Theory IRGraph
subsection ‹IR Graph Type›
theory IRGraph
text ‹This theory defines the main Graal data structure - an entire IR Graph.›
text ‹
IRGraph is defined as a partial map with a finite domain.
The finite domain is required to be able to generate code and produce an interpreter.
typedef IRGraph = "{g :: ID ⇀ (IRNode × Stamp) . finite (dom g)}"
proof -
have "finite(dom(Map.empty)) ∧ ran Map.empty = {}" by auto
then show ?thesis
by fastforce
setup_lifting type_definition_IRGraph
lift_definition ids :: "IRGraph ⇒ ID set"
is "λg. {nid ∈ dom g . ∄s. g nid = (Some (NoNode, s))}" .
fun with_default :: "'c ⇒ ('b ⇒ 'c) ⇒ (('a ⇀ 'b) ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'c)" where
"with_default def conv = (λm k.
(case m k of None ⇒ def | Some v ⇒ conv v))"
lift_definition kind :: "IRGraph ⇒ (ID ⇒ IRNode)"
is "with_default NoNode fst" .
lift_definition stamp :: "IRGraph ⇒ ID ⇒ Stamp"
is "with_default IllegalStamp snd" .
lift_definition add_node :: "ID ⇒ (IRNode × Stamp) ⇒ IRGraph ⇒ IRGraph"
is "λnid k g. if fst k = NoNode then g else g(nid ↦ k)" by simp
lift_definition remove_node :: "ID ⇒ IRGraph ⇒ IRGraph"
is "λnid g. g(nid := None)" by simp
lift_definition replace_node :: "ID ⇒ (IRNode × Stamp) ⇒ IRGraph ⇒ IRGraph"
is "λnid k g. if fst k = NoNode then g else g(nid ↦ k)" by simp
lift_definition as_list :: "IRGraph ⇒ (ID × IRNode × Stamp) list"
is "λg. map (λk. (k, the (g k))) (sorted_list_of_set (dom g))" .
fun no_node :: "(ID × (IRNode × Stamp)) list ⇒ (ID × (IRNode × Stamp)) list" where
"no_node g = filter (λn. fst (snd n) ≠ NoNode) g"
lift_definition irgraph :: "(ID × (IRNode × Stamp)) list ⇒ IRGraph"
is "map_of ∘ no_node"
by (simp add: finite_dom_map_of)
definition as_set :: "IRGraph ⇒ (ID × (IRNode × Stamp)) set" where
"as_set g = {(n, kind g n, stamp g n) | n . n ∈ ids g}"
definition true_ids :: "IRGraph ⇒ ID set" where
"true_ids g = ids g - {n ∈ ids g. ∃n' . kind g n = RefNode n'}"
definition domain_subtraction :: "'a set ⇒ ('a × 'b) set ⇒ ('a × 'b) set"
(infix "⊴" 30) where
"domain_subtraction s r = {(x, y) . (x, y) ∈ r ∧ x ∉ s}"
notation (latex)
domain_subtraction ("_ \<^latex>‹$\\ndres$› _")
code_datatype irgraph
fun filter_none where
"filter_none g = {nid ∈ dom g . ∄s. g nid = (Some (NoNode, s))}"
lemma no_node_clears:
"res = no_node xs ⟶ (∀x ∈ set res. fst (snd x) ≠ NoNode)"
by simp
lemma dom_eq:
assumes "∀x ∈ set xs. fst (snd x) ≠ NoNode"
shows "filter_none (map_of xs) = dom (map_of xs)"
using assms map_of_SomeD by fastforce
lemma fil_eq:
"filter_none (map_of (no_node xs)) = set (map fst (no_node xs))"
by (metis no_node_clears dom_eq dom_map_of_conv_image_fst list.set_map)
lemma irgraph[code]: "ids (irgraph m) = set (map fst (no_node m))"
by (metis fil_eq Rep_IRGraph eq_onp_same_args filter_none.simps ids.abs_eq irgraph.abs_eq
irgraph.rep_eq mem_Collect_eq)
lemma [code]: "Rep_IRGraph (irgraph m) = map_of (no_node m)"
by (simp add: irgraph.rep_eq)
fun inputs :: "IRGraph ⇒ ID ⇒ ID set" where
"inputs g nid = set (inputs_of (kind g nid))"
fun succ :: "IRGraph ⇒ ID ⇒ ID set" where
"succ g nid = set (successors_of (kind g nid))"
fun input_edges :: "IRGraph ⇒ ID rel" where
"input_edges g = (⋃ i ∈ ids g. {(i,j)|j. j ∈ (inputs g i)})"
fun usages :: "IRGraph ⇒ ID ⇒ ID set" where
"usages g nid = {i. i ∈ ids g ∧ nid ∈ inputs g i}"
fun successor_edges :: "IRGraph ⇒ ID rel" where
"successor_edges g = (⋃ i ∈ ids g. {(i,j)|j . j ∈ (succ g i)})"
fun predecessors :: "IRGraph ⇒ ID ⇒ ID set" where
"predecessors g nid = {i. i ∈ ids g ∧ nid ∈ succ g i}"
fun nodes_of :: "IRGraph ⇒ (IRNode ⇒ bool) ⇒ ID set" where
"nodes_of g sel = {nid ∈ ids g . sel (kind g nid)}"
fun edge :: "(IRNode ⇒ 'a) ⇒ ID ⇒ IRGraph ⇒ 'a" where
"edge sel nid g = sel (kind g nid)"
fun filtered_inputs :: "IRGraph ⇒ ID ⇒ (IRNode ⇒ bool) ⇒ ID list" where
"filtered_inputs g nid f = filter (f ∘ (kind g)) (inputs_of (kind g nid))"
fun filtered_successors :: "IRGraph ⇒ ID ⇒ (IRNode ⇒ bool) ⇒ ID list" where
"filtered_successors g nid f = filter (f ∘ (kind g)) (successors_of (kind g nid))"
fun filtered_usages :: "IRGraph ⇒ ID ⇒ (IRNode ⇒ bool) ⇒ ID set" where
"filtered_usages g nid f = {n ∈ (usages g nid). f (kind g n)}"
fun is_empty :: "IRGraph ⇒ bool" where
"is_empty g = (ids g = {})"
fun any_usage :: "IRGraph ⇒ ID ⇒ ID" where
"any_usage g nid = hd (sorted_list_of_set (usages g nid))"
lemma ids_some[simp]: "x ∈ ids g ⟷ kind g x ≠ NoNode"
proof -
have that: "x ∈ ids g ⟶ kind g x ≠ NoNode"
by (auto simp add: kind.rep_eq ids.rep_eq)
have "kind g x ≠ NoNode ⟶ x ∈ ids g"
by (cases "Rep_IRGraph g x = None"; auto simp add: ids_def kind_def)
from this that show ?thesis
by auto
lemma not_in_g:
assumes "nid ∉ ids g"
shows "kind g nid = NoNode"
using assms by simp
lemma valid_creation[simp]:
"finite (dom g) ⟷ Rep_IRGraph (Abs_IRGraph g) = g"
by (metis Abs_IRGraph_inverse Rep_IRGraph mem_Collect_eq)
lemma [simp]: "finite (ids g)"
using Rep_IRGraph by (simp add: ids.rep_eq)
lemma [simp]: "finite (ids (irgraph g))"
by (simp add: finite_dom_map_of)
lemma [simp]: "finite (dom g) ⟶ ids (Abs_IRGraph g) = {nid ∈ dom g . ∄s. g nid = Some (NoNode, s)}"
by (simp add: ids.rep_eq)
lemma [simp]: "finite (dom g) ⟶ kind (Abs_IRGraph g) = (λx . (case g x of None ⇒ NoNode | Some n ⇒ fst n))"
by (simp add: kind.rep_eq)
lemma [simp]: "finite (dom g) ⟶ stamp (Abs_IRGraph g) = (λx . (case g x of None ⇒ IllegalStamp | Some n ⇒ snd n))"
by (simp add: stamp.rep_eq)
lemma [simp]: "ids (irgraph g) = set (map fst (no_node g))"
by (simp add: irgraph)
lemma [simp]: "kind (irgraph g) = (λnid. (case (map_of (no_node g)) nid of None ⇒ NoNode | Some n ⇒ fst n))"
by (simp add: kind.rep_eq irgraph.rep_eq)
lemma [simp]: "stamp (irgraph g) = (λnid. (case (map_of (no_node g)) nid of None ⇒ IllegalStamp | Some n ⇒ snd n))"
by (simp add: stamp.rep_eq irgraph.rep_eq)
lemma map_of_upd: "(map_of g)(k ↦ v) = (map_of ((k, v) # g))"
by simp
lemma [code]: "replace_node nid k (irgraph g) = (irgraph ( ((nid, k) # g)))"
proof (cases "fst k = NoNode")
case True
then show ?thesis
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Rep_IRGraph_inject filter.simps(2) irgraph.abs_eq no_node.simps
replace_node.rep_eq snd_conv)
case False
then show ?thesis
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) irgraph_def Rep_IRGraph comp_apply eq_onp_same_args filter.simps(2)
id_def irgraph.rep_eq map_fun_apply map_of_upd mem_Collect_eq no_node.elims replace_node_def
replace_node.abs_eq snd_eqD)
lemma [code]: "add_node nid k (irgraph g) = (irgraph (((nid, k) # g)))"
by (smt (verit) Rep_IRGraph_inject add_node.rep_eq filter.simps(2) irgraph.rep_eq map_of_upd
snd_conv no_node.simps)
lemma add_node_lookup:
"gup = add_node nid (k, s) g ⟶
(if k ≠ NoNode then kind gup nid = k ∧ stamp gup nid = s else kind gup nid = kind g nid)"
proof (cases "k = NoNode")
case True
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: add_node.rep_eq kind.rep_eq)
case False
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: kind.rep_eq add_node.rep_eq stamp.rep_eq)
lemma remove_node_lookup:
"gup = remove_node nid g ⟶ kind gup nid = NoNode ∧ stamp gup nid = IllegalStamp"
by (simp add: kind.rep_eq remove_node.rep_eq stamp.rep_eq)
lemma replace_node_lookup[simp]:
"gup = replace_node nid (k, s) g ∧ k ≠ NoNode ⟶ kind gup nid = k ∧ stamp gup nid = s"
by (simp add: replace_node.rep_eq kind.rep_eq stamp.rep_eq)
lemma replace_node_unchanged:
"gup = replace_node nid (k, s) g ⟶ (∀ n ∈ (ids g - {nid}) . n ∈ ids g ∧ n ∈ ids gup ∧ kind g n = kind gup n)"
by (simp add: kind.rep_eq replace_node.rep_eq)
subsubsection "Example Graphs"
text "Example 1: empty graph (just a start and end node)"
definition start_end_graph:: IRGraph where
"start_end_graph = irgraph [(0, StartNode None 1, VoidStamp), (1, ReturnNode None None, VoidStamp)]"
text ‹Example 2:
public static int sq(int x) { return x * x; }
[1 P(0)]
\ /
[0 Start] [4 *]
| /
V /
[5 Return]
definition eg2_sq :: "IRGraph" where
"eg2_sq = irgraph [
(0, StartNode None 5, VoidStamp),
(1, ParameterNode 0, default_stamp),
(4, MulNode 1 1, default_stamp),
(5, ReturnNode (Some 4) None, default_stamp)
value "input_edges eg2_sq"
value "usages eg2_sq 1"