Theory TacticSolving
theory TacticSolving
imports Common
fun size :: "IRExpr ⇒ nat" where
"size (UnaryExpr op e) = (size e) * 2" |
"size (BinaryExpr BinAdd x y) = (size x) + ((size y) * 2)" |
"size (BinaryExpr op x y) = (size x) + (size y)" |
"size (ConditionalExpr cond t f) = (size cond) + (size t) + (size f) + 2" |
"size (ConstantExpr c) = 1" |
"size (ParameterExpr ind s) = 2" |
"size (LeafExpr nid s) = 2" |
"size (ConstantVar c) = 2" |
"size (VariableExpr x s) = 2"
lemma size_pos[simp]: "0 < size y"
apply (induction y; auto?)
subgoal premises prems for op a b
using prems by (induction op; auto)
phase TacticSolving
terminating size
subsection ‹AddNode›
lemma value_approx_implies_refinement:
assumes "lhs ≈ rhs"
assumes "∀m p v. ([m, p] ⊢ elhs ↦ v) ⟶ v = lhs"
assumes "∀m p v. ([m, p] ⊢ erhs ↦ v) ⟶ v = rhs"
assumes "∀m p v1 v2. ([m, p] ⊢ elhs ↦ v1) ⟶ ([m, p] ⊢ erhs ↦ v2)"
shows "elhs ≥ erhs"
by (metis assms(4) le_expr_def evaltree_not_undef)
method explore_cases for x y :: Value =
(cases x; cases y; auto)
method explore_cases_bin for x :: IRExpr =
(cases x; auto)
method obtain_approx_eq for lhs rhs x y :: Value =
(rule meta_mp[where P="lhs ≈ rhs"], defer_tac, explore_cases x y)
method obtain_eval for exp::IRExpr and val::Value =
(rule meta_mp[where P="⋀m p v. ([m, p] ⊢ exp ↦ v) ⟹ v = val"], defer_tac)
method solve for lhs rhs x y :: Value =
(match conclusion in "size _ < size _" ⇒ ‹simp›)?,
(match conclusion in "(elhs::IRExpr) ≥ (erhs::IRExpr)" for elhs erhs ⇒ ‹
(obtain_approx_eq lhs rhs x y)?›)
thm BinaryExprE
optimization opt_add_left_negate_to_sub:
"-x + y ⟼ y - x"
apply (solve "val[-x1 + y1]" "val[y1 - x1]" x1 y1)
apply simp apply auto using evaltree_not_undef sorry
subsection ‹NegateNode›
lemma val_distribute_sub:
"val[-(x-y)] ≈ val[y-x]"
by (cases x; cases y; auto)
optimization distribute_sub: "-(x-y) ⟼ (y-x)"
using val_distribute_sub unfold_binary unfold_unary by auto
lemma val_xor_self_is_false:
assumes "x = IntVal 32 v"
shows "val[x ⊕ x] ≈ val[false]"
by (cases x; auto simp: assms)
definition wf_stamp :: "IRExpr ⇒ bool" where
"wf_stamp e = (∀m p v. ([m, p] ⊢ e ↦ v) ⟶ valid_value v (stamp_expr e))"
lemma exp_xor_self_is_false:
assumes "stamp_expr x = IntegerStamp 32 l h"
assumes "wf_stamp x"
shows "exp[x ⊕ x] >= exp[false]"
by (smt (z3) wf_value_def bin_eval.simps(8) bin_eval_new_int constantAsStamp.simps(1) evalDet
int_signed_value_bounds new_int.simps new_int_take_bits unfold_binary unfold_const valid_int
valid_stamp.simps(1) valid_value.simps(1) well_formed_equal_defn val_xor_self_is_false
le_expr_def assms wf_stamp_def)
lemma val_or_commute[simp]:
"val[x | y] = val[y | x]"
by (cases x; cases y; auto simp: or.commute)
lemma val_xor_commute[simp]:
"val[x ⊕ y] = val[y ⊕ x]"
by (cases x; cases y; auto simp: word_bw_comms(3))
lemma val_and_commute[simp]:
"val[x & y] = val[y & x]"
by (cases x; cases y; auto simp: word_bw_comms(1))
lemma exp_or_commutative:
"exp[x | y] ≥ exp[y | x]"
by auto
lemma exp_xor_commutative:
"exp[x ⊕ y] ≥ exp[y ⊕ x]"
by auto
lemma exp_and_commutative:
"exp[x & y] ≥ exp[y & x]"
by auto
text ‹--- --- New Optimisations - submitted and added into Graal ---›
lemma OrInverseVal:
assumes "n = IntVal 32 v"
shows "val[n | ~n] ≈ new_int 32 (-1)"
apply (auto simp: assms)
by (metis bit.disj_cancel_right mask_eq_take_bit_minus_one take_bit_or)
optimization OrInverse: "exp[n | ~n] ⟼ (const (new_int 32 (not 0)))
when (stamp_expr n = IntegerStamp 32 l h ∧ wf_stamp n)"
apply (auto simp: Suc_lessI)
subgoal premises p for m p xa xaa
proof -
obtain nv where nv: "[m,p] ⊢ n ↦ nv"
using p(3) by auto
obtain nbits nvv where nvv: "nv = IntVal nbits nvv"
by (metis evalDet evaltree_not_undef intval_logic_negation.cases intval_not.simps(3,4,5) nv
then have width: "nbits = 32"
by (metis Value.inject(1) nv p(1,2) valid_int wf_stamp_def)
then have stamp: "constantAsStamp (IntVal 32 (mask 32)) =
(IntegerStamp 32 (int_signed_value 32 (mask 32)) (int_signed_value 32 (mask 32)))"
by auto
have wf: "wf_value (IntVal 32 (mask 32))"
unfolding wf_value_def stamp apply auto by eval+
then have unfoldOr: "val[nv | ~nv] = (new_int 32 (or (not nvv) nvv))"
using intval_or.simps OrInverseVal nvv width by auto
then have eq: "val[nv | ~nv] = new_int 32 (not 0)"
by (simp add: unfoldOr)
then show ?thesis
by (metis bit.compl_zero evalDet new_int.elims nv p(3,5) take_bit_minus_one_eq_mask
optimization OrInverse2: "exp[~n | n] ⟼ (const (new_int 32 (not 0)))
when (stamp_expr n = IntegerStamp 32 l h ∧ wf_stamp n)"
using OrInverse exp_or_commutative by auto
lemma XorInverseVal:
assumes "n = IntVal 32 v"
shows "val[n ⊕ ~n] ≈ new_int 32 (-1)"
apply (auto simp: assms)
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) bit.compl_zero bit.xor_compl_right bit.xor_self take_bit_xor
optimization XorInverse: "exp[n ⊕ ~n] ⟼ (const (new_int 32 (not 0)))
when (stamp_expr n = IntegerStamp 32 l h ∧ wf_stamp n)"
apply (auto simp: Suc_lessI)
subgoal premises p for m p xa xaa
obtain xv where xv: "[m,p] ⊢ n ↦ xv"
using p(3) by auto
obtain xb xvv where xvv: "xv = IntVal xb xvv"
by (metis evalDet evaltree_not_undef intval_logic_negation.cases intval_not.simps(3,4,5) xv
have rhsDefined: "[m,p] ⊢ (ConstantExpr (IntVal 32 (mask 32))) ↦ (IntVal 32 (mask 32))"
by (metis ConstantExpr add.right_neutral add_less_cancel_left neg_one_value numeral_Bit0
new_int_unused_bits_zero not_numeral_less_zero validDefIntConst zero_less_numeral
verit_comp_simplify1(3) wf_value_def)
have w32: "xb=32"
by (metis Value.inject(1) p(1,2) valid_int xv xvv wf_stamp_def)
then have unfoldNot: "val[(¬xv)] = new_int xb (not xvv)"
by (simp add: xvv)
have unfoldXor: "val[xv ⊕ (¬xv)] =
(if xb=xb then (new_int xb (xor xvv (not xvv))) else UndefVal)"
using intval_xor.simps(1) XorInverseVal w32 xvv by auto
then have rhs: "val[xv ⊕ (¬xv)] = new_int 32 (mask 32)"
using unfoldXor w32 by auto
then show ?thesis
by (metis evalDet neg_one.elims neg_one_value p(3,5) rhsDefined xv)
optimization XorInverse2: "exp[(~n) ⊕ n] ⟼ (const (new_int 32 (not 0)))
when (stamp_expr n = IntegerStamp 32 l h ∧ wf_stamp n)"
using XorInverse exp_xor_commutative by auto
lemma AndSelfVal:
assumes "n = IntVal 32 v"
shows "val[~n & n] = new_int 32 0"
apply (auto simp: assms)
by (metis take_bit_and take_bit_of_0 word_and_not)
optimization AndSelf: "exp[(~n) & n] ⟼ (const (new_int 32 (0)))
when (stamp_expr n = IntegerStamp 32 l h ∧ wf_stamp n)"
apply (auto simp: Suc_lessI) unfolding size.simps
by (metis (no_types) val_and_commute ConstantExpr IntVal0 Value.inject(1) evalDet wf_stamp_def
eval_bits_1_64 new_int.simps validDefIntConst valid_int wf_value_def AndSelfVal)
optimization AndSelf2: "exp[n & (~n)] ⟼ (const (new_int 32 (0)))
when (stamp_expr n = IntegerStamp 32 l h ∧ wf_stamp n)"
using AndSelf exp_and_commutative by auto
lemma NotXorToXorVal:
assumes "x = IntVal 32 xv"
assumes "y = IntVal 32 yv"
shows "val[(~x) ⊕ (~y)] = val[x ⊕ y]"
apply (auto simp: assms)
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) bit.xor_compl_left bit.xor_compl_right take_bit_xor
lemma NotXorToXorExp:
assumes "stamp_expr x = IntegerStamp 32 lx hx"
assumes "wf_stamp x"
assumes "stamp_expr y = IntegerStamp 32 ly hy"
assumes "wf_stamp y"
shows "exp[(~x) ⊕ (~y)] ≥ exp[x ⊕ y]"
apply auto
subgoal premises p for m p xa xb
proof -
obtain xa where xa: "[m,p] ⊢ x ↦ xa"
using p by blast
obtain xb where xb: "[m,p] ⊢ y ↦ xb"
using p by blast
then have a: "val[(~xa) ⊕ (~xb)] = val[xa ⊕ xb]"
by (metis assms valid_int wf_stamp_def xa xb NotXorToXorVal)
then show ?thesis
by (metis BinaryExpr bin_eval.simps(8) evalDet p(1,2,4) xa xb)
optimization NotXorToXor: "exp[(~x) ⊕ (~y)] ⟼ (x ⊕ y)
when (stamp_expr x = IntegerStamp 32 lx hx ∧ wf_stamp x) ∧
(stamp_expr y = IntegerStamp 32 ly hy ∧ wf_stamp y)"
using NotXorToXorExp by simp
text ‹--- New optimisations - submitted, not added into Graal yet ---›
context stamp_mask
lemma ExpIntBecomesIntValArbitrary:
assumes "stamp_expr x = IntegerStamp b xl xh"
assumes "wf_stamp x"
assumes "valid_value v (IntegerStamp b xl xh)"
assumes "[m,p] ⊢ x ↦ v"
shows "∃xv. v = IntVal b xv"
using assms by (simp add: IRTreeEvalThms.valid_value_elims(3))
lemma OrGeneralization:
assumes "stamp_expr x = IntegerStamp b xl xh"
assumes "stamp_expr y = IntegerStamp b yl yh"
assumes "stamp_expr exp[x | y] = IntegerStamp b el eh"
assumes "wf_stamp x"
assumes "wf_stamp y"
assumes "wf_stamp exp[x | y]"
assumes "(or (↓x) (↓y)) = not 0"
shows "exp[x | y] ≥ exp[(const (new_int b (not 0)))]"
using assms apply auto
subgoal premises p for m p xvv yvv
proof -
obtain xv where xv: "[m, p] ⊢ x ↦ IntVal b xv"
by (metis p(1,3,9) valid_int wf_stamp_def)
obtain yv where yv: "[m, p] ⊢ y ↦ IntVal b yv"
by (metis p(2,4,10) valid_int wf_stamp_def)
obtain evv where ev: "[m, p] ⊢ exp[x | y] ↦ IntVal b evv"
by (metis BinaryExpr bin_eval.simps(7) unfold_binary p(5,9,10,11) valid_int wf_stamp_def
then have rhsWf: "wf_value (new_int b (not 0))"
by (metis eval_bits_1_64 new_int.simps new_int_take_bits validDefIntConst wf_value_def)
then have rhs: "(new_int b (not 0)) = val[IntVal b xv | IntVal b yv]"
using assms word_ao_absorbs(1)
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) bit.de_Morgan_conj word_bw_comms(2) xv down_spec
word_not_not yv bit.disj_conj_distrib intval_or.simps(1) new_int_bin.simps ucast_id
then have notMaskEq: "(new_int b (not 0)) = (new_int b (mask b))"
by auto
then show ?thesis
by (metis neg_one.elims neg_one_value p(9,10) rhsWf unfold_const evalDet xv yv rhs)
phase TacticSolving
terminating size
lemma constEvalIsConst:
assumes "wf_value n"
shows "[m,p] ⊢ exp[(const (n))] ↦ n"
by (simp add: assms IRTreeEval.evaltree.ConstantExpr)
lemma ExpAddCommute:
"exp[x + y] ≥ exp[y + x]"
by (auto simp add: Values.intval_add_sym)
lemma AddNotVal:
assumes "n = IntVal bv v"
shows "val[n + (~n)] = new_int bv (not 0)"
by (auto simp: assms)
lemma AddNotExp:
assumes "stamp_expr n = IntegerStamp b l h"
assumes "wf_stamp n"
shows "exp[n + (~n)] ≥ exp[(const (new_int b (not 0)))]"
apply auto
subgoal premises p for m p x xa
proof -
have xaDef: "[m,p] ⊢ n ↦ xa"
by (simp add: p)
then have xaDef2: "[m,p] ⊢ n ↦ x"
by (simp add: p)
then have "xa = x"
using p by (simp add: evalDet)
then obtain xv where xv: "xa = IntVal b xv"
by (metis valid_int wf_stamp_def xaDef2 assms)
have toVal: "[m,p] ⊢ exp[n + (~n)] ↦ val[xa + (~xa)]"
by (metis UnaryExpr bin_eval.simps(1) evalDet p unary_eval.simps(3) unfold_binary xaDef)
have wfInt: "wf_value (new_int b (not 0))"
using validDefIntConst xaDef by (simp add: eval_bits_1_64 xv wf_value_def)
have toValRHS: "[m,p] ⊢ exp[(const (new_int b (not 0)))] ↦ new_int b (not 0)"
using wfInt by (simp add: constEvalIsConst)
have isNeg1: "val[xa + (~xa)] = new_int b (not 0)"
by (simp add: xv)
then show ?thesis
using toValRHS by (simp add: ‹(xa::Value) = (x::Value)›)
optimization AddNot: "exp[n + (~n)] ⟼ (const (new_int b (not 0)))
when (stamp_expr n = IntegerStamp b l h ∧ wf_stamp n)"
apply (simp add: Suc_lessI) using AddNotExp by force
optimization AddNot2: "exp[(~n) + n] ⟼ (const (new_int b (not 0)))
when (stamp_expr n = IntegerStamp b l h ∧ wf_stamp n)"
apply (simp add: Suc_lessI) using AddNot ExpAddCommute by simp
lemma TakeBitNotSelf:
"(take_bit 32 (not e) = e) = False"
by (metis even_not_iff even_take_bit_eq zero_neq_numeral)
lemma ValNeverEqNotSelf:
assumes "e = IntVal 32 ev"
shows "val[intval_equals (¬e) e] = val[bool_to_val False]"
by (simp add: TakeBitNotSelf assms)
lemma ExpIntBecomesIntVal:
assumes "stamp_expr x = IntegerStamp 32 xl xh"
assumes "wf_stamp x"
assumes "valid_value v (IntegerStamp 32 xl xh)"
assumes "[m,p] ⊢ x ↦ v"
shows "∃xv. v = IntVal 32 xv"
using assms by (simp add: IRTreeEvalThms.valid_value_elims(3))
lemma ExpNeverNotSelf:
assumes "stamp_expr x = IntegerStamp 32 xl xh"
assumes "wf_stamp x"
shows "exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals (¬x) x] ≥
exp[(const (bool_to_val False))]"
using assms apply auto
subgoal premises p for m p xa xaa
proof -
obtain xa where xa: "[m,p] ⊢ x ↦ xa"
using p(5) by auto
then obtain xv where xv: "xa = IntVal 32 xv"
by (metis p(1,2) valid_int wf_stamp_def)
then have lhsVal: "[m,p] ⊢ exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals (¬x) x] ↦
val[intval_equals (¬xa) xa]"
by (metis p(3,4,5,6) unary_eval.simps(3) evaltree.BinaryExpr bin_eval.simps(13) xa UnaryExpr
have wfVal: "wf_value (IntVal 32 0)"
using wf_value_def apply rule
by (metis IntVal0 intval_word.simps nat_le_linear new_int.simps numeral_le_iff wf_value_def
semiring_norm(71,76) validDefIntConst verit_comp_simplify1(3) zero_less_numeral)
then have rhsVal: "[m,p] ⊢ exp[(const (bool_to_val False))] ↦ val[bool_to_val False]"
by auto
then have valEq: "val[intval_equals (¬xa) xa] = val[bool_to_val False]"
using ValNeverEqNotSelf by (simp add: xv)
then show ?thesis
by (metis bool_to_val.simps(2) evalDet p(3,5) rhsVal xa)
optimization NeverEqNotSelf: "exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals (¬x) x] ⟼
exp[(const (bool_to_val False))]
when (stamp_expr x = IntegerStamp 32 xl xh ∧ wf_stamp x)"
apply (simp add: Suc_lessI) using ExpNeverNotSelf by force
text ‹--- New optimisations - not submitted / added into Graal yet ---›
lemma BinXorFallThrough:
shows "bin[(x ⊕ y) = x] ⟷ bin[y = 0]"
by (metis xor.assoc xor.left_neutral xor_self_eq)
lemma valXorEqual:
assumes "x = new_int 32 xv"
assumes "val[x ⊕ x] ≠ UndefVal"
shows "val[x ⊕ x] = val[new_int 32 0]"
using assms by (cases x; auto)
lemma valXorAssoc:
assumes "x = new_int b xv"
assumes "y = new_int b yv"
assumes "z = new_int b zv"
assumes "val[(x ⊕ y) ⊕ z] ≠ UndefVal"
assumes "val[x ⊕ (y ⊕ z)] ≠ UndefVal"
shows "val[(x ⊕ y) ⊕ z] = val[x ⊕ (y ⊕ z)]"
by (simp add: xor.commute xor.left_commute assms)
lemma valNeutral:
assumes "x = new_int b xv"
assumes "val[x ⊕ (new_int b 0)] ≠ UndefVal"
shows "val[x ⊕ (new_int b 0)] = val[x]"
using assms by (auto; meson)
lemma ValXorFallThrough:
assumes "x = new_int b xv"
assumes "y = new_int b yv"
shows "val[intval_equals (x ⊕ y) x] = val[intval_equals y (new_int b 0)]"
by (simp add: assms BinXorFallThrough)
lemma ValEqAssoc:
"val[intval_equals x y] = val[intval_equals y x]"
apply (cases x; cases y; auto) by (metis (full_types) bool_to_val.simps)
lemma ExpEqAssoc:
"exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals x y] ≥ exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals y x]"
by (auto simp add: ValEqAssoc)
lemma ExpXorBinEqCommute:
"exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals (x ⊕ y) y] ≥ exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals (y ⊕ x) y]"
using exp_xor_commutative mono_binary by blast
lemma ExpXorFallThrough:
assumes "stamp_expr x = IntegerStamp b xl xh"
assumes "stamp_expr y = IntegerStamp b yl yh"
assumes "wf_stamp x"
assumes "wf_stamp y"
shows "exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals (x ⊕ y) x] ≥
exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals y (const (new_int b 0))]"
using assms apply auto
subgoal premises p for m p xa xaa ya
proof -
obtain b xv where xa: "[m,p] ⊢ x ↦ new_int b xv"
using intval_equals.elims
by (metis new_int.simps eval_unused_bits_zero p(1,3,5) wf_stamp_def valid_int)
obtain yv where ya: "[m,p] ⊢ y ↦ new_int b yv"
by (metis Value.inject(1) wf_stamp_def p(1,2,3,4,8) eval_unused_bits_zero xa new_int.simps
then have wfVal: "wf_value (new_int b 0)"
by (metis eval_bits_1_64 new_int.simps new_int_take_bits validDefIntConst wf_value_def xa)
then have eval: "[m,p] ⊢ exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals y (const (new_int b 0))] ↦
val[intval_equals (xa ⊕ ya) xa]"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) ValXorFallThrough constEvalIsConst bin_eval.simps(13) evalDet xa
p(5,6,7,8) unfold_binary ya)
then show ?thesis
by (metis evalDet new_int.elims p(1,3,5,7) take_bit_of_0 valid_value.simps(1) wf_stamp_def xa)
lemma ExpXorFallThrough2:
assumes "stamp_expr x = IntegerStamp b xl xh"
assumes "stamp_expr y = IntegerStamp b yl yh"
assumes "wf_stamp x"
assumes "wf_stamp y"
shows "exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals (x ⊕ y) y] ≥
exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals x (const (new_int b 0))]"
by (meson assms dual_order.trans ExpXorBinEqCommute ExpXorFallThrough)
optimization XorFallThrough1: "exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals (x ⊕ y) x] ⟼
exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals y (const (new_int b 0))]
when (stamp_expr x = IntegerStamp b xl xh ∧ wf_stamp x) ∧
(stamp_expr y = IntegerStamp b yl yh ∧ wf_stamp y)"
using ExpXorFallThrough by force
optimization XorFallThrough2: "exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals x (x ⊕ y)] ⟼
exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals y (const (new_int b 0))]
when (stamp_expr x = IntegerStamp b xl xh ∧ wf_stamp x) ∧
(stamp_expr y = IntegerStamp b yl yh ∧ wf_stamp y)"
using ExpXorFallThrough ExpEqAssoc by force
optimization XorFallThrough3: "exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals (x ⊕ y) y] ⟼
exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals x (const (new_int b 0))]
when (stamp_expr x = IntegerStamp b xl xh ∧ wf_stamp x) ∧
(stamp_expr y = IntegerStamp b yl yh ∧ wf_stamp y)"
using ExpXorFallThrough2 by force
optimization XorFallThrough4: "exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals y (x ⊕ y)] ⟼
exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals x (const (new_int b 0))]
when (stamp_expr x = IntegerStamp b xl xh ∧ wf_stamp x) ∧
(stamp_expr y = IntegerStamp b yl yh ∧ wf_stamp y)"
using ExpXorFallThrough2 ExpEqAssoc by force
context stamp_mask
lemma inEquivalence:
assumes "[m, p] ⊢ y ↦ IntVal b yv"
assumes "[m, p] ⊢ x ↦ IntVal b xv"
shows "(and (↑x) yv) = (↑x) ⟷ (or (↑x) yv) = yv"
by (metis word_ao_absorbs(3) word_ao_absorbs(4))
lemma inEquivalence2:
assumes "[m, p] ⊢ y ↦ IntVal b yv"
assumes "[m, p] ⊢ x ↦ IntVal b xv"
shows "(and (↑x) (↓y)) = (↑x) ⟷ (or (↑x) (↓y)) = (↓y)"
by (metis word_ao_absorbs(3) word_ao_absorbs(4))
lemma RemoveLHSOrMask:
assumes "(and (↑x) (↓y)) = (↑x)"
assumes "(or (↑x) (↓y)) = (↓y)"
shows "exp[x | y] ≥ exp[y]"
using assms apply auto
subgoal premises p for m p v
proof -
obtain b ev where exp: "[m, p] ⊢ exp[x | y] ↦ IntVal b ev"
by (metis BinaryExpr bin_eval.simps(7) p(3,4,5) bin_eval_new_int new_int.simps)
from exp obtain yv where yv: "[m, p] ⊢ y ↦ IntVal b yv"
apply (subst (asm) unfold_binary_width) by force+
from exp obtain xv where xv: "[m, p] ⊢ x ↦ IntVal b xv"
apply (subst (asm) unfold_binary_width) by force+
then have "yv = (or xv yv)"
using assms yv xv apply auto
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) down_spec ucast_id up_spec word_ao_absorbs(1) word_or_not
word_ao_equiv word_log_esimps(3) word_oa_dist word_oa_dist2)
then have "(IntVal b yv) = val[(IntVal b xv) | (IntVal b yv)]"
apply auto using eval_unused_bits_zero yv by presburger
then show ?thesis
by (metis p(3,4) evalDet xv yv)
lemma RemoveRHSAndMask:
assumes "(and (↑x) (↓y)) = (↑x)"
assumes "(or (↑x) (↓y)) = (↓y)"
shows "exp[x & y] ≥ exp[x]"
using assms apply auto
subgoal premises p for m p v
proof -
obtain b ev where exp: "[m, p] ⊢ exp[x & y] ↦ IntVal b ev"
by (metis BinaryExpr bin_eval.simps(6) p(3,4,5) new_int.simps bin_eval_new_int)
from exp obtain yv where yv: "[m, p] ⊢ y ↦ IntVal b yv"
apply (subst (asm) unfold_binary_width) by force+
from exp obtain xv where xv: "[m, p] ⊢ x ↦ IntVal b xv"
apply (subst (asm) unfold_binary_width) by force+
then have "IntVal b xv = val[(IntVal b xv) & (IntVal b yv)]"
apply auto
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) or.right_neutral not_down_up_mask_and_zero_implies_zero p(1)
bit.conj_cancel_right word_bw_comms(1) eval_unused_bits_zero yv word_bw_assocs(1)
word_ao_absorbs(4) or_eq_not_not_and)
then show ?thesis
by (metis p(3,4) yv xv evalDet)
lemma ReturnZeroAndMask:
assumes "stamp_expr x = IntegerStamp b xl xh"
assumes "stamp_expr y = IntegerStamp b yl yh"
assumes "stamp_expr exp[x & y] = IntegerStamp b el eh"
assumes "wf_stamp x"
assumes "wf_stamp y"
assumes "wf_stamp exp[x & y]"
assumes "(and (↑x) (↑y)) = 0"
shows "exp[x & y] ≥ exp[const (new_int b 0)]"
using assms apply auto
subgoal premises p for m p v
proof -
obtain yv where yv: "[m, p] ⊢ y ↦ IntVal b yv"
by (metis valid_int wf_stamp_def assms(2,5) p(2,4,10) wf_stamp_def)
obtain xv where xv: "[m, p] ⊢ x ↦ IntVal b xv"
by (metis valid_int wf_stamp_def assms(1,4) p(3,9) wf_stamp_def)
obtain ev where exp: "[m, p] ⊢ exp[x & y] ↦ IntVal b ev"
by (metis BinaryExpr bin_eval.simps(6) p(5,9,10,11) assms(3) valid_int wf_stamp_def)
then have wfVal: "wf_value (new_int b 0)"
by (metis eval_bits_1_64 new_int.simps new_int_take_bits validDefIntConst wf_value_def)
then have lhsEq: "IntVal b ev = val[(IntVal b xv) & (IntVal b yv)]"
by (metis bin_eval.simps(6) yv xv evalDet exp unfold_binary)
then have newIntEquiv: "new_int b 0 = IntVal b ev"
apply auto by (smt (z3) p(6) eval_unused_bits_zero xv yv up_mask_and_zero_implies_zero)
then have isZero: "ev = 0"
by auto
then show ?thesis
by (metis evalDet lhsEq newIntEquiv p(9,10) unfold_const wfVal xv yv)
phase TacticSolving
terminating size
lemma binXorIsEqual:
"bin[((x ⊕ y) = (x ⊕ z))] ⟷ bin[(y = z)]"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) BinXorFallThrough xor.left_commute xor_self_eq)
lemma binXorIsDeterministic:
assumes "y ≠ z"
shows "bin[x ⊕ y] ≠ bin[x ⊕ z]"
by (auto simp add: binXorIsEqual assms)
lemma ValXorSelfIsZero:
assumes "x = IntVal b xv"
shows "val[x ⊕ x] = IntVal b 0"
by (simp add: assms)
lemma ValXorSelfIsZero2:
assumes "x = new_int b xv"
shows "val[x ⊕ x] = IntVal b 0"
by (simp add: assms)
lemma ValXorIsAssociative:
assumes "x = IntVal b xv"
assumes "y = IntVal b yv"
assumes "val[(x ⊕ y)] ≠ UndefVal"
shows "val[(x ⊕ y) ⊕ y] = val[x ⊕ (y ⊕ y)]"
by (auto simp add: word_bw_lcs(3) assms)
lemma ValXorIsAssociative2:
assumes "x = new_int b xv"
assumes "y = new_int b yv"
assumes "val[(x ⊕ y)] ≠ UndefVal"
shows "val[(x ⊕ y) ⊕ y] = val[x ⊕ (y ⊕ y)]"
using ValXorIsAssociative by (simp add: assms)
lemma XorZeroIsSelf64:
assumes "x = IntVal 64 xv"
assumes "val[x ⊕ (IntVal 64 0)] ≠ UndefVal"
shows "val[x ⊕ (IntVal 64 0)] = x"
using assms apply (cases x; auto)
proof -
have "take_bit (LENGTH(64)) xv = xv"
unfolding Word.take_bit_length_eq by simp
then show ?thesis
by auto
lemma ValXorElimSelf64:
assumes "x = IntVal 64 xv"
assumes "y = IntVal 64 yv"
assumes "val[x ⊕ y] ≠ UndefVal"
assumes "val[y ⊕ y] ≠ UndefVal"
shows "val[x ⊕ (y ⊕ y)] = x"
proof -
have removeRhs: "val[x ⊕ (y ⊕ y)] = val[x ⊕ (IntVal 64 0)]"
by (simp add: assms(2))
then have XorZeroIsSelf: "val[x ⊕ (IntVal 64 0)] = x"
using XorZeroIsSelf64 by (simp add: assms(1))
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: removeRhs)
lemma ValXorIsReverse64:
assumes "x = IntVal 64 xv"
assumes "y = IntVal 64 yv"
assumes "z = IntVal 64 zv"
assumes "z = val[x ⊕ y]"
assumes "val[x ⊕ y] ≠ UndefVal"
assumes "val[z ⊕ y] ≠ UndefVal"
shows "val[z ⊕ y] = x"
using ValXorIsAssociative ValXorElimSelf64 assms(1,2,4,5) by force
lemma valXorIsEqual_64:
assumes "x = IntVal 64 xv"
assumes "val[x ⊕ y] ≠ UndefVal"
assumes "val[x ⊕ z] ≠ UndefVal"
shows "val[intval_equals (x ⊕ y) (x ⊕ z)] = val[intval_equals y z]"
using assms apply (cases x; cases y; cases z; auto)
subgoal premises p for yv zv apply (cases "(yv = zv)"; simp)
subgoal premises p
proof -
have isFalse: "bool_to_val (yv = zv) = bool_to_val False"
by (simp add: p)
then have unfoldTakebityv: "take_bit LENGTH(64) yv = yv"
using take_bit_length_eq by blast
then have unfoldTakebitzv: "take_bit LENGTH(64) zv = zv"
using take_bit_length_eq by blast
then have unfoldTakebitxv: "take_bit LENGTH(64) xv = xv"
using take_bit_length_eq by blast
then have lhs: "(xor (take_bit LENGTH(64) yv) (take_bit LENGTH(64) xv) =
xor (take_bit LENGTH(64) zv) (take_bit LENGTH(64) xv)) = (False)"
unfolding unfoldTakebityv unfoldTakebitzv unfoldTakebitxv
by (simp add: binXorIsEqual word_bw_comms(3) p)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: isFalse)
lemma ValXorIsDeterministic_64:
assumes "x = IntVal 64 xv"
assumes "y = IntVal 64 yv"
assumes "z = IntVal 64 zv"
assumes "val[x ⊕ y] ≠ UndefVal"
assumes "val[x ⊕ z] ≠ UndefVal"
assumes "yv ≠ zv"
shows "val[x ⊕ y] ≠ val[x ⊕ z]"
by (smt (verit, best) ValXorElimSelf64 ValXorIsAssociative ValXorSelfIsZero Value.distinct(1)
assms Value.inject(1) val_xor_commute valXorIsEqual_64)
lemma ExpIntBecomesIntVal_64:
assumes "stamp_expr x = IntegerStamp 64 xl xh"
assumes "wf_stamp x"
assumes "valid_value v (IntegerStamp 64 xl xh)"
assumes "[m,p] ⊢ x ↦ v"
shows "∃xv. v = IntVal 64 xv"
using assms by (simp add: IRTreeEvalThms.valid_value_elims(3))
lemma expXorIsEqual_64:
assumes "stamp_expr x = IntegerStamp 64 xl xh"
assumes "stamp_expr y = IntegerStamp 64 yl yh"
assumes "stamp_expr z = IntegerStamp 64 zl zh"
assumes "wf_stamp x"
assumes "wf_stamp y"
assumes "wf_stamp z"
shows "exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals (x ⊕ y) (x ⊕ z)] ≥
exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals y z]"
using assms apply auto
subgoal premises p for m p x1 y1 x2 z1
proof -
obtain xVal where xVal: "[m,p] ⊢ x ↦ xVal"
using p(8) by simp
obtain yVal where yVal: "[m,p] ⊢ y ↦ yVal"
using p(9) by simp
obtain zVal where zVal: "[m,p] ⊢ z ↦ zVal"
using p(12) by simp
obtain xv where xv: "xVal = IntVal 64 xv"
by (metis p(1) p(4) wf_stamp_def xVal ExpIntBecomesIntVal_64)
then have rhs: "[m,p] ⊢ exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals y z] ↦ val[intval_equals yVal zVal]"
by (metis BinaryExpr bin_eval.simps(13) evalDet p(7,8,9,10,11,12,13) valXorIsEqual_64 xVal
yVal zVal)
then show ?thesis
by (metis xv evalDet p(8,9,10,11,12,13) valXorIsEqual_64 xVal yVal zVal)
optimization XorIsEqual_64_1: "exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals (x ⊕ y) (x ⊕ z)] ⟼
exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals y z]
when (stamp_expr x = IntegerStamp 64 xl xh ∧ wf_stamp x) ∧
(stamp_expr y = IntegerStamp 64 yl yh ∧ wf_stamp y) ∧
(stamp_expr z = IntegerStamp 64 zl zh ∧ wf_stamp z)"
using expXorIsEqual_64 by force
optimization XorIsEqual_64_2: "exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals (x ⊕ y) (z ⊕ x)] ⟼
exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals y z]
when (stamp_expr x = IntegerStamp 64 xl xh ∧ wf_stamp x) ∧
(stamp_expr y = IntegerStamp 64 yl yh ∧ wf_stamp y) ∧
(stamp_expr z = IntegerStamp 64 zl zh ∧ wf_stamp z)"
by (meson dual_order.trans mono_binary exp_xor_commutative expXorIsEqual_64)
optimization XorIsEqual_64_3: "exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals (y ⊕ x) (x ⊕ z)] ⟼
exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals y z]
when (stamp_expr x = IntegerStamp 64 xl xh ∧ wf_stamp x) ∧
(stamp_expr y = IntegerStamp 64 yl yh ∧ wf_stamp y) ∧
(stamp_expr z = IntegerStamp 64 zl zh ∧ wf_stamp z)"
by (meson dual_order.trans mono_binary exp_xor_commutative expXorIsEqual_64)
optimization XorIsEqual_64_4: "exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals (y ⊕ x) (z ⊕ x)] ⟼
exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals y z]
when (stamp_expr x = IntegerStamp 64 xl xh ∧ wf_stamp x) ∧
(stamp_expr y = IntegerStamp 64 yl yh ∧ wf_stamp y) ∧
(stamp_expr z = IntegerStamp 64 zl zh ∧ wf_stamp z)"
by (meson dual_order.trans mono_binary exp_xor_commutative expXorIsEqual_64)
lemma unwrap_bool_to_val:
shows "(bool_to_val a = bool_to_val b) = (a = b)"
apply auto using bool_to_val.elims by fastforce+
lemma take_bit_size_eq:
shows "take_bit 64 a = take_bit LENGTH(64) (a::64 word)"
by auto
lemma xorZeroIsEq:
"bin[(xor xv yv) = 0] = bin[xv = yv]"
by (metis binXorIsEqual xor_self_eq)
lemma valXorEqZero_64:
assumes "val[(x ⊕ y)] ≠ UndefVal"
assumes "x = IntVal 64 xv"
assumes "y = IntVal 64 yv"
shows "val[intval_equals (x ⊕ y) ((IntVal 64 0))] = val[intval_equals (x) (y)]"
using assms apply (cases x; cases y; auto)
unfolding unwrap_bool_to_val take_bit_size_eq Word.take_bit_length_eq by (simp add: xorZeroIsEq)
lemma expXorEqZero_64:
assumes "stamp_expr x = IntegerStamp 64 xl xh"
assumes "stamp_expr y = IntegerStamp 64 yl yh"
assumes "wf_stamp x"
assumes "wf_stamp y"
shows "exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals (x ⊕ y) (const (IntVal 64 0))] ≥
exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals (x) (y)]"
using assms apply auto
subgoal premises p for m p x1 y1
proof -
obtain xv where xv: "[m,p] ⊢ x ↦ xv"
using p by blast
obtain yv where yv: "[m,p] ⊢ y ↦ yv"
using p by fast
obtain xvv where xvv: "xv = IntVal 64 xvv"
by (metis p(1,3) wf_stamp_def xv ExpIntBecomesIntVal_64)
obtain yvv where yvv: "yv = IntVal 64 yvv"
by (metis p(2,4) wf_stamp_def yv ExpIntBecomesIntVal_64)
have rhs: "[m,p] ⊢ exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals (x) (y)] ↦ val[intval_equals xv yv]"
by (smt (z3) BinaryExpr ValEqAssoc ValXorSelfIsZero Value.distinct(1) bin_eval.simps(13) xvv
evalDet p(5,6,7,8) valXorIsEqual_64 xv yv)
then show ?thesis
by (metis evalDet p(6,7,8) valXorEqZero_64 xv xvv yv yvv)
optimization XorEqZero_64: "exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals (x ⊕ y) (const (IntVal 64 0))] ⟼
exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals (x) (y)]
when (stamp_expr x = IntegerStamp 64 xl xh ∧ wf_stamp x) ∧
(stamp_expr y = IntegerStamp 64 yl yh ∧ wf_stamp y)"
using expXorEqZero_64 by fast
lemma xorNeg1IsEq:
"bin[(xor xv yv) = (not 0)] = bin[xv = not yv]"
using xorZeroIsEq by fastforce
lemma valXorEqNeg1_64:
assumes "val[(x ⊕ y)] ≠ UndefVal"
assumes "x = IntVal 64 xv"
assumes "y = IntVal 64 yv"
shows "val[intval_equals (x ⊕ y) (IntVal 64 (not 0))] = val[intval_equals (x) (¬y)]"
using assms apply (cases x; cases y; auto)
unfolding unwrap_bool_to_val take_bit_size_eq Word.take_bit_length_eq using xorNeg1IsEq by auto
lemma expXorEqNeg1_64:
assumes "stamp_expr x = IntegerStamp 64 xl xh"
assumes "stamp_expr y = IntegerStamp 64 yl yh"
assumes "wf_stamp x"
assumes "wf_stamp y"
shows "exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals (x ⊕ y) (const (IntVal 64 (not 0)))] ≥
exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals (x) (¬y)]"
using assms apply auto
subgoal premises p for m p x1 y1
proof -
obtain xv where xv: "[m,p] ⊢ x ↦ xv"
using p by blast
obtain yv where yv: "[m,p] ⊢ y ↦ yv"
using p by fast
obtain xvv where xvv: "xv = IntVal 64 xvv"
by (metis p(1,3) wf_stamp_def xv ExpIntBecomesIntVal_64)
obtain yvv where yvv: "yv = IntVal 64 yvv"
by (metis p(2,4) wf_stamp_def yv ExpIntBecomesIntVal_64)
obtain nyv where nyv: "[m,p] ⊢ exp[(¬y)] ↦ nyv"
by (metis ValXorSelfIsZero2 Value.distinct(1) intval_not.simps(1) yv yvv intval_xor.simps(2)
UnaryExpr unary_eval.simps(3))
then have nyvEq: "val[¬yv] = nyv"
using evalDet yv by fastforce
obtain nyvv where nyvv: "nyv = IntVal 64 nyvv"
using nyvEq intval_not.simps yvv by force
have notUndef: "val[intval_equals xv (¬yv)] ≠ UndefVal"
using bool_to_val.elims nyvEq nyvv xvv by auto
have rhs: "[m,p] ⊢ exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals (x) (¬y)] ↦ val[intval_equals xv (¬yv)]"
by (metis BinaryExpr bin_eval.simps(13) notUndef nyv nyvEq xv)
then show ?thesis
by (metis bit.compl_zero evalDet p(6,7,8) rhs valXorEqNeg1_64 xvv yvv xv yv)
optimization XorEqNeg1_64: "exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals (x ⊕ y) (const (IntVal 64 (not 0)))] ⟼
exp[BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals (x) (¬y)]
when (stamp_expr x = IntegerStamp 64 xl xh ∧ wf_stamp x) ∧
(stamp_expr y = IntegerStamp 64 yl yh ∧ wf_stamp y)"
using expXorEqNeg1_64 apply auto sorry