map (λi. ((bit v i)  (bit zv i))) [0..<n])"
  proof -
    have "i. i  n  ¬(bit zv i)"
      by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) One_nat_def diff_less int_ops(6) leadingZerosAddHighestOne assms
          linorder_not_le nat_int_comparison(2) not_numeral_le_zero size64 zero_less_Suc 
          zerosAboveHighestOne not_may_implies_false)
    then have "i. i  n  ¬((bit v i)  (bit zv i))"
      by auto
    then show ?thesis using nle split_horner
      by (metis (no_types, lifting))
  also have "... = horner_sum of_bool 2 (map (λi. ((bit (v mod 2^n) i)  (bit zv i))) [0..<n])"
  proof -
    have "i. i < n  bit (v mod 2^n) i = bit v i"
      by (metis bit_take_bit_iff take_bit_eq_mod)
    then have "i. i < n  ((bit v i)  (bit zv i)) = ((bit (v mod 2^n) i)  (bit zv i))"
      by force
    then show ?thesis
      by (rule transfer_horner)
  also have "... = horner_sum of_bool 2 (map (λi. ((bit (v mod 2^n) i)  (bit zv i))) [0..<64])"
  proof -
    have "i. i  n  ¬(bit zv i)"
      by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) One_nat_def diff_less int_ops(6) leadingZerosAddHighestOne assms 
          linorder_not_le nat_int_comparison(2) not_numeral_le_zero size64 zero_less_Suc 
          zerosAboveHighestOne not_may_implies_false)
    then show ?thesis
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms(1) diff_le_self split_horner)
  also have "... = horner_sum of_bool 2 (map (bit (and (v mod 2^n) zv)) [0..<64])"
    by (meson bit_and_iff)
  also have "... = and (v mod 2^n) zv"
    by (metis size_word.rep_eq take_bit_length_eq horner_sum_bit_eq_take_bit size64)
  finally show ?thesis
    using and (v::64 word) (zv::64 word) = horner_sum of_bool (2::64 word) (map (bit (and v zv)) [0::nat..<64::nat]) horner_sum of_bool (2::64 word) (map (λi::nat. bit ((v::64 word) mod (2::64 word) ^ (n::nat)) i  bit (zv::64 word) i) [0::nat..<64::nat]) = horner_sum of_bool (2::64 word) (map (bit (and (v mod (2::64 word) ^ n) zv)) [0::nat..<64::nat]) horner_sum of_bool (2::64 word) (map (λi::nat. bit ((v::64 word) mod (2::64 word) ^ (n::nat)) i  bit (zv::64 word) i) [0::nat..<n]) = horner_sum of_bool (2::64 word) (map (λi::nat. bit (v mod (2::64 word) ^ n) i  bit zv i) [0::nat..<64::nat]) horner_sum of_bool (2::64 word) (map (λi::nat. bit (v::64 word) i  bit (zv::64 word) i) [0::nat..<64::nat]) = horner_sum of_bool (2::64 word) (map (λi::nat. bit v i  bit zv i) [0::nat..<n::nat]) horner_sum of_bool (2::64 word) (map (λi::nat. bit (v::64 word) i  bit (zv::64 word) i) [0::nat..<n::nat]) = horner_sum of_bool (2::64 word) (map (λi::nat. bit (v mod (2::64 word) ^ n) i  bit zv i) [0::nat..<n]) horner_sum of_bool (2::64 word) (map (bit (and ((v::64 word) mod (2::64 word) ^ (n::nat)) (zv::64 word))) [0::nat..<64::nat]) = and (v mod (2::64 word) ^ n) zv horner_sum of_bool (2::64 word) (map (bit (and (v::64 word) (zv::64 word))) [0::nat..<64::nat]) = horner_sum of_bool (2::64 word) (map (λi::nat. bit v i  bit zv i) [0::nat..<64::nat]) by presburger

lemma up_mask_upper_bound:
  assumes "[m, p]  x  IntVal b xv"
  shows "xv  (x)"
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) and.right_neutral bit.conj_cancel_left bit.conj_disj_distribs(1)
      bit.double_compl ucast_id up_spec word_and_le1 word_not_dist(2) assms)

lemma L2:
  assumes "numberOfLeadingZeros (z) + numberOfTrailingZeros (y)  64"
  assumes "n = 64 - numberOfLeadingZeros (z)"
  assumes "[m, p]  z  IntVal b zv"
  assumes "[m, p]  y  IntVal b yv"
  shows "yv mod 2^n = 0"
proof -
  have "yv mod 2^n = horner_sum of_bool 2 (map (bit yv) [0..<n])"
    by (simp add: horner_sum_bit_eq_take_bit take_bit_eq_mod)
  also have "...  horner_sum of_bool 2 (map (bit (y)) [0..<n])"
    by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) and.right_neutral bit.conj_cancel_right word_not_dist(2)
        bit.conj_disj_distribs(1) bit.double_compl horner_sum_bit_eq_take_bit take_bit_and ucast_id 
        up_spec word_and_le1 assms(4))
  also have "horner_sum of_bool 2 (map (bit (y)) [0..<n]) = horner_sum of_bool 2 (map (λx. False) [0..<n])"
  proof -
    have "i < n. ¬(bit (y) i)"
      by (metis add.commute add_diff_inverse_nat add_lessD1 leD le_diff_conv zerosBelowLowestOne
          numberOfTrailingZeros_def assms(1,2))
    then show ?thesis
      by (metis (full_types) transfer_map)
  also have "horner_sum of_bool 2 (map (λx. False) [0..<n]) = 0"
    by (auto simp: zero_horner)
  finally show ?thesis
    by auto

thm_oracles L1 L2

lemma unfold_binary_width_add:
  shows "([m,p]  BinaryExpr BinAdd xe ye  IntVal b val) = ( x y.
          (([m,p]  xe  IntVal b x) 
           ([m,p]  ye  IntVal b y) 
           (IntVal b val = bin_eval BinAdd (IntVal b x) (IntVal b y)) 
           (IntVal b val  UndefVal)
        ))" (is "?L = ?R")
  using unfold_binary_width by simp

lemma unfold_binary_width_and:
  shows "([m,p]  BinaryExpr BinAnd xe ye  IntVal b val) = ( x y.
          (([m,p]  xe  IntVal b x) 
           ([m,p]  ye  IntVal b y) 
           (IntVal b val = bin_eval BinAnd (IntVal b x) (IntVal b y)) 
           (IntVal b val  UndefVal)
        ))" (is "?L = ?R")
  using unfold_binary_width by simp

lemma mod_dist_over_add_right:
  fixes a b c :: int64
  fixes n :: nat
  assumes "0 < n"
  assumes "n < 64"
  shows "(a + b mod 2^n) mod 2^n = (a + b) mod 2^n"
  using mod_dist_over_add by (simp add: assms add.commute)

lemma numberOfLeadingZeros_range:
  "0  numberOfLeadingZeros n  numberOfLeadingZeros n  Nat.size n"
  by (simp add: leadingZeroBounds)

lemma improved_opt:
  assumes "numberOfLeadingZeros (z) + numberOfTrailingZeros (y)  64"
  shows "exp[(x + y) & z]  exp[x & z]"
  apply simp apply ((rule allI)+; rule impI)
  subgoal premises eval for m p v
proof -
  obtain n where n: "n = 64 - numberOfLeadingZeros (z)"
    by simp
  obtain b val where val: "[m, p]  exp[(x + y) & z]  IntVal b val"
    by (metis BinaryExprE bin_eval_new_int eval new_int.simps)
  then obtain xv yv where addv: "[m, p]  exp[x + y]  IntVal b (xv + yv)"
    apply (subst (asm) unfold_binary_width_and) by (metis add.right_neutral)
  then obtain yv where yv: "[m, p]  y  IntVal b yv"
    apply (subst (asm) unfold_binary_width_add) by blast
  from addv obtain xv where xv: "[m, p]  x  IntVal b xv"
    apply (subst (asm) unfold_binary_width_add) by blast
  from val obtain zv where zv: "[m, p]  z  IntVal b zv"
    apply (subst (asm) unfold_binary_width_and) by blast
  have addv: "[m, p]  exp[x + y]  new_int b (xv + yv)"
    using xv yv evaltree.BinaryExpr by auto
  have lhs: "[m, p]  exp[(x + y) & z]  new_int b (and (xv + yv) zv)"
    using addv zv apply (rule evaltree.BinaryExpr) by simp+
  have rhs: "[m, p]  exp[x & z]  new_int b (and xv zv)"
    using xv zv evaltree.BinaryExpr by auto
  then show ?thesis
  proof (cases "numberOfLeadingZeros (z) > 0")
    case True
    have n_bounds: "0  n  n < 64"
      by (simp add: True n)
    have "and (xv + yv) zv = and ((xv + yv) mod 2^n) zv"
      using L1 n zv by blast
    also have "... = and ((xv + (yv mod 2^n)) mod 2^n) zv"
      by (metis take_bit_0 take_bit_eq_mod zero_less_iff_neq_zero mod_dist_over_add_right n_bounds)
    also have "... = and (((xv mod 2^n) + (yv mod 2^n)) mod 2^n) zv"
      by (metis bits_mod_by_1 mod_dist_over_add n_bounds order_le_imp_less_or_eq power_0)
    also have "... = and ((xv mod 2^n) mod 2^n) zv"
      using L2 n zv yv assms by auto
    also have "... = and (xv mod 2^n) zv"
      by (smt (verit, best) and.idem take_bit_eq_mask take_bit_eq_mod word_bw_assocs(1) 
    also have "... = and xv zv"
      by (metis L1 n zv)
    finally show ?thesis
      by (metis evalDet eval lhs rhs)
    case False
    then have "numberOfLeadingZeros (z) = 0"
      by simp
    then have "numberOfTrailingZeros (y)  64"
      using assms by fastforce 
    then have "yv = 0"
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) L1 L2 add_diff_cancel_left' and.comm_neutral linorder_not_le
          bit.conj_cancel_right bit.conj_disj_distribs(1) bit.double_compl less_imp_diff_less yv
    then show ?thesis
      by (metis add.right_neutral eval evalDet lhs rhs)

thm_oracles improved_opt

lemma falseBelowN_nBelowLowest:
  assumes "n ≤ Nat.size a"
  assumes "∀ i < n. ¬(bit a i)"
  shows "lowestOneBit a ≥ n"
proof (cases "{i. bit a i} = {}")
  case True
  then show ?thesis unfolding lowestOneBit_def MinOrHighest_def
    using assms(1) trans_le_add1 by presburger
  case False
  have "n ≤ Min (Collect (bit a))"
    by (metis False Min_ge_iff assms(2) finite_bit_word linorder_le_less_linear mem_Collect_eq)
  then show ?thesis unfolding lowestOneBit_def MinOrHighest_def
    using False by presburger

lemma noZeros_Count:
  fixes a :: "64 word"
  assumes "zeroCount a = 0"
  shows "i < Nat.size a ⟶ bit a i"
  using assms unfolding zeroCount_def size64
  using zeroCount_finite by auto

lemma allZeros_Count:
  fixes a :: "64 word"
  assumes "zeroCount a = 64"
  shows "¬(bit a i)"
  using assms unfolding zeroCount_def size64
  using zeroCount_finite apply auto sorry

lemma zeroBits:
  fixes a :: "'a::len word"
  shows "(∀i. ¬(bit a i)) ⟷ a = 0"
  apply auto
  by (simp add: bit_word_eqI)

lemma mask_bit_iff:
  fixes a :: "'a::len word"
  assumes "n ≤ Nat.size a"
  shows "a = mask n ⟹ bit a i ⟷ i < n"
  apply auto
  using Word.bit_mask_iff
   apply auto[1] using assms
  by (simp add: Word.bit_mask_iff wsst_TYs(3))

lemma maskBitCount:
  fixes a :: "'a::len word"
  assumes "n ≤ Nat.size a"
  shows "a = mask n ⟹ card {i. bit a i} = n"
  using mask_bit_iff assms
  by fastforce

lemma packedMask:
  fixes a :: "64 word"
  assumes "numberOfLeadingZeros a = zeroCount a"
  shows "a = mask (64 - numberOfLeadingZeros a)"
  using assms
proof (induction "64 - numberOfLeadingZeros a")
  case 0
  have "numberOfLeadingZeros a = 64"
    by (metis "0.hyps" local.numberOfLeadingZeros_range nat_less_le size64 zero_less_diff)
  then have "zeroCount a = 64"
    using assms by fastforce
  then have "a = 0"
    using allZeros_Count zeroBits by blast
  then show ?case
    by (simp add: "0.hyps")
  case (Suc x)
  then have "numberOfLeadingZeros a = 64 - Suc x"
    by (metis add_diff_cancel_right' add_diff_inverse_nat less_numeral_extra(3) nat_diff_split zero_less_Suc)
  then have "zeroCount a = 64 - Suc x"
    using assms by presburger
  from Suc show ?case sorry
proof (induction a)
  case zero
  then show ?case
    by (simp add: MaxOrNeg_neg highestOneBit_def numberOfLeadingZeros_def size64)
  case (suc a)
  then show ?case unfolding MaxOrNeg_neg highestOneBit_def numberOfLeadingZeros_def zeroCount_def
    using size64 apply auto sorry

lemma zerosAboveOnly:
  fixes a :: "64 word"
  assumes "numberOfLeadingZeros a = zeroCount a"
  shows "¬(bit a i) ⟶ i ≥ (64 - numberOfLeadingZeros a)"
proof -
  obtain n where n: "n = 64 - numberOfLeadingZeros a"
    by simp
  then have n_range: "n ≤ Nat.size a"
    using size64
    by presburger
  then have "a = (mask n)"
    using packedMask
    using assms n by blast
  then have "¬ bit a i ⟶ i ≥ n"
    using Word.bit_mask_iff
    by (metis (mono_tags) le_antisym linorder_le_less_linear min_def n_range word_size)
  then show ?thesis using n
    by blast

lemma consumes: 
  assumes "numberOfLeadingZeros (↑z) + bitCount (↑z) = 64"
  and "↑z ≠ 0"
  and "and (↑y) (↑z) = 0"
  shows "numberOfLeadingZeros (↑z) + numberOfTrailingZeros (↑y) ≥ 64"
proof -
  obtain n where "n = 64 - numberOfLeadingZeros (↑z)"
    by simp
  then have "n = bitCount (↑z)"
    by (metis add_diff_cancel_left' assms(1))
  have "numberOfLeadingZeros (↑z) = zeroCount (↑z)"
    using assms(1) size64 ones_zero_sum_to_width
    by (metis add.commute add_left_imp_eq)
  then have "∀i. ¬(bit (↑z) i) ⟶ i ≥ n"
    using assms(1) zerosAboveOnly
    using ‹(n::nat) = (64::nat) - numberOfLeadingZeros (↑ (z::IRExpr))› by blast
  then have "∀ i < n. bit (↑z) i"
    using leD by blast
  then have "∀ i < n. ¬(bit (↑y) i)"
    using assms(3)
    by (metis bit.conj_cancel_right bit_and_iff bit_not_iff)
  then have "lowestOneBit (↑y) ≥ n"
    by (simp add: ‹(n::nat) = (64::nat) - numberOfLeadingZeros (↑ (z::IRExpr))› falseBelowN_nBelowLowest size64)
  then have "n ≤ numberOfTrailingZeros (↑y)"
    unfolding numberOfTrailingZeros_def
    by simp
  have "card {i. i < n} = bitCount (↑z)"
    by (simp add: ‹(n::nat) = bitCount (↑ (z::IRExpr))›)
  then have "bitCount (↑z) ≤ numberOfTrailingZeros (↑y)"
    using ‹(n::nat) ⊑ numberOfTrailingZeros (↑ (y::IRExpr))› by auto
  then show ?thesis using assms(1) by auto

thm_oracles consumes

lemma wrong:
  assumes "numberOfLeadingZeros (↓z) + highestOneBit (↓z) = 64"
  assumes "↓z ≠ 0"
  assumes "and (↑y) (↓z) = 0"
  shows "exp[(x + y) & z] ≥ x"
  using assms apply auto sorry

lemma wrong2:
  (* assumes "numberOfLeadingZeros (↑z) + highestOneBit (↑z) = 64" see: leadingZerosAddHighestOne *)
  assumes "↑z ≠ 0"
  assumes "and (↑y) (↑z) = 0"
  shows "exp[(x + y) & z] ≥ x"
  using assms apply simp apply (rule allI)+
  subgoal premises p for m p v apply (rule impI) subgoal premises e
  proof -
    obtain xv where xv: "[m,p] ⊢ x ↦ xv"
      using e by auto
    obtain yv where yv: "[m,p] ⊢ y ↦ yv"
      using e by auto
    obtain zv where zv: "[m,p] ⊢ z ↦ zv"
      using e by auto
    have lhs: "v = val[(xv + yv) & zv]"
      using xv yv zv
      by (smt (verit, best) BinaryExprE bin_eval.simps(1) bin_eval.simps(4) e evalDet)
    have "val[yv & zv] ≠ UndefVal"
    also have "∃b. val[yv & zv] = new_int b 0"
      using intval_up_and_zero_implies_zero yv zv p(2)
      using calculation by presburger
    ultimately have rhs: "v = val[xv & zv]"
      using intval_eliminate_y lhs sorry
    from lhs rhs show ?thesis sorry

lemma right:
  assumes "numberOfLeadingZeros (↑z) + bitCount (↑z) = 64"
  assumes "↑z ≠ 0"
  assumes "and (↑y) (↑z) = 0"
  shows "exp[(x + y) & z] ≥ exp[x & z]"
apply simp apply (rule allI)+ 
  subgoal premises p for m p v apply (rule impI) subgoal premises e
proof -
  obtain j where j: "j = highestOneBit (↑z)"
    by simp
  obtain xv b where xv: "[m,p] ⊢ x ↦ IntVal b xv"
    using e
    by (metis EvalTreeE(5) bin_eval_inputs_are_ints bin_eval_new_int new_int.simps)
  obtain yv where yv: "[m,p] ⊢ y ↦ IntVal b yv"
    using e EvalTreeE(5) bin_eval_inputs_are_ints bin_eval_new_int new_int.simps
    by (smt (verit) Value.sel(1) bin_eval.simps(1) evalDet intval_add.elims xv)
  obtain xyv where xyv: "[m, p] ⊢ exp[x + y] ↦ IntVal b xyv"
    using e EvalTreeE(5) bin_eval_inputs_are_ints bin_eval_new_int new_int.simps
    xv yv
    by (metis BinaryExpr Value.distinct(1) bin_eval.simps(1) intval_add.simps(1))
  then obtain zv where zv: "[m,p] ⊢ z ↦ IntVal b zv"
    using e EvalTreeE(5) bin_eval_inputs_are_ints bin_eval_new_int new_int.simps
    Value.sel(1) bin_eval.simps(4) evalDet intval_and.elims
    by (smt (verit) new_int_bin.simps)
  have "xyv = take_bit b (xv + yv)"
    using xv yv xyv
    by (metis BinaryExprE Value.sel(2) bin_eval.simps(1) evalDet intval_add.simps(1))
  then have "v = IntVal b (take_bit b (and (take_bit b (xv + yv)) zv))"
    using zv
    by (smt (verit) EvalTreeE(5) Value.sel(1) Value.sel(2) bin_eval.simps(4) e evalDet intval_and.elims new_int.simps new_int_bin.simps xyv)
  then have veval: "v = IntVal b (and (xv + yv) zv)"
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) eval_unused_bits_zero take_bit_eq_mask word_bw_comms(1) word_bw_lcs(1) zv)
  have obligation: "(and (xv + yv) zv) = (and xv zv) ⟹ [m,p] ⊢ BinaryExpr BinAnd x z ↦ v"
    by (smt (verit) EvalTreeE(5) Value.inject(1) ‹(v::Value) = IntVal (b::nat) (take_bit b (and (take_bit b ((xv::64 word) + (yv::64 word))) (zv::64 word)))› ‹(xyv::64 word) = take_bit (b::nat) ((xv::64 word) + (yv::64 word))› bin_eval.simps(4) e evalDet eval_unused_bits_zero evaltree.simps intval_and.simps(1) take_bit_and xv xyv zv)
  have per_bit: "∀n . bit (and (xv + yv) zv) n = bit (and xv zv) n ⟹ (and (xv + yv) zv) = (and xv zv)"
    by (simp add: bit_eq_iff)
  show ?thesis
    apply (rule obligation)
    apply (rule per_bit)
    apply (rule allI)
    subgoal for n
  proof (cases "n ≤ j")
    case True
    then have "¬(bit yv n)"
      by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) bit_and_iff bit_not_iff impossible_bit j packed_bits ucast_id up_spec yv)
    have "∀n' . n' ≤ n ⟶ ¬(bit yv n')"
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) True assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) bit_and_iff bit_not_iff down_spec dual_order.trans j not_may_implies_false packed_bits yv)
    then have "bit (xv + yv) n = bit xv n"
      sorry using packed_bottom_zeros_elim_add
      by blast*)
    then show ?thesis sorry
      (*by (simp add: bit_and_iff)*)
    case False
    then have "¬(bit zv n)"
      by (metis j linorder_not_less not_may_implies_false zerosAboveHighestOne zv)
    then have v: "¬(bit (and (xv + yv) zv) n)"
      by (simp add: bit_and_iff)
    then have v': "¬(bit (and xv zv) n)"
      by (simp add: ‹¬ bit (zv::64 word) (n::nat)› bit_and_iff)
    from v v' show ?thesis
      by simp


phase NewAnd
  terminating size

optimization redundant_lhs_y_or: "((x | y) & z)  x & z
                                when (((and (IRExpr_up y) (IRExpr_up z)) = 0))"
  by (simp add: IRExpr_up_def)+

optimization redundant_lhs_x_or: "((x | y) & z)  y & z
                                when (((and (IRExpr_up x) (IRExpr_up z)) = 0))"
  by (simp add: IRExpr_up_def)+

optimization redundant_rhs_y_or: "(z & (x | y))  z & x
                                when (((and (IRExpr_up y) (IRExpr_up z)) = 0))"
  by (simp add: IRExpr_up_def)+

optimization redundant_rhs_x_or: "(z & (x | y))  z & y
                                when (((and (IRExpr_up x) (IRExpr_up z)) = 0))"
  by (simp add: IRExpr_up_def)+

optimization redundant_lhs_add: "((x + y) & z) ⟼ x & z
                               when ((and (IRExpr_up y) (IRExpr_down z)) = 0)"

