Theory Snippets.Snipping

section Snipping

theory Snipping
  imports Main
    "snipbegin" :: document_heading and
    "snipend" :: document_heading

text ‹Snippets allow specific components of the LaTeX document preparation to be included in other documents.›

ML (*
I thought the document_command was what generated the LaTeX output,
however, it appears to be hard-coded which makes this a bit of a hack.
fun wrapped_command (command: string) (name: string option) =
    val command = "\\" ^ command
    val argument = case name of
      NONE => "" |
      SOME v => ("{" ^ v ^ "}")
    val latex = (command ^ argument)
    val _ = @{print} latex;
        {markdown = false,            
         markup = fn _ => XML.enclose "%\n" "\n" (Latex.string latex)}
    (*(Pure_Syn.document_command {markdown = false} (NONE, doc))*)

val _ =
  Outer_Syntax.command ("snipbegin", ) "start a snippet"
    (Parse.opt_target -- Parse.document_source >>
     (fn (opt, n) => 
      wrapped_command "isamarkupsnipbegin" (SOME (Input.string_of n)) (opt, n)));

val _ =
  Outer_Syntax.command ("snipend", ) "finish a snippet"
    (Parse.opt_target -- Parse.document_source >>
      (fn (opt, n) =>
        wrapped_command "isamarkupsnipend" (NONE) (opt, n)));

text ‹
To use snippets, in your LaTeX preamble,
replace the command \verb|\isamarkupsnipbegin| with the start of a snippet,
and replace \verb|\isamarkupsnipend| with the end of a snippet.

By default snippets are placed into tcolorboxes.

text_raw ‹

(*text_raw ‹

text ‹
Snippets should be enclosed within the @{command snipbegin} and @{command snipend} commands.

For example, the box below is produced by the following:

text @{command snipbegin} ``snip-example''

@{command text} ``Hello world!''

@{command snipend}

snipbegin ‹snip-example›

text ‹Hello world!›

snipend -
