Theory OrPhase
subsection ‹OrNode Phase›
theory OrPhase
context stamp_mask
text ‹
Taking advantage of the truth table of or operations.
\begin{tabular}{ c c c c }
\# & x & y & $x | y$ \\
1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
2 & 0 & 1 & 1 \\
3 & 1 & 0 & 1 \\
4 & 1 & 1 & 1
If row 2 never applies, that is, canBeZero x \& canBeOne y = 0,
then $(x | y) = x$.
Likewise, if row 3 never applies, canBeZero y \& canBeOne x = 0,
then $(x | y) = y$.
lemma OrLeftFallthrough:
assumes "(and (not (↓x)) (↑y)) = 0"
shows "exp[x | y] ≥ exp[x]"
using assms
apply simp apply ((rule allI)+; rule impI)
subgoal premises eval for m p v
proof -
obtain b vv where e: "[m, p] ⊢ exp[x | y] ↦ IntVal b vv"
by (metis BinaryExprE bin_eval_new_int new_int.simps eval(2))
from e obtain xv where xv: "[m, p] ⊢ x ↦ IntVal b xv"
apply (subst (asm) unfold_binary_width) by force+
from e obtain yv where yv: "[m, p] ⊢ y ↦ IntVal b yv"
apply (subst (asm) unfold_binary_width) by force+
have vdef: "v = val[(IntVal b xv) | (IntVal b yv)]"
by (metis bin_eval.simps(7) eval(2) evalDet unfold_binary xv yv)
have "∀ i. (bit xv i) | (bit yv i) = (bit xv i)"
by (metis assms bit_and_iff not_down_up_mask_and_zero_implies_zero xv yv)
then have "IntVal b xv = val[(IntVal b xv) | (IntVal b yv)]"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) and.idem assms bit.conj_disj_distrib eval_unused_bits_zero yv xv
intval_or.simps(1) new_int.simps new_int_bin.simps not_down_up_mask_and_zero_implies_zero
then show ?thesis
using xv vdef by presburger
lemma OrRightFallthrough:
assumes "(and (not (↓y)) (↑x)) = 0"
shows "exp[x | y] ≥ exp[y]"
using assms
apply simp apply ((rule allI)+; rule impI)
subgoal premises eval for m p v
proof -
obtain b vv where e: "[m, p] ⊢ exp[x | y] ↦ IntVal b vv"
by (metis BinaryExprE bin_eval_new_int new_int.simps eval(2))
from e obtain xv where xv: "[m, p] ⊢ x ↦ IntVal b xv"
apply (subst (asm) unfold_binary_width) by force+
from e obtain yv where yv: "[m, p] ⊢ y ↦ IntVal b yv"
apply (subst (asm) unfold_binary_width) by force+
have vdef: "v = val[(IntVal b xv) | (IntVal b yv)]"
by (metis bin_eval.simps(7) eval(2) evalDet unfold_binary xv yv)
have "∀ i. (bit xv i) | (bit yv i) = (bit yv i)"
by (metis assms bit_and_iff not_down_up_mask_and_zero_implies_zero xv yv)
then have "IntVal b yv = val[(IntVal b xv) | (IntVal b yv)]"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms eval_unused_bits_zero intval_or.simps(1) new_int.elims yv
new_int_bin.elims stamp_mask.not_down_up_mask_and_zero_implies_zero stamp_mask_axioms xv
then show ?thesis
using vdef yv by presburger
phase OrNode
terminating size
lemma bin_or_equal:
"bin[x | x] = bin[x]"
by simp
lemma bin_shift_const_right_helper:
"x | y = y | x"
by simp
lemma bin_or_not_operands:
"(~x | ~y) = (~(x & y))"
by simp
lemma val_or_equal:
assumes "x = new_int b v"
and "val[x | x] ≠ UndefVal"
shows "val[x | x] = val[x]"
by (auto simp: assms)
lemma val_elim_redundant_false:
assumes "x = new_int b v"
and "val[x | false] ≠ UndefVal"
shows "val[x | false] = val[x]"
using assms by (cases x; auto; presburger)
lemma val_shift_const_right_helper:
"val[x | y] = val[y | x]"
by (cases x; cases y; auto simp: or.commute)
lemma val_or_not_operands:
"val[~x | ~y] = val[~(x & y)]"
by (cases x; cases y; auto simp: take_bit_not_take_bit)
lemma exp_or_equal:
"exp[x | x] ≥ exp[x]"
apply auto[1]
subgoal premises p for m p xa ya
obtain xv where xv: "[m,p] ⊢ x ↦ xv"
using p(1) by auto
obtain xb xvv where xvv: "xv = IntVal xb xvv"
by (metis evalDet evaltree_not_undef intval_is_null.cases intval_or.simps(3,4,5) p(1,3) xv)
then have evalNotUndef: "val[xv | xv] ≠ UndefVal"
using p evalDet xv by blast
then have orUnfold: "val[xv | xv] = (new_int xb (or xvv xvv))"
by (simp add: xvv)
then have simplify: "val[xv | xv] = (new_int xb (xvv))"
by (simp add: orUnfold)
then have eq: "(xv) = (new_int xb (xvv))"
using eval_unused_bits_zero xv xvv by auto
then show ?thesis
by (metis evalDet p(1,2) simplify xv)
lemma exp_elim_redundant_false:
"exp[x | false] ≥ exp[x]"
apply auto[1]
subgoal premises p for m p xa
obtain xv where xv: "[m,p] ⊢ x ↦ xv"
using p(1) by auto
obtain xb xvv where xvv: "xv = IntVal xb xvv"
by (metis evalDet evaltree_not_undef intval_is_null.cases intval_or.simps(3,4,5) p(1,2) xv)
then have evalNotUndef: "val[xv | (IntVal 32 0)] ≠ UndefVal"
using p evalDet xv by blast
then have widthSame: "xb=32"
by (metis intval_or.simps(1) new_int_bin.simps xvv)
then have orUnfold: "val[xv | (IntVal 32 0)] = (new_int xb (or xvv 0))"
by (simp add: xvv)
then have simplify: "val[xv | (IntVal 32 0)] = (new_int xb (xvv))"
by (simp add: orUnfold)
then have eq: "(xv) = (new_int xb (xvv))"
using eval_unused_bits_zero xv xvv by auto
then show ?thesis
by (metis evalDet p(1) simplify xv)
text ‹Optimisations›
optimization OrEqual: "x | x ⟼ x"
by (meson exp_or_equal)
optimization OrShiftConstantRight: "((const x) | y) ⟼ y | (const x) when ¬(is_ConstantExpr y)"
using size_flip_binary by (auto simp: BinaryExpr unfold_const val_shift_const_right_helper)
optimization EliminateRedundantFalse: "x | false ⟼ x"
by (meson exp_elim_redundant_false)
optimization OrNotOperands: "(~x | ~y) ⟼ ~(x & y)"
apply (metis add_2_eq_Suc' less_SucI not_add_less1 not_less_eq size_binary_const size_non_add)
using BinaryExpr UnaryExpr bin_eval.simps(4) intval_not.simps(2) unary_eval.simps(3)
val_or_not_operands by fastforce
optimization OrLeftFallthrough:
"x | y ⟼ x when ((and (not (IRExpr_down x)) (IRExpr_up y)) = 0)"
using simple_mask.OrLeftFallthrough by blast
optimization OrRightFallthrough:
"x | y ⟼ y when ((and (not (IRExpr_down y)) (IRExpr_up x)) = 0)"
using simple_mask.OrRightFallthrough by blast