Theory IRStepObj
section ‹Control-flow Semantics›
theory IRStepObj
subsection ‹Object Heap›
text ‹
The heap model we introduce maps field references to object instances to runtime values.
We use the H[f][p] heap representation. See @{text "\\cite{heap-reps-2011}"}.
We also introduce the DynamicHeap type which allocates new object references sequentially
storing the next free object reference as 'Free'.
text_raw ‹\Snip{heapdef}%›
type_synonym ('a, 'b) Heap = "'a ⇒ 'b ⇒ Value"
type_synonym Free = "nat"
type_synonym ('a, 'b) DynamicHeap = "('a, 'b) Heap × Free"
fun h_load_field :: "'a ⇒ 'b ⇒ ('a, 'b) DynamicHeap ⇒ Value" where
"h_load_field f r (h, n) = h f r"
fun h_store_field :: "'a ⇒ 'b ⇒ Value ⇒ ('a, 'b) DynamicHeap ⇒ ('a, 'b) DynamicHeap" where
"h_store_field f r v (h, n) = (h(f := ((h f)(r := v))), n)"
fun h_new_inst :: "(string, objref) DynamicHeap ⇒ string ⇒ (string, objref) DynamicHeap × Value" where
"h_new_inst (h, n) className = (h_store_field ''class'' (Some n) (ObjStr className) (h,n+1), (ObjRef (Some n)))"
type_synonym FieldRefHeap = "(string, objref) DynamicHeap"
text_raw ‹\EndSnip›
definition new_heap :: "('a, 'b) DynamicHeap" where
"new_heap = ((λf. λp. UndefVal), 0)"
subsection ‹Intraprocedural Semantics›
fun find_index :: "'a ⇒ 'a list ⇒ nat" where
"find_index _ [] = 0" |
"find_index v (x # xs) = (if (x=v) then 0 else find_index v xs + 1)"
inductive indexof :: "'a list ⇒ nat ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool" where
"find_index x xs = i ⟹ indexof xs i x"
lemma indexof_det:
"indexof xs i x ⟹ indexof xs i' x ⟹ i = i'"
apply (induction rule: indexof.induct)
by (simp add: indexof.simps)
code_pred (modes: i ⇒ o ⇒ i ⇒ bool) indexof .
notation (latex output)
indexof ("_!_ = _")
fun phi_list :: "IRGraph ⇒ ID ⇒ ID list" where
"phi_list g n =
(filter (λx.(is_PhiNode (kind g x)))
(sorted_list_of_set (usages g n)))"
fun set_phis :: "ID list ⇒ Value list ⇒ MapState ⇒ MapState" where
"set_phis [] [] m = m" |
"set_phis (n # ns) (v # vs) m = (set_phis ns vs (m(n := v)))" |
"set_phis [] (v # vs) m = m" |
"set_phis (x # ns) [] m = m"
fun_add :: "('a ⇒ 'b) ⇒ ('a ⇀ 'b) ⇒ ('a ⇒ 'b)" (infixl "++⇩f" 100) where
"f1 ++⇩f f2 = (λx. case f2 x of None ⇒ f1 x | Some y ⇒ y)"
definition upds :: "('a ⇒ 'b) ⇒ 'a list ⇒ 'b list ⇒ ('a ⇒ 'b)" ("_/'(_ [→] _/')" 900) where
"upds m ns vs = m ++⇩f (map_of (rev (zip ns vs)))"
lemma fun_add_empty:
"xs ++⇩f (map_of []) = xs"
unfolding fun_add_def by simp
lemma upds_inc:
"m(a#as [→] b#bs) = (m(a:=b))(as[→]bs)"
unfolding upds_def fun_add_def apply simp sorry
lemma upds_compose:
"a ++⇩f map_of (rev (zip (n # ns) (v # vs))) = a(n := v) ++⇩f map_of (rev (zip ns vs))"
using upds_inc
by (metis upds_def)
lemma "set_phis ns vs = (λm. upds m ns vs)"
proof (induction rule: set_phis.induct)
case (1 m)
then show ?case unfolding set_phis.simps upds_def
by (metis Nil_eq_zip_iff Nil_is_rev_conv fun_add_empty)
case (2 n xs v vs m)
then show ?case unfolding set_phis.simps upds_def
by (metis upds_compose)
case (3 v vs m)
then show ?case
by (metis fun_add_empty rev.simps(1) upds_def set_phis.simps(3) zip_Nil)
case (4 x xs m)
then show ?case
by (metis Nil_eq_zip_iff fun_add_empty rev.simps(1) upds_def set_phis.simps(4))
fun is_PhiKind :: "IRGraph ⇒ ID ⇒ bool" where
"is_PhiKind g nid = is_PhiNode (kind g nid)"
definition filter_phis :: "IRGraph ⇒ ID ⇒ ID list" where
"filter_phis g merge = (filter (is_PhiKind g) (sorted_list_of_set (usages g merge)))"
definition phi_inputs :: "IRGraph ⇒ ID list ⇒ nat ⇒ ID list" where
"phi_inputs g phis i = (map (λn. (inputs_of (kind g n))!(i + 1)) phis)"
text ‹
Intraprocedural semantics are given as a small-step semantics.
Within the context of a graph, the configuration triple, (ID, MethodState, Heap),
is related to the subsequent configuration.
inductive step :: "IRGraph ⇒ Params ⇒ (ID × MapState × FieldRefHeap) ⇒ (ID × MapState × FieldRefHeap) ⇒ bool"
("_, _ ⊢ _ → _" 55) for g p where
"⟦is_sequential_node (kind g nid);
nid' = (successors_of (kind g nid))!0⟧
⟹ g, p ⊢ (nid, m, h) → (nid', m, h)" |
"⟦(kind g nid) = (FixedGuardNode cond before next);
[g, m, p] ⊢ cond ↦ val;
¬(val_to_bool val)⟧
⟹ g, p ⊢ (nid, m, h) → (next, m, h)" |
"⟦(kind g nid) = (BytecodeExceptionNode args st nid');
exceptionType = stp_type (stamp g nid);
(h', ref) = h_new_inst h exceptionType;
m' = m(nid := ref)⟧
⟹ g, p ⊢ (nid, m, h) → (nid', m', h')" |
"⟦kind g nid = (IfNode cond tb fb);
[g, m, p] ⊢ cond ↦ val;
nid' = (if val_to_bool val then tb else fb)⟧
⟹ g, p ⊢ (nid, m, h) → (nid', m, h)" |
"⟦is_AbstractEndNode (kind g nid);
merge = any_usage g nid;
is_AbstractMergeNode (kind g merge);
indexof (inputs_of (kind g merge)) i nid;
phis = filter_phis g merge;
inps = phi_inputs g phis i;
[g, m, p] ⊢ inps [↦] vs;
m' = (m(phis[→]vs))⟧
⟹ g, p ⊢ (nid, m, h) → (merge, m', h)" |
"⟦kind g nid = (NewArrayNode len st nid');
[g, m, p] ⊢ len ↦ length';
arrayType = stp_type (stamp g nid);
(h', ref) = h_new_inst h arrayType;
ref = ObjRef refNo;
h'' = h_store_field '''' refNo (intval_new_array length' arrayType) h';
m' = m(nid := ref)⟧
⟹ g, p ⊢ (nid, m, h) → (nid', m', h'')" |
"⟦kind g nid = (ArrayLengthNode x nid');
[g, m, p] ⊢ x ↦ ObjRef ref;
h_load_field '''' ref h = arrayVal;
length' = array_length (arrayVal);
m' = m(nid := length')⟧
⟹ g, p ⊢ (nid, m, h) → (nid', m', h)" |
"⟦kind g nid = (LoadIndexedNode index guard array nid');
[g, m, p] ⊢ index ↦ indexVal;
[g, m, p] ⊢ array ↦ ObjRef ref;
h_load_field '''' ref h = arrayVal;
loaded = intval_load_index arrayVal indexVal;
m' = m(nid := loaded)⟧
⟹ g, p ⊢ (nid, m, h) → (nid', m', h)" |
"⟦kind g nid = (StoreIndexedNode check val st index guard array nid');
[g, m, p] ⊢ index ↦ indexVal;
[g, m, p] ⊢ array ↦ ObjRef ref;
[g, m, p] ⊢ val ↦ value;
h_load_field '''' ref h = arrayVal;
updated = intval_store_index arrayVal indexVal value;
h' = h_store_field '''' ref updated h;
m' = m(nid := updated)⟧
⟹ g, p ⊢ (nid, m, h) → (nid', m', h')" |
"⟦kind g nid = (NewInstanceNode nid cname obj nid');
(h', ref) = h_new_inst h cname;
m' = m(nid := ref)⟧
⟹ g, p ⊢ (nid, m, h) → (nid', m', h')" |
"⟦kind g nid = (LoadFieldNode nid f (Some obj) nid');
[g, m, p] ⊢ obj ↦ ObjRef ref;
m' = m(nid := h_load_field f ref h)⟧
⟹ g, p ⊢ (nid, m, h) → (nid', m', h)" |
"⟦kind g nid = (SignedDivNode nid x y zero sb next);
[g, m, p] ⊢ x ↦ v1;
[g, m, p] ⊢ y ↦ v2;
m' = m(nid := intval_div v1 v2)⟧
⟹ g, p ⊢ (nid, m, h) → (next, m', h)" |
"⟦kind g nid = (SignedRemNode nid x y zero sb next);
[g, m, p] ⊢ x ↦ v1;
[g, m, p] ⊢ y ↦ v2;
m' = m(nid := intval_mod v1 v2)⟧
⟹ g, p ⊢ (nid, m, h) → (next, m', h)" |
"⟦kind g nid = (LoadFieldNode nid f None nid');
m' = m(nid := h_load_field f None h)⟧
⟹ g, p ⊢ (nid, m, h) → (nid', m', h)" |
"⟦kind g nid = (StoreFieldNode nid f newval _ (Some obj) nid');
[g, m, p] ⊢ newval ↦ val;
[g, m, p] ⊢ obj ↦ ObjRef ref;
h' = h_store_field f ref val h;
m' = m(nid := val)⟧
⟹ g, p ⊢ (nid, m, h) → (nid', m', h')" |
"⟦kind g nid = (StoreFieldNode nid f newval _ None nid');
[g, m, p] ⊢ newval ↦ val;
h' = h_store_field f None val h;
m' = m(nid := val)⟧
⟹ g, p ⊢ (nid, m, h) → (nid', m', h')"
code_pred (modes: i ⇒ i ⇒ i * i * i ⇒ o * o * o ⇒ bool) step .
subsection ‹Interprocedural Semantics›
type_synonym Signature = "string"
type_synonym Program = "Signature ⇀ IRGraph"
type_synonym System = "Program × Classes"
function dynamic_lookup :: "System ⇒ string ⇒ string ⇒ string list ⇒ IRGraph option" where
"dynamic_lookup (P,cl) cn mn path = (
if (cn = ''None'' ∨ cn ∉ set (Class.mapJVMFunc class_name cl) ∨ path = [])
then (P mn)
else (
let method_index = (find_index (get_simple_signature mn) (CLsimple_signatures cn cl)) in
let parent = hd path in
if (method_index = length (CLsimple_signatures cn cl))
then (dynamic_lookup (P, cl) parent mn (tl path))
else (P (nth (map method_unique_name (CLget_Methods cn cl)) method_index))
by auto
termination dynamic_lookup apply (relation "measure (λ(S,cn,mn,path). (length path))") by auto
inductive step_top :: "System ⇒ (IRGraph × ID × MapState × Params) list × FieldRefHeap ⇒
(IRGraph × ID × MapState × Params) list × FieldRefHeap ⇒ bool"
("_ ⊢ _ ⟶ _" 55)
for S where
"⟦g, p ⊢ (nid, m, h) → (nid', m', h')⟧
⟹ (S) ⊢ ((g,nid,m,p)#stk, h) ⟶ ((g,nid',m',p)#stk, h')" |
"⟦is_Invoke (kind g nid);
callTarget = ir_callTarget (kind g nid);
kind g callTarget = (MethodCallTargetNode targetMethod actuals invoke_kind);
¬(hasReceiver invoke_kind);
Some targetGraph = (dynamic_lookup S ''None'' targetMethod []);
[g, m, p] ⊢ actuals [↦] p'⟧
⟹ (S) ⊢ ((g,nid,m,p)#stk, h) ⟶ ((targetGraph,0,new_map_state,p')#(g,nid,m,p)#stk, h)" |
"⟦is_Invoke (kind g nid);
callTarget = ir_callTarget (kind g nid);
kind g callTarget = (MethodCallTargetNode targetMethod arguments invoke_kind);
hasReceiver invoke_kind;
[g, m, p] ⊢ arguments [↦] p';
ObjRef self = hd p';
ObjStr cname = (h_load_field ''class'' self h);
S = (P,cl);
Some targetGraph = dynamic_lookup S cname targetMethod (class_parents (CLget_JVMClass cname cl))⟧
⟹ (S) ⊢ ((g,nid,m,p)#stk, h) ⟶ ((targetGraph,0,new_map_state,p')#(g,nid,m,p)#stk, h)" |
"⟦kind g nid = (ReturnNode (Some expr) _);
[g, m, p] ⊢ expr ↦ v;
m'⇩c = m⇩c(nid⇩c := v);
nid'⇩c = (successors_of (kind g⇩c nid⇩c))!0⟧
⟹ (S) ⊢ ((g,nid,m,p)#(g⇩c,nid⇩c,m⇩c,p⇩c)#stk, h) ⟶ ((g⇩c,nid'⇩c,m'⇩c,p⇩c)#stk, h)" |
"⟦kind g nid = (ReturnNode None _);
nid'⇩c = (successors_of (kind g⇩c nid⇩c))!0⟧
⟹ (S) ⊢ ((g,nid,m,p)#(g⇩c,nid⇩c,m⇩c,p⇩c)#stk, h) ⟶ ((g⇩c,nid'⇩c,m⇩c,p⇩c)#stk, h)" |
"⟦kind g nid = (UnwindNode exception);
[g, m, p] ⊢ exception ↦ e;
kind g⇩c nid⇩c = (InvokeWithExceptionNode _ _ _ _ _ _ exEdge);
m'⇩c = m⇩c(nid⇩c := e)⟧
⟹ (S) ⊢ ((g,nid,m,p)#(g⇩c,nid⇩c,m⇩c,p⇩c)#stk, h) ⟶ ((g⇩c,exEdge,m'⇩c,p⇩c)#stk, h)"
code_pred (modes: i ⇒ i ⇒ o ⇒ bool) step_top .
subsection ‹Big-step Execution›
type_synonym Trace = "(IRGraph × ID × MapState × Params) list"
fun has_return :: "MapState ⇒ bool" where
"has_return m = (m 0 ≠ UndefVal)"
inductive exec :: "System
⇒ (IRGraph × ID × MapState × Params) list × FieldRefHeap
⇒ Trace
⇒ (IRGraph × ID × MapState × Params) list × FieldRefHeap
⇒ Trace
⇒ bool"
("_ ⊢ _ | _ ⟶* _ | _")
for P where
"⟦P ⊢ (((g,nid,m,p)#xs),h) ⟶ (((g',nid',m',p')#ys),h');
¬(has_return m');
l' = (l @ [(g,nid,m,p)]);
exec P (((g',nid',m',p')#ys),h') l' next_state l''⟧
⟹ exec P (((g,nid,m,p)#xs),h) l next_state l''"
"⟦P ⊢ (((g,nid,m,p)#xs),h) ⟶ (((g',nid',m',p')#ys),h');
has_return m';
l' = (l @ [(g,nid,m,p)])⟧
⟹ exec P (((g,nid,m,p)#xs),h) l (((g',nid',m',p')#ys),h') l'"
code_pred (modes: i ⇒ i ⇒ i ⇒ o ⇒ o ⇒ bool as Exec) "exec" .
inductive exec_debug :: "System
⇒ (IRGraph × ID × MapState × Params) list × FieldRefHeap
⇒ nat
⇒ (IRGraph × ID × MapState × Params) list × FieldRefHeap
⇒ bool"
("_⊢_→*_* _")
"⟦n > 0;
p ⊢ s ⟶ s';
exec_debug p s' (n - 1) s''⟧
⟹ exec_debug p s n s''" |
"⟦n = 0⟧
⟹ exec_debug p s n s"
code_pred (modes: i ⇒ i ⇒ i ⇒ o ⇒ bool) "exec_debug" .
subsubsection ‹Heap Testing›
definition p3:: Params where
"p3 = [IntVal 32 3]"
fun graphToSystem :: "IRGraph ⇒ System" where
"graphToSystem graph = ((λx. Some graph), JVMClasses [])"
values "{(prod.fst(prod.snd (prod.snd (hd (prod.fst res))))) 0
| res. (graphToSystem eg2_sq) ⊢ ([(eg2_sq,0,new_map_state,p3), (eg2_sq,0,new_map_state,p3)], new_heap) →*2* res}"
definition field_sq :: string where
"field_sq = ''sq''"
definition eg3_sq :: IRGraph where
"eg3_sq = irgraph [
(0, StartNode None 4, VoidStamp),
(1, ParameterNode 0, default_stamp),
(3, MulNode 1 1, default_stamp),
(4, StoreFieldNode 4 field_sq 3 None None 5, VoidStamp),
(5, ReturnNode (Some 3) None, default_stamp)
values "{h_load_field field_sq None (prod.snd res)
| res. (graphToSystem eg3_sq) ⊢ ([(eg3_sq, 0, new_map_state, p3), (eg3_sq, 0, new_map_state, p3)], new_heap) →*3* res}"
definition eg4_sq :: IRGraph where
"eg4_sq = irgraph [
(0, StartNode None 4, VoidStamp),
(1, ParameterNode 0, default_stamp),
(3, MulNode 1 1, default_stamp),
(4, NewInstanceNode 4 ''obj_class'' None 5, ObjectStamp ''obj_class'' True True False),
(5, StoreFieldNode 5 field_sq 3 None (Some 4) 6, VoidStamp),
(6, ReturnNode (Some 3) None, default_stamp)
values "{h_load_field field_sq (Some 0) (prod.snd res)
| res. (graphToSystem (eg4_sq)) ⊢ ([(eg4_sq, 0, new_map_state, p3), (eg4_sq, 0, new_map_state, p3)], new_heap) →*3* res}"