Theory TreeToGraphThms
subsection ‹Tree to Graph Theorems›
theory TreeToGraphThms
subsubsection ‹Extraction and Evaluation of Expression Trees is Deterministic.›
text ‹First, we prove some extra rules that relate each
type of IRNode to the corresponding IRExpr type that 'rep' will produce.
These are very helpful for proving that 'rep' is deterministic.
named_theorems rep
lemma rep_constant [rep]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹
kind g n = ConstantNode c ⟹
e = ConstantExpr c"
by (induction rule: rep.induct; auto)
lemma rep_parameter [rep]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹
kind g n = ParameterNode i ⟹
(∃s. e = ParameterExpr i s)"
by (induction rule: rep.induct; auto)
lemma rep_conditional [rep]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹
kind g n = ConditionalNode c t f ⟹
(∃ ce te fe. e = ConditionalExpr ce te fe)"
by (induction rule: rep.induct; auto)
lemma rep_abs [rep]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹
kind g n = AbsNode x ⟹
(∃xe. e = UnaryExpr UnaryAbs xe)"
by (induction rule: rep.induct; auto)
lemma rep_reverse_bytes [rep]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹
kind g n = ReverseBytesNode x ⟹
(∃xe. e = UnaryExpr UnaryReverseBytes xe)"
by (induction rule: rep.induct; auto)
lemma rep_bit_count [rep]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹
kind g n = BitCountNode x ⟹
(∃xe. e = UnaryExpr UnaryBitCount xe)"
by (induction rule: rep.induct; auto)
lemma rep_not [rep]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹
kind g n = NotNode x ⟹
(∃xe. e = UnaryExpr UnaryNot xe)"
by (induction rule: rep.induct; auto)
lemma rep_negate [rep]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹
kind g n = NegateNode x ⟹
(∃xe. e = UnaryExpr UnaryNeg xe)"
by (induction rule: rep.induct; auto)
lemma rep_logicnegation [rep]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹
kind g n = LogicNegationNode x ⟹
(∃xe. e = UnaryExpr UnaryLogicNegation xe)"
by (induction rule: rep.induct; auto)
lemma rep_add [rep]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹
kind g n = AddNode x y ⟹
(∃xe ye. e = BinaryExpr BinAdd xe ye)"
by (induction rule: rep.induct; auto)
lemma rep_sub [rep]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹
kind g n = SubNode x y ⟹
(∃xe ye. e = BinaryExpr BinSub xe ye)"
by (induction rule: rep.induct; auto)
lemma rep_mul [rep]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹
kind g n = MulNode x y ⟹
(∃xe ye. e = BinaryExpr BinMul xe ye)"
by (induction rule: rep.induct; auto)
lemma rep_div [rep]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹
kind g n = SignedFloatingIntegerDivNode x y ⟹
(∃xe ye. e = BinaryExpr BinDiv xe ye)"
by (induction rule: rep.induct; auto)
lemma rep_mod [rep]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹
kind g n = SignedFloatingIntegerRemNode x y ⟹
(∃xe ye. e = BinaryExpr BinMod xe ye)"
by (induction rule: rep.induct; auto)
lemma rep_and [rep]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹
kind g n = AndNode x y ⟹
(∃xe ye. e = BinaryExpr BinAnd xe ye)"
by (induction rule: rep.induct; auto)
lemma rep_or [rep]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹
kind g n = OrNode x y ⟹
(∃xe ye. e = BinaryExpr BinOr xe ye)"
by (induction rule: rep.induct; auto)
lemma rep_xor [rep]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹
kind g n = XorNode x y ⟹
(∃xe ye. e = BinaryExpr BinXor xe ye)"
by (induction rule: rep.induct; auto)
lemma rep_short_circuit_or [rep]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹
kind g n = ShortCircuitOrNode x y ⟹
(∃xe ye. e = BinaryExpr BinShortCircuitOr xe ye)"
by (induction rule: rep.induct; auto)
lemma rep_left_shift [rep]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹
kind g n = LeftShiftNode x y ⟹
(∃xe ye. e = BinaryExpr BinLeftShift xe ye)"
by (induction rule: rep.induct; auto)
lemma rep_right_shift [rep]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹
kind g n = RightShiftNode x y ⟹
(∃xe ye. e = BinaryExpr BinRightShift xe ye)"
by (induction rule: rep.induct; auto)
lemma rep_unsigned_right_shift [rep]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹
kind g n = UnsignedRightShiftNode x y ⟹
(∃xe ye. e = BinaryExpr BinURightShift xe ye)"
by (induction rule: rep.induct; auto)
lemma rep_integer_below [rep]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹
kind g n = IntegerBelowNode x y ⟹
(∃xe ye. e = BinaryExpr BinIntegerBelow xe ye)"
by (induction rule: rep.induct; auto)
lemma rep_integer_equals [rep]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹
kind g n = IntegerEqualsNode x y ⟹
(∃xe ye. e = BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals xe ye)"
by (induction rule: rep.induct; auto)
lemma rep_integer_less_than [rep]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹
kind g n = IntegerLessThanNode x y ⟹
(∃xe ye. e = BinaryExpr BinIntegerLessThan xe ye)"
by (induction rule: rep.induct; auto)
lemma rep_integer_mul_high [rep]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹
kind g n = IntegerMulHighNode x y ⟹
(∃xe ye. e = BinaryExpr BinIntegerMulHigh xe ye)"
by (induction rule: rep.induct; auto)
lemma rep_integer_test [rep]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹
kind g n = IntegerTestNode x y ⟹
(∃xe ye. e = BinaryExpr BinIntegerTest xe ye)"
by (induction rule: rep.induct; auto)
lemma rep_integer_normalize_compare [rep]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹
kind g n = IntegerNormalizeCompareNode x y ⟹
(∃xe ye. e = BinaryExpr BinIntegerNormalizeCompare xe ye)"
by (induction rule: rep.induct; auto)
lemma rep_narrow [rep]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹
kind g n = NarrowNode ib rb x ⟹
(∃x. e = UnaryExpr (UnaryNarrow ib rb) x)"
by (induction rule: rep.induct; auto)
lemma rep_sign_extend [rep]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹
kind g n = SignExtendNode ib rb x ⟹
(∃x. e = UnaryExpr (UnarySignExtend ib rb) x)"
by (induction rule: rep.induct; auto)
lemma rep_zero_extend [rep]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹
kind g n = ZeroExtendNode ib rb x ⟹
(∃x. e = UnaryExpr (UnaryZeroExtend ib rb) x)"
by (induction rule: rep.induct; auto)
lemma rep_load_field [rep]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹
is_preevaluated (kind g n) ⟹
(∃s. e = LeafExpr n s)"
by (induction rule: rep.induct; auto)
lemma rep_bytecode_exception [rep]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹
(kind g n) = BytecodeExceptionNode gu st n' ⟹
(∃s. e = LeafExpr n s)"
by (induction rule: rep.induct; auto)
lemma rep_new_array [rep]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹
(kind g n) = NewArrayNode len st n' ⟹
(∃s. e = LeafExpr n s)"
by (induction rule: rep.induct; auto)
lemma rep_array_length [rep]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹
(kind g n) = ArrayLengthNode x n' ⟹
(∃s. e = LeafExpr n s)"
by (induction rule: rep.induct; auto)
lemma rep_load_index [rep]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹
(kind g n) = LoadIndexedNode index guard x n' ⟹
(∃s. e = LeafExpr n s)"
by (induction rule: rep.induct; auto)
lemma rep_store_index [rep]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹
(kind g n) = StoreIndexedNode check val st index guard x n' ⟹
(∃s. e = LeafExpr n s)"
by (induction rule: rep.induct; auto)
lemma rep_ref [rep]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹
kind g n = RefNode n' ⟹
g ⊢ n' ≃ e"
by (induction rule: rep.induct; auto)
lemma rep_pi [rep]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹
kind g n = PiNode n' gu ⟹
g ⊢ n' ≃ e"
by (induction rule: rep.induct; auto)
lemma rep_is_null [rep]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹
kind g n = IsNullNode x ⟹
(∃xe. e = (UnaryExpr UnaryIsNull xe))"
by (induction rule: rep.induct; auto)
method solve_det uses node =
(match node in "kind _ _ = node _" for node ⇒
‹match rep in r: "_ ⟹ _ = node _ ⟹ _" ⇒
‹match IRNode.inject in i: "(node _ = node _) = _" ⇒
‹match RepE in e: "_ ⟹ (⋀x. _ = node x ⟹ _) ⟹ _" ⇒
‹match IRNode.distinct in d: "node _ ≠ RefNode _" ⇒
‹match IRNode.distinct in f: "node _ ≠ PiNode _ _" ⇒
‹metis i e r d f›››››› |
match node in "kind _ _ = node _ _" for node ⇒
‹match rep in r: "_ ⟹ _ = node _ _ ⟹ _" ⇒
‹match IRNode.inject in i: "(node _ _ = node _ _) = _" ⇒
‹match RepE in e: "_ ⟹ (⋀x y. _ = node x y ⟹ _) ⟹ _" ⇒
‹match IRNode.distinct in d: "node _ _ ≠ RefNode _" ⇒
‹match IRNode.distinct in f: "node _ _ ≠ PiNode _ _" ⇒
‹metis i e r d f›››››› |
match node in "kind _ _ = node _ _ _" for node ⇒
‹match rep in r: "_ ⟹ _ = node _ _ _ ⟹ _" ⇒
‹match IRNode.inject in i: "(node _ _ _ = node _ _ _) = _" ⇒
‹match RepE in e: "_ ⟹ (⋀x y z. _ = node x y z ⟹ _) ⟹ _" ⇒
‹match IRNode.distinct in d: "node _ _ _ ≠ RefNode _" ⇒
‹match IRNode.distinct in f: "node _ _ _ ≠ PiNode _ _" ⇒
‹metis i e r d f›››››› |
match node in "kind _ _ = node _ _ _" for node ⇒
‹match rep in r: "_ ⟹ _ = node _ _ _ ⟹ _" ⇒
‹match IRNode.inject in i: "(node _ _ _ = node _ _ _) = _" ⇒
‹match RepE in e: "_ ⟹ (⋀x. _ = node _ _ x ⟹ _) ⟹ _" ⇒
‹match IRNode.distinct in d: "node _ _ _ ≠ RefNode _" ⇒
‹match IRNode.distinct in f: "node _ _ _ ≠ PiNode _ _" ⇒
‹metis i e r d f››››››)
text ‹Now we can prove that 'rep' and 'eval', and their list versions, are deterministic.
lemma repDet:
shows "(g ⊢ n ≃ e⇩1) ⟹ (g ⊢ n ≃ e⇩2) ⟹ e⇩1 = e⇩2"
proof (induction arbitrary: e⇩2 rule: "rep.induct")
case (ConstantNode n c)
then show ?case
using rep_constant by simp
case (ParameterNode n i s)
then show ?case
by (metis IRNode.distinct(3655) IRNode.distinct(3697) ParameterNodeE rep_parameter)
case (ConditionalNode n c t f ce te fe)
then show ?case
by (metis ConditionalNodeE IRNode.distinct(925) IRNode.distinct(967) IRNode.sel(90) IRNode.sel(93) IRNode.sel(94) rep_conditional)
case (AbsNode n x xe)
then show ?case
by (solve_det node: AbsNode)
case (ReverseBytesNode n x xe)
then show ?case
by (solve_det node: ReverseBytesNode)
case (BitCountNode n x xe)
then show ?case
by (solve_det node: BitCountNode)
case (NotNode n x xe)
then show ?case
by (solve_det node: NotNode)
case (NegateNode n x xe)
then show ?case
by (solve_det node: NegateNode)
case (LogicNegationNode n x xe)
then show ?case
by (solve_det node: LogicNegationNode)
case (AddNode n x y xe ye)
then show ?case
by (solve_det node: AddNode)
case (MulNode n x y xe ye)
then show ?case
by (solve_det node: MulNode)
case (DivNode n x y xe ye)
then show ?case
by (solve_det node: DivNode)
case (ModNode n x y xe ye)
then show ?case
by (solve_det node: ModNode)
case (SubNode n x y xe ye)
then show ?case
by (solve_det node: SubNode)
case (AndNode n x y xe ye)
then show ?case
by (solve_det node: AndNode)
case (OrNode n x y xe ye)
then show ?case
by (solve_det node: OrNode)
case (XorNode n x y xe ye)
then show ?case
by (solve_det node: XorNode)
case (ShortCircuitOrNode n x y xe ye)
then show ?case
by (solve_det node: ShortCircuitOrNode)
case (LeftShiftNode n x y xe ye)
then show ?case
by (solve_det node: LeftShiftNode)
case (RightShiftNode n x y xe ye)
then show ?case
by (solve_det node: RightShiftNode)
case (UnsignedRightShiftNode n x y xe ye)
then show ?case
by (solve_det node: UnsignedRightShiftNode)
case (IntegerBelowNode n x y xe ye)
then show ?case
by (solve_det node: IntegerBelowNode)
case (IntegerEqualsNode n x y xe ye)
then show ?case
by (solve_det node: IntegerEqualsNode)
case (IntegerLessThanNode n x y xe ye)
then show ?case
by (solve_det node: IntegerLessThanNode)
case (IntegerTestNode n x y xe ye)
then show ?case
by (solve_det node: IntegerTestNode)
case (IntegerNormalizeCompareNode n x y xe ye)
then show ?case
by (solve_det node: IntegerNormalizeCompareNode)
case (IntegerMulHighNode n x xe)
then show ?case
by (solve_det node: IntegerMulHighNode)
case (NarrowNode n x xe)
then show ?case
using NarrowNodeE rep_narrow
by (metis IRNode.distinct(3361) IRNode.distinct(3403) IRNode.inject(36))
case (SignExtendNode n x xe)
then show ?case
using SignExtendNodeE rep_sign_extend
by (metis IRNode.distinct(3707) IRNode.distinct(3919) IRNode.inject(48))
case (ZeroExtendNode n x xe)
then show ?case
using ZeroExtendNodeE rep_zero_extend
by (metis IRNode.distinct(3735) IRNode.distinct(4157) IRNode.inject(62))
case (LeafNode n s)
then show ?case
using rep_load_field LeafNodeE
by (metis is_preevaluated.simps(48) is_preevaluated.simps(65))
case (RefNode n')
then show ?case
using rep_ref by blast
case (PiNode n v)
then show ?case
using rep_pi by blast
case (IsNullNode n v)
then show ?case
using IsNullNodeE rep_is_null
by (metis IRNode.distinct(2557) IRNode.distinct(2599) IRNode.inject(24))
lemma repAllDet:
"g ⊢ xs [≃] e1 ⟹
g ⊢ xs [≃] e2 ⟹
e1 = e2"
proof (induction arbitrary: e2 rule: "replist.induct")
case RepNil
then show ?case
using replist.cases by auto
case (RepCons x xe xs xse)
then show ?case
by (metis list.distinct(1) list.sel(1,3) repDet replist.cases)
lemma encodeEvalDet:
"[g,m,p] ⊢ e ↦ v1 ⟹
[g,m,p] ⊢ e ↦ v2 ⟹
v1 = v2"
by (metis encodeeval.simps evalDet repDet)
lemma graphDet: "([g,m,p] ⊢ n ↦ v⇩1) ∧ ([g,m,p] ⊢ n ↦ v⇩2) ⟹ v⇩1 = v⇩2"
by (auto simp add: encodeEvalDet)
lemma encodeEvalAllDet:
"[g, m, p] ⊢ nids [↦] vs ⟹ [g, m, p] ⊢ nids [↦] vs' ⟹ vs = vs'"
using repAllDet evalAllDet
by (metis encodeEvalAll.simps)
subsubsection ‹Monotonicity of Graph Refinement›
text ‹
Lift refinement monotonicity to graph level.
Hopefully these shouldn't really be required.
lemma mono_abs:
assumes "kind g1 n = AbsNode x ∧ kind g2 n = AbsNode x"
assumes "(g1 ⊢ x ≃ xe1) ∧ (g2 ⊢ x ≃ xe2)"
assumes "xe1 ≥ xe2"
assumes "(g1 ⊢ n ≃ e1) ∧ (g2 ⊢ n ≃ e2)"
shows "e1 ≥ e2"
by (metis AbsNode assms mono_unary repDet)
lemma mono_not:
assumes "kind g1 n = NotNode x ∧ kind g2 n = NotNode x"
assumes "(g1 ⊢ x ≃ xe1) ∧ (g2 ⊢ x ≃ xe2)"
assumes "xe1 ≥ xe2"
assumes "(g1 ⊢ n ≃ e1) ∧ (g2 ⊢ n ≃ e2)"
shows "e1 ≥ e2"
by (metis NotNode assms mono_unary repDet)
lemma mono_negate:
assumes "kind g1 n = NegateNode x ∧ kind g2 n = NegateNode x"
assumes "(g1 ⊢ x ≃ xe1) ∧ (g2 ⊢ x ≃ xe2)"
assumes "xe1 ≥ xe2"
assumes "(g1 ⊢ n ≃ e1) ∧ (g2 ⊢ n ≃ e2)"
shows "e1 ≥ e2"
by (metis NegateNode assms mono_unary repDet)
lemma mono_logic_negation:
assumes "kind g1 n = LogicNegationNode x ∧ kind g2 n = LogicNegationNode x"
assumes "(g1 ⊢ x ≃ xe1) ∧ (g2 ⊢ x ≃ xe2)"
assumes "xe1 ≥ xe2"
assumes "(g1 ⊢ n ≃ e1) ∧ (g2 ⊢ n ≃ e2)"
shows "e1 ≥ e2"
by (metis LogicNegationNode assms mono_unary repDet)
lemma mono_narrow:
assumes "kind g1 n = NarrowNode ib rb x ∧ kind g2 n = NarrowNode ib rb x"
assumes "(g1 ⊢ x ≃ xe1) ∧ (g2 ⊢ x ≃ xe2)"
assumes "xe1 ≥ xe2"
assumes "(g1 ⊢ n ≃ e1) ∧ (g2 ⊢ n ≃ e2)"
shows "e1 ≥ e2"
by (metis NarrowNode assms mono_unary repDet)
lemma mono_sign_extend:
assumes "kind g1 n = SignExtendNode ib rb x ∧ kind g2 n = SignExtendNode ib rb x"
assumes "(g1 ⊢ x ≃ xe1) ∧ (g2 ⊢ x ≃ xe2)"
assumes "xe1 ≥ xe2"
assumes "(g1 ⊢ n ≃ e1) ∧ (g2 ⊢ n ≃ e2)"
shows "e1 ≥ e2"
by (metis SignExtendNode assms mono_unary repDet)
lemma mono_zero_extend:
assumes "kind g1 n = ZeroExtendNode ib rb x ∧ kind g2 n = ZeroExtendNode ib rb x"
assumes "(g1 ⊢ x ≃ xe1) ∧ (g2 ⊢ x ≃ xe2)"
assumes "xe1 ≥ xe2"
assumes "(g1 ⊢ n ≃ e1) ∧ (g2 ⊢ n ≃ e2)"
shows "e1 ≥ e2"
by (metis ZeroExtendNode assms mono_unary repDet)
lemma mono_conditional_graph:
assumes "kind g1 n = ConditionalNode c t f ∧ kind g2 n = ConditionalNode c t f"
assumes "(g1 ⊢ c ≃ ce1) ∧ (g2 ⊢ c ≃ ce2)"
assumes "(g1 ⊢ t ≃ te1) ∧ (g2 ⊢ t ≃ te2)"
assumes "(g1 ⊢ f ≃ fe1) ∧ (g2 ⊢ f ≃ fe2)"
assumes "ce1 ≥ ce2 ∧ te1 ≥ te2 ∧ fe1 ≥ fe2"
assumes "(g1 ⊢ n ≃ e1) ∧ (g2 ⊢ n ≃ e2)"
shows "e1 ≥ e2"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) ConditionalNode assms mono_conditional repDet le_expr_def)
lemma mono_add:
assumes "kind g1 n = AddNode x y ∧ kind g2 n = AddNode x y"
assumes "(g1 ⊢ x ≃ xe1) ∧ (g2 ⊢ x ≃ xe2)"
assumes "(g1 ⊢ y ≃ ye1) ∧ (g2 ⊢ y ≃ ye2)"
assumes "xe1 ≥ xe2 ∧ ye1 ≥ ye2"
assumes "(g1 ⊢ n ≃ e1) ∧ (g2 ⊢ n ≃ e2)"
shows "e1 ≥ e2"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) AddNode mono_binary assms repDet)
lemma mono_mul:
assumes "kind g1 n = MulNode x y ∧ kind g2 n = MulNode x y"
assumes "(g1 ⊢ x ≃ xe1) ∧ (g2 ⊢ x ≃ xe2)"
assumes "(g1 ⊢ y ≃ ye1) ∧ (g2 ⊢ y ≃ ye2)"
assumes "xe1 ≥ xe2 ∧ ye1 ≥ ye2"
assumes "(g1 ⊢ n ≃ e1) ∧ (g2 ⊢ n ≃ e2)"
shows "e1 ≥ e2"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) MulNode assms mono_binary repDet)
lemma mono_div:
assumes "kind g1 n = SignedFloatingIntegerDivNode x y ∧ kind g2 n = SignedFloatingIntegerDivNode x y"
assumes "(g1 ⊢ x ≃ xe1) ∧ (g2 ⊢ x ≃ xe2)"
assumes "(g1 ⊢ y ≃ ye1) ∧ (g2 ⊢ y ≃ ye2)"
assumes "xe1 ≥ xe2 ∧ ye1 ≥ ye2"
assumes "(g1 ⊢ n ≃ e1) ∧ (g2 ⊢ n ≃ e2)"
shows "e1 ≥ e2"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) DivNode assms mono_binary repDet)
lemma mono_mod:
assumes "kind g1 n = SignedFloatingIntegerRemNode x y ∧ kind g2 n = SignedFloatingIntegerRemNode x y"
assumes "(g1 ⊢ x ≃ xe1) ∧ (g2 ⊢ x ≃ xe2)"
assumes "(g1 ⊢ y ≃ ye1) ∧ (g2 ⊢ y ≃ ye2)"
assumes "xe1 ≥ xe2 ∧ ye1 ≥ ye2"
assumes "(g1 ⊢ n ≃ e1) ∧ (g2 ⊢ n ≃ e2)"
shows "e1 ≥ e2"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) ModNode assms mono_binary repDet)
lemma term_graph_evaluation:
"(g ⊢ n ⊴ e) ⟹ (∀ m p v . ([m,p] ⊢ e ↦ v) ⟶ ([g,m,p] ⊢ n ↦ v))"
using graph_represents_expression_def encodeeval.simps by (auto; meson)
lemma encodes_contains:
"g ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹
kind g n ≠ NoNode"
apply (induction rule: rep.induct)
apply (match IRNode.distinct in e: "?n ≠ NoNode" ⇒ ‹presburger add: e›)+
by fastforce+
lemma no_encoding:
assumes "n ∉ ids g"
shows "¬(g ⊢ n ≃ e)"
using assms apply simp apply (rule notI) by (induction e; simp add: encodes_contains)
lemma not_excluded_keep_type:
assumes "n ∈ ids g1"
assumes "n ∉ excluded"
assumes "(excluded ⊴ as_set g1) ⊆ as_set g2"
shows "kind g1 n = kind g2 n ∧ stamp g1 n = stamp g2 n"
using assms by (auto simp add: domain_subtraction_def as_set_def)
method metis_node_eq_unary for node :: "'a ⇒ IRNode" =
(match IRNode.inject in i: "(node _ = node _) = _" ⇒
‹metis i›)
method metis_node_eq_binary for node :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ IRNode" =
(match IRNode.inject in i: "(node _ _ = node _ _) = _" ⇒
‹metis i›)
method metis_node_eq_ternary for node :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ IRNode" =
(match IRNode.inject in i: "(node _ _ _ = node _ _ _) = _" ⇒
‹metis i›)
subsubsection ‹Lift Data-flow Tree Refinement to Graph Refinement›
theorem graph_semantics_preservation:
assumes a: "e1' ≥ e2'"
assumes b: "({n'} ⊴ as_set g1) ⊆ as_set g2"
assumes c: "g1 ⊢ n' ≃ e1'"
assumes d: "g2 ⊢ n' ≃ e2'"
shows "graph_refinement g1 g2"
unfolding graph_refinement_def apply rule
apply (metis b d ids_some no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type singleton_iff subsetI)
apply (rule allI) apply (rule impI) apply (rule allI) apply (rule impI)
unfolding graph_represents_expression_def
proof -
fix n e1
assume e: "n ∈ ids g1"
assume f: "(g1 ⊢ n ≃ e1)"
show "∃ e2. (g2 ⊢ n ≃ e2) ∧ e1 ≥ e2"
proof (cases "n = n'")
case True
have g: "e1 = e1'"
using f by (simp add: repDet True c)
have h: "(g2 ⊢ n ≃ e2') ∧ e1' ≥ e2'"
using a by (simp add: d True)
then show ?thesis
by (auto simp add: g)
case False
have "n ∉ {n'}"
by (simp add: False)
then have i: "kind g1 n = kind g2 n ∧ stamp g1 n = stamp g2 n"
using not_excluded_keep_type b e by presburger
show ?thesis
using f i
proof (induction e1)
case (ConstantNode n c)
then show ?case
by (metis eq_refl rep.ConstantNode)
case (ParameterNode n i s)
then show ?case
by (metis eq_refl rep.ParameterNode)
case (ConditionalNode n c t f ce1 te1 fe1)
have k: "g1 ⊢ n ≃ ConditionalExpr ce1 te1 fe1"
using ConditionalNode by (simp add: ConditionalNode.hyps(2) rep.ConditionalNode f)
obtain cn tn fn where l: "kind g1 n = ConditionalNode cn tn fn"
by (auto simp add: ConditionalNode.hyps(1))
then have mc: "g1 ⊢ cn ≃ ce1"
using ConditionalNode.hyps(1,2) by simp
from l have mt: "g1 ⊢ tn ≃ te1"
using ConditionalNode.hyps(1,3) by simp
from l have mf: "g1 ⊢ fn ≃ fe1"
using ConditionalNode.hyps(1,4) by simp
then show ?case
proof -
have "g1 ⊢ cn ≃ ce1"
by (simp add: mc)
have "g1 ⊢ tn ≃ te1"
by (simp add: mt)
have "g1 ⊢ fn ≃ fe1"
by (simp add: mf)
have cer: "∃ ce2. (g2 ⊢ cn ≃ ce2) ∧ ce1 ≥ ce2"
using ConditionalNode a b c d l no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type repDet singletonD
by (metis_node_eq_ternary ConditionalNode)
have ter: "∃ te2. (g2 ⊢ tn ≃ te2) ∧ te1 ≥ te2"
using ConditionalNode a b c d l no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type repDet singletonD
by (metis_node_eq_ternary ConditionalNode)
have "∃ fe2. (g2 ⊢ fn ≃ fe2) ∧ fe1 ≥ fe2"
using ConditionalNode a b c d l no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type repDet singletonD
by (metis_node_eq_ternary ConditionalNode)
then have "∃ ce2 te2 fe2. (g2 ⊢ n ≃ ConditionalExpr ce2 te2 fe2) ∧
ConditionalExpr ce1 te1 fe1 ≥ ConditionalExpr ce2 te2 fe2"
apply meson
by (smt (verit, best) mono_conditional ConditionalNode.prems l rep.ConditionalNode cer ter)
then show ?thesis
by meson
case (AbsNode n x xe1)
have k: "g1 ⊢ n ≃ UnaryExpr UnaryAbs xe1"
using AbsNode by (simp add: AbsNode.hyps(2) rep.AbsNode f)
obtain xn where l: "kind g1 n = AbsNode xn"
by (auto simp add: AbsNode.hyps(1))
then have m: "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
using AbsNode.hyps(1,2) by simp
then show ?case
proof (cases "xn = n'")
case True
then have n: "xe1 = e1'"
using m by (simp add: repDet c)
then have ev: "g2 ⊢ n ≃ UnaryExpr UnaryAbs e2'"
using l d by (simp add: rep.AbsNode True AbsNode.prems)
then have r: "UnaryExpr UnaryAbs e1' ≥ UnaryExpr UnaryAbs e2'"
by (meson a mono_unary)
then show ?thesis
by (metis n ev)
case False
have "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
by (simp add: m)
have "∃ xe2. (g2 ⊢ xn ≃ xe2) ∧ xe1 ≥ xe2"
using AbsNode False b encodes_contains l not_excluded_keep_type not_in_g singleton_iff
by (metis_node_eq_unary AbsNode)
then have "∃ xe2. (g2 ⊢ n ≃ UnaryExpr UnaryAbs xe2) ∧
UnaryExpr UnaryAbs xe1 ≥ UnaryExpr UnaryAbs xe2"
by (metis AbsNode.prems l mono_unary rep.AbsNode)
then show ?thesis
by meson
case (ReverseBytesNode n x xe1)
have k: "g1 ⊢ n ≃ UnaryExpr UnaryReverseBytes xe1"
by (simp add: ReverseBytesNode.hyps(1,2) rep.ReverseBytesNode)
obtain xn where l: "kind g1 n = ReverseBytesNode xn"
by (simp add: ReverseBytesNode.hyps(1))
then have m: "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
by (metis IRNode.inject(45) ReverseBytesNode.hyps(1,2))
then show ?case
proof (cases "xn = n'")
case True
then have n: "xe1 = e1'"
using m by (simp add: repDet c)
then have ev: "g2 ⊢ n ≃ UnaryExpr UnaryReverseBytes e2'"
using ReverseBytesNode.prems True d l rep.ReverseBytesNode by presburger
then have r: "UnaryExpr UnaryReverseBytes e1' ≥ UnaryExpr UnaryReverseBytes e2'"
by (meson a mono_unary)
then show ?thesis
by (metis n ev)
case False
have "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
by (simp add: m)
have "∃ xe2. (g2 ⊢ xn ≃ xe2) ∧ xe1 ≥ xe2"
by (metis False IRNode.inject(45) ReverseBytesNode.IH ReverseBytesNode.hyps(1,2) b l
encodes_contains ids_some not_excluded_keep_type singleton_iff)
then have "∃ xe2. (g2 ⊢ n ≃ UnaryExpr UnaryReverseBytes xe2) ∧
UnaryExpr UnaryReverseBytes xe1 ≥ UnaryExpr UnaryReverseBytes xe2"
by (metis ReverseBytesNode.prems l mono_unary rep.ReverseBytesNode)
then show ?thesis
by meson
case (BitCountNode n x xe1)
have k: "g1 ⊢ n ≃ UnaryExpr UnaryBitCount xe1"
by (simp add: BitCountNode.hyps(1,2) rep.BitCountNode)
obtain xn where l: "kind g1 n = BitCountNode xn"
by (simp add: BitCountNode.hyps(1))
then have m: "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
by (metis BitCountNode.hyps(1,2) IRNode.inject(6))
then show ?case
proof (cases "xn = n'")
case True
then have n: "xe1 = e1'"
using m by (simp add: repDet c)
then have ev: "g2 ⊢ n ≃ UnaryExpr UnaryBitCount e2'"
using BitCountNode.prems True d l rep.BitCountNode by presburger
then have r: "UnaryExpr UnaryBitCount e1' ≥ UnaryExpr UnaryBitCount e2'"
by (meson a mono_unary)
then show ?thesis
by (metis n ev)
case False
have "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
by (simp add: m)
have "∃ xe2. (g2 ⊢ xn ≃ xe2) ∧ xe1 ≥ xe2"
by (metis BitCountNode.IH BitCountNode.hyps(1) False IRNode.inject(6) b emptyE insertE l m
no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type)
then have "∃ xe2. (g2 ⊢ n ≃ UnaryExpr UnaryBitCount xe2) ∧
UnaryExpr UnaryBitCount xe1 ≥ UnaryExpr UnaryBitCount xe2"
by (metis BitCountNode.prems l mono_unary rep.BitCountNode)
then show ?thesis
by meson
case (NotNode n x xe1)
have k: "g1 ⊢ n ≃ UnaryExpr UnaryNot xe1"
using NotNode by (simp add: NotNode.hyps(2) rep.NotNode f)
obtain xn where l: "kind g1 n = NotNode xn"
by (auto simp add: NotNode.hyps(1))
then have m: "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
using NotNode.hyps(1,2) by simp
then show ?case
proof (cases "xn = n'")
case True
then have n: "xe1 = e1'"
using m by (simp add: repDet c)
then have ev: "g2 ⊢ n ≃ UnaryExpr UnaryNot e2'"
using l by (simp add: rep.NotNode d True NotNode.prems)
then have r: "UnaryExpr UnaryNot e1' ≥ UnaryExpr UnaryNot e2'"
by (meson a mono_unary)
then show ?thesis
by (metis n ev)
case False
have "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
by (simp add: m)
have "∃ xe2. (g2 ⊢ xn ≃ xe2) ∧ xe1 ≥ xe2"
using NotNode False b l not_excluded_keep_type singletonD no_encoding
by (metis_node_eq_unary NotNode)
then have "∃ xe2. (g2 ⊢ n ≃ UnaryExpr UnaryNot xe2) ∧
UnaryExpr UnaryNot xe1 ≥ UnaryExpr UnaryNot xe2"
by (metis NotNode.prems l mono_unary rep.NotNode)
then show ?thesis
by meson
case (NegateNode n x xe1)
have k: "g1 ⊢ n ≃ UnaryExpr UnaryNeg xe1"
using NegateNode by (simp add: NegateNode.hyps(2) rep.NegateNode f)
obtain xn where l: "kind g1 n = NegateNode xn"
by (auto simp add: NegateNode.hyps(1))
then have m: "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
using NegateNode.hyps(1,2) by simp
then show ?case
proof (cases "xn = n'")
case True
then have n: "xe1 = e1'"
using m by (simp add: c repDet)
then have ev: "g2 ⊢ n ≃ UnaryExpr UnaryNeg e2'"
using l by (simp add: rep.NegateNode True NegateNode.prems d)
then have r: "UnaryExpr UnaryNeg e1' ≥ UnaryExpr UnaryNeg e2'"
by (meson a mono_unary)
then show ?thesis
by (metis n ev)
case False
have "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
by (simp add: m)
have "∃ xe2. (g2 ⊢ xn ≃ xe2) ∧ xe1 ≥ xe2"
using NegateNode False b l not_excluded_keep_type singletonD no_encoding
by (metis_node_eq_unary NegateNode)
then have "∃ xe2. (g2 ⊢ n ≃ UnaryExpr UnaryNeg xe2) ∧
UnaryExpr UnaryNeg xe1 ≥ UnaryExpr UnaryNeg xe2"
by (metis NegateNode.prems l mono_unary rep.NegateNode)
then show ?thesis
by meson
case (LogicNegationNode n x xe1)
have k: "g1 ⊢ n ≃ UnaryExpr UnaryLogicNegation xe1"
using LogicNegationNode by (simp add: LogicNegationNode.hyps(2) rep.LogicNegationNode)
obtain xn where l: "kind g1 n = LogicNegationNode xn"
by (simp add: LogicNegationNode.hyps(1))
then have m: "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
using LogicNegationNode.hyps(1,2) by simp
then show ?case
proof (cases "xn = n'")
case True
then have n: "xe1 = e1'"
using m by (simp add: c repDet)
then have ev: "g2 ⊢ n ≃ UnaryExpr UnaryLogicNegation e2'"
using l by (simp add: rep.LogicNegationNode True LogicNegationNode.prems d
then have r: "UnaryExpr UnaryLogicNegation e1' ≥ UnaryExpr UnaryLogicNegation e2'"
by (meson a mono_unary)
then show ?thesis
by (metis n ev)
case False
have "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
by (simp add: m)
have "∃ xe2. (g2 ⊢ xn ≃ xe2) ∧ xe1 ≥ xe2"
using LogicNegationNode False b l not_excluded_keep_type singletonD no_encoding
by (metis_node_eq_unary LogicNegationNode)
then have "∃ xe2. (g2 ⊢ n ≃ UnaryExpr UnaryLogicNegation xe2) ∧
UnaryExpr UnaryLogicNegation xe1 ≥ UnaryExpr UnaryLogicNegation xe2"
by (metis LogicNegationNode.prems l mono_unary rep.LogicNegationNode)
then show ?thesis
by meson
case (AddNode n x y xe1 ye1)
have k: "g1 ⊢ n ≃ BinaryExpr BinAdd xe1 ye1"
using AddNode by (simp add: AddNode.hyps(2) rep.AddNode f)
obtain xn yn where l: "kind g1 n = AddNode xn yn"
by (simp add: AddNode.hyps(1))
then have mx: "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
using AddNode.hyps(1,2) by simp
from l have my: "g1 ⊢ yn ≃ ye1"
using AddNode.hyps(1,3) by simp
then show ?case
proof -
have "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
by (simp add: mx)
have "g1 ⊢ yn ≃ ye1"
by (simp add: my)
have xer: "∃ xe2. (g2 ⊢ xn ≃ xe2) ∧ xe1 ≥ xe2"
using AddNode a b c d l no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type repDet singletonD
by (metis_node_eq_binary AddNode)
have "∃ ye2. (g2 ⊢ yn ≃ ye2) ∧ ye1 ≥ ye2"
using AddNode a b c d l no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type repDet singletonD
by (metis_node_eq_binary AddNode)
then have "∃ xe2 ye2. (g2 ⊢ n ≃ BinaryExpr BinAdd xe2 ye2) ∧
BinaryExpr BinAdd xe1 ye1 ≥ BinaryExpr BinAdd xe2 ye2"
by (metis AddNode.prems l mono_binary rep.AddNode xer)
then show ?thesis
by meson
case (MulNode n x y xe1 ye1)
have k: "g1 ⊢ n ≃ BinaryExpr BinMul xe1 ye1"
using MulNode by (simp add: MulNode.hyps(2) rep.MulNode f)
obtain xn yn where l: "kind g1 n = MulNode xn yn"
by (simp add: MulNode.hyps(1))
then have mx: "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
using MulNode.hyps(1,2) by simp
from l have my: "g1 ⊢ yn ≃ ye1"
using MulNode.hyps(1,3) by simp
then show ?case
proof -
have "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
by (simp add: mx)
have "g1 ⊢ yn ≃ ye1"
by (simp add: my)
have xer: "∃ xe2. (g2 ⊢ xn ≃ xe2) ∧ xe1 ≥ xe2"
using MulNode a b c d l no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type repDet singletonD
by (metis_node_eq_binary MulNode)
have "∃ ye2. (g2 ⊢ yn ≃ ye2) ∧ ye1 ≥ ye2"
using MulNode a b c d l no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type repDet singletonD
by (metis_node_eq_binary MulNode)
then have "∃ xe2 ye2. (g2 ⊢ n ≃ BinaryExpr BinMul xe2 ye2) ∧
BinaryExpr BinMul xe1 ye1 ≥ BinaryExpr BinMul xe2 ye2"
by (metis MulNode.prems l mono_binary rep.MulNode xer)
then show ?thesis
by meson
case (DivNode n x y xe1 ye1)
have k: "g1 ⊢ n ≃ BinaryExpr BinDiv xe1 ye1"
using DivNode by (simp add: DivNode.hyps(2) rep.DivNode f)
obtain xn yn where l: "kind g1 n = SignedFloatingIntegerDivNode xn yn"
by (simp add: DivNode.hyps(1))
then have mx: "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
using DivNode.hyps(1,2) by simp
from l have my: "g1 ⊢ yn ≃ ye1"
using DivNode.hyps(1,3) by simp
then show ?case
proof -
have "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
by (simp add: mx)
have "g1 ⊢ yn ≃ ye1"
by (simp add: my)
have xer: "∃ xe2. (g2 ⊢ xn ≃ xe2) ∧ xe1 ≥ xe2"
using DivNode a b c d l no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type repDet singletonD
by (metis_node_eq_binary SignedFloatingIntegerDivNode)
have "∃ ye2. (g2 ⊢ yn ≃ ye2) ∧ ye1 ≥ ye2"
using DivNode a b c d l no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type repDet singletonD
by (metis_node_eq_binary SignedFloatingIntegerDivNode)
then have "∃ xe2 ye2. (g2 ⊢ n ≃ BinaryExpr BinDiv xe2 ye2) ∧
BinaryExpr BinDiv xe1 ye1 ≥ BinaryExpr BinDiv xe2 ye2"
by (metis DivNode.prems l mono_binary rep.DivNode xer)
then show ?thesis
by meson
case (ModNode n x y xe1 ye1)
have k: "g1 ⊢ n ≃ BinaryExpr BinMod xe1 ye1"
using ModNode by (simp add: ModNode.hyps(2) rep.ModNode f)
obtain xn yn where l: "kind g1 n = SignedFloatingIntegerRemNode xn yn"
by (simp add: ModNode.hyps(1))
then have mx: "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
using ModNode.hyps(1,2) by simp
from l have my: "g1 ⊢ yn ≃ ye1"
using ModNode.hyps(1,3) by simp
then show ?case
proof -
have "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
by (simp add: mx)
have "g1 ⊢ yn ≃ ye1"
by (simp add: my)
have xer: "∃ xe2. (g2 ⊢ xn ≃ xe2) ∧ xe1 ≥ xe2"
using ModNode a b c d l no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type repDet singletonD
by (metis_node_eq_binary SignedFloatingIntegerRemNode)
have "∃ ye2. (g2 ⊢ yn ≃ ye2) ∧ ye1 ≥ ye2"
using ModNode a b c d l no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type repDet singletonD
by (metis_node_eq_binary SignedFloatingIntegerRemNode)
then have "∃ xe2 ye2. (g2 ⊢ n ≃ BinaryExpr BinMod xe2 ye2) ∧
BinaryExpr BinMod xe1 ye1 ≥ BinaryExpr BinMod xe2 ye2"
by (metis ModNode.prems l mono_binary rep.ModNode xer)
then show ?thesis
by meson
case (SubNode n x y xe1 ye1)
have k: "g1 ⊢ n ≃ BinaryExpr BinSub xe1 ye1"
using SubNode by (simp add: SubNode.hyps(2) rep.SubNode f)
obtain xn yn where l: "kind g1 n = SubNode xn yn"
by (simp add: SubNode.hyps(1))
then have mx: "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
using SubNode.hyps(1,2) by simp
from l have my: "g1 ⊢ yn ≃ ye1"
using SubNode.hyps(1,3) by simp
then show ?case
proof -
have "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
by (simp add: mx)
have "g1 ⊢ yn ≃ ye1"
by (simp add: my)
have xer: "∃ xe2. (g2 ⊢ xn ≃ xe2) ∧ xe1 ≥ xe2"
using SubNode a b c d l no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type repDet singletonD
by (metis_node_eq_binary SubNode)
have "∃ ye2. (g2 ⊢ yn ≃ ye2) ∧ ye1 ≥ ye2"
using SubNode a b c d l no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type repDet singletonD
by (metis_node_eq_binary SubNode)
then have "∃ xe2 ye2. (g2 ⊢ n ≃ BinaryExpr BinSub xe2 ye2) ∧
BinaryExpr BinSub xe1 ye1 ≥ BinaryExpr BinSub xe2 ye2"
by (metis SubNode.prems l mono_binary rep.SubNode xer)
then show ?thesis
by meson
case (AndNode n x y xe1 ye1)
have k: "g1 ⊢ n ≃ BinaryExpr BinAnd xe1 ye1"
using AndNode by (simp add: AndNode.hyps(2) rep.AndNode f)
obtain xn yn where l: "kind g1 n = AndNode xn yn"
using AndNode.hyps(1) by simp
then have mx: "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
using AndNode.hyps(1,2) by simp
from l have my: "g1 ⊢ yn ≃ ye1"
using AndNode.hyps(1,3) by simp
then show ?case
proof -
have "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
by (simp add: mx)
have "g1 ⊢ yn ≃ ye1"
by (simp add: my)
have xer: "∃ xe2. (g2 ⊢ xn ≃ xe2) ∧ xe1 ≥ xe2"
using AndNode a b c d l no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type repDet singletonD
by (metis_node_eq_binary AndNode)
have "∃ ye2. (g2 ⊢ yn ≃ ye2) ∧ ye1 ≥ ye2"
using AndNode a b c d l no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type repDet singletonD
by (metis_node_eq_binary AndNode)
then have "∃ xe2 ye2. (g2 ⊢ n ≃ BinaryExpr BinAnd xe2 ye2) ∧
BinaryExpr BinAnd xe1 ye1 ≥ BinaryExpr BinAnd xe2 ye2"
by (metis AndNode.prems l mono_binary rep.AndNode xer)
then show ?thesis
by meson
case (OrNode n x y xe1 ye1)
have k: "g1 ⊢ n ≃ BinaryExpr BinOr xe1 ye1"
using OrNode by (simp add: OrNode.hyps(2) rep.OrNode f)
obtain xn yn where l: "kind g1 n = OrNode xn yn"
using OrNode.hyps(1) by simp
then have mx: "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
using OrNode.hyps(1,2) by simp
from l have my: "g1 ⊢ yn ≃ ye1"
using OrNode.hyps(1,3) by simp
then show ?case
proof -
have "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
by (simp add: mx)
have "g1 ⊢ yn ≃ ye1"
by (simp add: my)
have xer: "∃ xe2. (g2 ⊢ xn ≃ xe2) ∧ xe1 ≥ xe2"
using OrNode a b c d l no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type repDet singletonD
by (metis_node_eq_binary OrNode)
have "∃ ye2. (g2 ⊢ yn ≃ ye2) ∧ ye1 ≥ ye2"
using OrNode a b c d l no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type repDet singletonD
by (metis_node_eq_binary OrNode)
then have "∃ xe2 ye2. (g2 ⊢ n ≃ BinaryExpr BinOr xe2 ye2) ∧
BinaryExpr BinOr xe1 ye1 ≥ BinaryExpr BinOr xe2 ye2"
by (metis OrNode.prems l mono_binary rep.OrNode xer)
then show ?thesis
by meson
case (XorNode n x y xe1 ye1)
have k: "g1 ⊢ n ≃ BinaryExpr BinXor xe1 ye1"
using XorNode by (simp add: XorNode.hyps(2) rep.XorNode f)
obtain xn yn where l: "kind g1 n = XorNode xn yn"
using XorNode.hyps(1) by simp
then have mx: "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
using XorNode.hyps(1,2) by simp
from l have my: "g1 ⊢ yn ≃ ye1"
using XorNode.hyps(1,3) by simp
then show ?case
proof -
have "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
by (simp add: mx)
have "g1 ⊢ yn ≃ ye1"
by (simp add: my)
have xer: "∃ xe2. (g2 ⊢ xn ≃ xe2) ∧ xe1 ≥ xe2"
using XorNode a b c d l no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type repDet singletonD
by (metis_node_eq_binary XorNode)
have "∃ ye2. (g2 ⊢ yn ≃ ye2) ∧ ye1 ≥ ye2"
using XorNode a b c d l no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type repDet singletonD
by (metis_node_eq_binary XorNode)
then have "∃ xe2 ye2. (g2 ⊢ n ≃ BinaryExpr BinXor xe2 ye2) ∧
BinaryExpr BinXor xe1 ye1 ≥ BinaryExpr BinXor xe2 ye2"
by (metis XorNode.prems l mono_binary rep.XorNode xer)
then show ?thesis
by meson
case (ShortCircuitOrNode n x y xe1 ye1)
have k: "g1 ⊢ n ≃ BinaryExpr BinShortCircuitOr xe1 ye1"
using ShortCircuitOrNode by (simp add: ShortCircuitOrNode.hyps(2) rep.ShortCircuitOrNode f)
obtain xn yn where l: "kind g1 n = ShortCircuitOrNode xn yn"
using ShortCircuitOrNode.hyps(1) by simp
then have mx: "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
using ShortCircuitOrNode.hyps(1,2) by simp
from l have my: "g1 ⊢ yn ≃ ye1"
using ShortCircuitOrNode.hyps(1,3) by simp
then show ?case
proof -
have "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
by (simp add: mx)
have "g1 ⊢ yn ≃ ye1"
by (simp add: my)
have xer: "∃ xe2. (g2 ⊢ xn ≃ xe2) ∧ xe1 ≥ xe2"
using ShortCircuitOrNode a b c d l no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type repDet singletonD
by (metis_node_eq_binary ShortCircuitOrNode)
have "∃ ye2. (g2 ⊢ yn ≃ ye2) ∧ ye1 ≥ ye2"
using ShortCircuitOrNode a b c d l no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type repDet singletonD
by (metis_node_eq_binary ShortCircuitOrNode)
then have "∃ xe2 ye2. (g2 ⊢ n ≃ BinaryExpr BinShortCircuitOr xe2 ye2) ∧
BinaryExpr BinShortCircuitOr xe1 ye1 ≥ BinaryExpr BinShortCircuitOr xe2 ye2"
by (metis ShortCircuitOrNode.prems l mono_binary rep.ShortCircuitOrNode xer)
then show ?thesis
by meson
case (LeftShiftNode n x y xe1 ye1)
have k: "g1 ⊢ n ≃ BinaryExpr BinLeftShift xe1 ye1"
using LeftShiftNode by (simp add: LeftShiftNode.hyps(2) rep.LeftShiftNode f)
obtain xn yn where l: "kind g1 n = LeftShiftNode xn yn"
using LeftShiftNode.hyps(1) by simp
then have mx: "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
using LeftShiftNode.hyps(1,2) by simp
from l have my: "g1 ⊢ yn ≃ ye1"
using LeftShiftNode.hyps(1,3) by simp
then show ?case
proof -
have "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
by (simp add: mx)
have "g1 ⊢ yn ≃ ye1"
by (simp add: my)
have xer: "∃ xe2. (g2 ⊢ xn ≃ xe2) ∧ xe1 ≥ xe2"
using LeftShiftNode a b c d l no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type repDet singletonD
by (metis_node_eq_binary LeftShiftNode)
have "∃ ye2. (g2 ⊢ yn ≃ ye2) ∧ ye1 ≥ ye2"
using LeftShiftNode a b c d l no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type repDet singletonD
by (metis_node_eq_binary LeftShiftNode)
then have "∃ xe2 ye2. (g2 ⊢ n ≃ BinaryExpr BinLeftShift xe2 ye2) ∧
BinaryExpr BinLeftShift xe1 ye1 ≥ BinaryExpr BinLeftShift xe2 ye2"
by (metis LeftShiftNode.prems l mono_binary rep.LeftShiftNode xer)
then show ?thesis
by meson
case (RightShiftNode n x y xe1 ye1)
have k: "g1 ⊢ n ≃ BinaryExpr BinRightShift xe1 ye1"
using RightShiftNode by (simp add: RightShiftNode.hyps(2) rep.RightShiftNode)
obtain xn yn where l: "kind g1 n = RightShiftNode xn yn"
using RightShiftNode.hyps(1) by simp
then have mx: "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
using RightShiftNode.hyps(1,2) by simp
from l have my: "g1 ⊢ yn ≃ ye1"
using RightShiftNode.hyps(1,3) by simp
then show ?case
proof -
have "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
by (simp add: mx)
have "g1 ⊢ yn ≃ ye1"
by (simp add: my)
have xer: "∃ xe2. (g2 ⊢ xn ≃ xe2) ∧ xe1 ≥ xe2"
using RightShiftNode a b c d l no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type repDet singletonD
by (metis_node_eq_binary RightShiftNode)
have "∃ ye2. (g2 ⊢ yn ≃ ye2) ∧ ye1 ≥ ye2"
using RightShiftNode a b c d l no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type repDet singletonD
by (metis_node_eq_binary RightShiftNode)
then have "∃ xe2 ye2. (g2 ⊢ n ≃ BinaryExpr BinRightShift xe2 ye2) ∧
BinaryExpr BinRightShift xe1 ye1 ≥ BinaryExpr BinRightShift xe2 ye2"
by (metis RightShiftNode.prems l mono_binary rep.RightShiftNode xer)
then show ?thesis
by meson
case (UnsignedRightShiftNode n x y xe1 ye1)
have k: "g1 ⊢ n ≃ BinaryExpr BinURightShift xe1 ye1"
using UnsignedRightShiftNode by (simp add: UnsignedRightShiftNode.hyps(2)
obtain xn yn where l: "kind g1 n = UnsignedRightShiftNode xn yn"
using UnsignedRightShiftNode.hyps(1) by simp
then have mx: "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
using UnsignedRightShiftNode.hyps(1,2) by simp
from l have my: "g1 ⊢ yn ≃ ye1"
using UnsignedRightShiftNode.hyps(1,3) by simp
then show ?case
proof -
have "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
by (simp add: mx)
have "g1 ⊢ yn ≃ ye1"
by (simp add: my)
have xer: "∃ xe2. (g2 ⊢ xn ≃ xe2) ∧ xe1 ≥ xe2"
using UnsignedRightShiftNode a b c d no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type repDet singletonD
by (metis_node_eq_binary UnsignedRightShiftNode)
have "∃ ye2. (g2 ⊢ yn ≃ ye2) ∧ ye1 ≥ ye2"
using UnsignedRightShiftNode a b c d no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type repDet singletonD
by (metis_node_eq_binary UnsignedRightShiftNode)
then have "∃ xe2 ye2. (g2 ⊢ n ≃ BinaryExpr BinURightShift xe2 ye2) ∧
BinaryExpr BinURightShift xe1 ye1 ≥ BinaryExpr BinURightShift xe2 ye2"
by (metis UnsignedRightShiftNode.prems l mono_binary rep.UnsignedRightShiftNode xer)
then show ?thesis
by meson
case (IntegerBelowNode n x y xe1 ye1)
have k: "g1 ⊢ n ≃ BinaryExpr BinIntegerBelow xe1 ye1"
using IntegerBelowNode by (simp add: IntegerBelowNode.hyps(2) rep.IntegerBelowNode)
obtain xn yn where l: "kind g1 n = IntegerBelowNode xn yn"
using IntegerBelowNode.hyps(1) by simp
then have mx: "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
using IntegerBelowNode.hyps(1,2) by simp
from l have my: "g1 ⊢ yn ≃ ye1"
using IntegerBelowNode.hyps(1,3) by simp
then show ?case
proof -
have "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
by (simp add: mx)
have "g1 ⊢ yn ≃ ye1"
by (simp add: my)
have xer: "∃ xe2. (g2 ⊢ xn ≃ xe2) ∧ xe1 ≥ xe2"
using IntegerBelowNode a b c d l no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type repDet singletonD
by (metis_node_eq_binary IntegerBelowNode)
have "∃ ye2. (g2 ⊢ yn ≃ ye2) ∧ ye1 ≥ ye2"
using IntegerBelowNode a b c d l no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type repDet singletonD
by (metis_node_eq_binary IntegerBelowNode)
then have "∃ xe2 ye2. (g2 ⊢ n ≃ BinaryExpr BinIntegerBelow xe2 ye2) ∧
BinaryExpr BinIntegerBelow xe1 ye1 ≥ BinaryExpr BinIntegerBelow xe2 ye2"
by (metis IntegerBelowNode.prems l mono_binary rep.IntegerBelowNode xer)
then show ?thesis
by meson
case (IntegerEqualsNode n x y xe1 ye1)
have k: "g1 ⊢ n ≃ BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals xe1 ye1"
using IntegerEqualsNode by (simp add: IntegerEqualsNode.hyps(2) rep.IntegerEqualsNode)
obtain xn yn where l: "kind g1 n = IntegerEqualsNode xn yn"
using IntegerEqualsNode.hyps(1) by simp
then have mx: "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
using IntegerEqualsNode.hyps(1,2) by simp
from l have my: "g1 ⊢ yn ≃ ye1"
using IntegerEqualsNode.hyps(1,3) by simp
then show ?case
proof -
have "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
by (simp add: mx)
have "g1 ⊢ yn ≃ ye1"
by (simp add: my)
have xer: "∃ xe2. (g2 ⊢ xn ≃ xe2) ∧ xe1 ≥ xe2"
using IntegerEqualsNode a b c d l no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type repDet singletonD
by (metis_node_eq_binary IntegerEqualsNode)
have "∃ ye2. (g2 ⊢ yn ≃ ye2) ∧ ye1 ≥ ye2"
using IntegerEqualsNode a b c d l no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type repDet singletonD
by (metis_node_eq_binary IntegerEqualsNode)
then have "∃ xe2 ye2. (g2 ⊢ n ≃ BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals xe2 ye2) ∧
BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals xe1 ye1 ≥ BinaryExpr BinIntegerEquals xe2 ye2"
by (metis IntegerEqualsNode.prems l mono_binary rep.IntegerEqualsNode xer)
then show ?thesis
by meson
case (IntegerLessThanNode n x y xe1 ye1)
have k: "g1 ⊢ n ≃ BinaryExpr BinIntegerLessThan xe1 ye1"
using IntegerLessThanNode by (simp add: IntegerLessThanNode.hyps(2) rep.IntegerLessThanNode)
obtain xn yn where l: "kind g1 n = IntegerLessThanNode xn yn"
using IntegerLessThanNode.hyps(1) by simp
then have mx: "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
using IntegerLessThanNode.hyps(1,2) by simp
from l have my: "g1 ⊢ yn ≃ ye1"
using IntegerLessThanNode.hyps(1,3) by simp
then show ?case
proof -
have "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
by (simp add: mx)
have "g1 ⊢ yn ≃ ye1"
by (simp add: my)
have xer: "∃ xe2. (g2 ⊢ xn ≃ xe2) ∧ xe1 ≥ xe2"
using IntegerLessThanNode a b c d l no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type repDet singletonD
by (metis_node_eq_binary IntegerLessThanNode)
have "∃ ye2. (g2 ⊢ yn ≃ ye2) ∧ ye1 ≥ ye2"
using IntegerLessThanNode a b c d l no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type repDet singletonD
by (metis_node_eq_binary IntegerLessThanNode)
then have "∃ xe2 ye2. (g2 ⊢ n ≃ BinaryExpr BinIntegerLessThan xe2 ye2) ∧
BinaryExpr BinIntegerLessThan xe1 ye1 ≥ BinaryExpr BinIntegerLessThan xe2 ye2"
by (metis IntegerLessThanNode.prems l mono_binary rep.IntegerLessThanNode xer)
then show ?thesis
by meson
case (IntegerTestNode n x y xe1 ye1)
have k: "g1 ⊢ n ≃ BinaryExpr BinIntegerTest xe1 ye1"
using IntegerTestNode by (meson rep.IntegerTestNode)
obtain xn yn where l: "kind g1 n = IntegerTestNode xn yn"
by (simp add: IntegerTestNode.hyps(1))
then have mx: "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
using IRNode.inject(21) IntegerTestNode.hyps(1,2) by presburger
from l have my: "g1 ⊢ yn ≃ ye1"
by (metis IRNode.inject(21) IntegerTestNode.hyps(1,3))
then show ?case
proof -
have "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
by (simp add: mx)
have "g1 ⊢ yn ≃ ye1"
by (simp add: my)
have xer: "∃ xe2. (g2 ⊢ xn ≃ xe2) ∧ xe1 ≥ xe2"
using IntegerTestNode a b c d l no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type repDet singletonD
by (metis IRNode.inject(21))
have "∃ ye2. (g2 ⊢ yn ≃ ye2) ∧ ye1 ≥ ye2"
using IntegerLessThanNode a b c d l no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type repDet singletonD
by (metis IRNode.inject(21) IntegerTestNode.IH(2) IntegerTestNode.hyps(1) my)
then have "∃ xe2 ye2. (g2 ⊢ n ≃ BinaryExpr BinIntegerTest xe2 ye2) ∧
BinaryExpr BinIntegerTest xe1 ye1 ≥ BinaryExpr BinIntegerTest xe2 ye2"
by (metis IntegerTestNode.prems l mono_binary xer rep.IntegerTestNode)
then show ?thesis
by meson
case (IntegerNormalizeCompareNode n x y xe1 ye1)
have k: "g1 ⊢ n ≃ BinaryExpr BinIntegerNormalizeCompare xe1 ye1"
by (simp add: IntegerNormalizeCompareNode.hyps(1,2,3) rep.IntegerNormalizeCompareNode)
obtain xn yn where l: "kind g1 n = IntegerNormalizeCompareNode xn yn"
by (simp add: IntegerNormalizeCompareNode.hyps(1))
then have mx: "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
using IRNode.inject(20) IntegerNormalizeCompareNode.hyps(1,2) by presburger
from l have my: "g1 ⊢ yn ≃ ye1"
using IRNode.inject(20) IntegerNormalizeCompareNode.hyps(1,3) by presburger
then show ?case
proof -
have "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
by (simp add: mx)
have "g1 ⊢ yn ≃ ye1"
by (simp add: my)
have xer: "∃ xe2. (g2 ⊢ xn ≃ xe2) ∧ xe1 ≥ xe2"
by (metis IRNode.inject(20) IntegerNormalizeCompareNode.IH(1) l mx no_encoding a b c d
IntegerNormalizeCompareNode.hyps(1) emptyE insertE not_excluded_keep_type repDet)
have "∃ ye2. (g2 ⊢ yn ≃ ye2) ∧ ye1 ≥ ye2"
by (metis IRNode.inject(20) IntegerNormalizeCompareNode.IH(2) my no_encoding a b c d l
IntegerNormalizeCompareNode.hyps(1) emptyE insertE not_excluded_keep_type repDet)
then have "∃ xe2 ye2. (g2 ⊢ n ≃ BinaryExpr BinIntegerNormalizeCompare xe2 ye2) ∧
BinaryExpr BinIntegerNormalizeCompare xe1 ye1 ≥ BinaryExpr BinIntegerNormalizeCompare xe2 ye2"
by (metis IntegerNormalizeCompareNode.prems l mono_binary rep.IntegerNormalizeCompareNode
then show ?thesis
by meson
case (IntegerMulHighNode n x y xe1 ye1)
have k: "g1 ⊢ n ≃ BinaryExpr BinIntegerMulHigh xe1 ye1"
by (simp add: IntegerMulHighNode.hyps(1,2,3) rep.IntegerMulHighNode)
obtain xn yn where l: "kind g1 n = IntegerMulHighNode xn yn"
by (simp add: IntegerMulHighNode.hyps(1))
then have mx: "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
using IRNode.inject(19) IntegerMulHighNode.hyps(1,2) by presburger
from l have my: "g1 ⊢ yn ≃ ye1"
using IRNode.inject(19) IntegerMulHighNode.hyps(1,3) by presburger
then show ?case
proof -
have "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
by (simp add: mx)
have "g1 ⊢ yn ≃ ye1"
by (simp add: my)
have xer: "∃ xe2. (g2 ⊢ xn ≃ xe2) ∧ xe1 ≥ xe2"
by (metis IRNode.inject(19) IntegerMulHighNode.IH(1) IntegerMulHighNode.hyps(1) a b c d
emptyE insertE l mx no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type repDet)
have "∃ ye2. (g2 ⊢ yn ≃ ye2) ∧ ye1 ≥ ye2"
by (metis IRNode.inject(19) IntegerMulHighNode.IH(2) IntegerMulHighNode.hyps(1) a b c d
emptyE insertE l my no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type repDet)
then have "∃ xe2 ye2. (g2 ⊢ n ≃ BinaryExpr BinIntegerMulHigh xe2 ye2) ∧
BinaryExpr BinIntegerMulHigh xe1 ye1 ≥ BinaryExpr BinIntegerMulHigh xe2 ye2"
by (metis IntegerMulHighNode.prems l mono_binary rep.IntegerMulHighNode xer)
then show ?thesis
by meson
case (NarrowNode n inputBits resultBits x xe1)
have k: "g1 ⊢ n ≃ UnaryExpr (UnaryNarrow inputBits resultBits) xe1"
using NarrowNode by (simp add: NarrowNode.hyps(2) rep.NarrowNode)
obtain xn where l: "kind g1 n = NarrowNode inputBits resultBits xn"
using NarrowNode.hyps(1) by simp
then have m: "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
using NarrowNode.hyps(1,2) by simp
then show ?case
proof (cases "xn = n'")
case True
then have n: "xe1 = e1'"
using m by (simp add: repDet c)
then have ev: "g2 ⊢ n ≃ UnaryExpr (UnaryNarrow inputBits resultBits) e2'"
using l by (simp add: rep.NarrowNode d True NarrowNode.prems)
then have r: "UnaryExpr (UnaryNarrow inputBits resultBits) e1' ≥
UnaryExpr (UnaryNarrow inputBits resultBits) e2'"
by (meson a mono_unary)
then show ?thesis
by (metis n ev)
case False
have "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
by (simp add: m)
have "∃ xe2. (g2 ⊢ xn ≃ xe2) ∧ xe1 ≥ xe2"
using NarrowNode False b encodes_contains l not_excluded_keep_type not_in_g singleton_iff
by (metis_node_eq_ternary NarrowNode)
then have "∃ xe2. (g2 ⊢ n ≃ UnaryExpr (UnaryNarrow inputBits resultBits) xe2) ∧
UnaryExpr (UnaryNarrow inputBits resultBits) xe1 ≥
UnaryExpr (UnaryNarrow inputBits resultBits) xe2"
by (metis NarrowNode.prems l mono_unary rep.NarrowNode)
then show ?thesis
by meson
case (SignExtendNode n inputBits resultBits x xe1)
have k: "g1 ⊢ n ≃ UnaryExpr (UnarySignExtend inputBits resultBits) xe1"
using SignExtendNode by (simp add: SignExtendNode.hyps(2) rep.SignExtendNode)
obtain xn where l: "kind g1 n = SignExtendNode inputBits resultBits xn"
using SignExtendNode.hyps(1) by simp
then have m: "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
using SignExtendNode.hyps(1,2) by simp
then show ?case
proof (cases "xn = n'")
case True
then have n: "xe1 = e1'"
using m by (simp add: repDet c)
then have ev: "g2 ⊢ n ≃ UnaryExpr (UnarySignExtend inputBits resultBits) e2'"
using l by (simp add: True d rep.SignExtendNode SignExtendNode.prems)
then have r: "UnaryExpr (UnarySignExtend inputBits resultBits) e1' ≥
UnaryExpr (UnarySignExtend inputBits resultBits) e2'"
by (meson a mono_unary)
then show ?thesis
by (metis n ev)
case False
have "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
by (simp add: m)
have "∃ xe2. (g2 ⊢ xn ≃ xe2) ∧ xe1 ≥ xe2"
using SignExtendNode False b encodes_contains l not_excluded_keep_type not_in_g
by (metis_node_eq_ternary SignExtendNode)
then have "∃ xe2. (g2 ⊢ n ≃ UnaryExpr (UnarySignExtend inputBits resultBits) xe2) ∧
UnaryExpr (UnarySignExtend inputBits resultBits) xe1 ≥
UnaryExpr (UnarySignExtend inputBits resultBits) xe2"
by (metis SignExtendNode.prems l mono_unary rep.SignExtendNode)
then show ?thesis
by meson
case (ZeroExtendNode n inputBits resultBits x xe1)
have k: "g1 ⊢ n ≃ UnaryExpr (UnaryZeroExtend inputBits resultBits) xe1"
using ZeroExtendNode by (simp add: ZeroExtendNode.hyps(2) rep.ZeroExtendNode)
obtain xn where l: "kind g1 n = ZeroExtendNode inputBits resultBits xn"
using ZeroExtendNode.hyps(1) by simp
then have m: "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
using ZeroExtendNode.hyps(1,2) by simp
then show ?case
proof (cases "xn = n'")
case True
then have n: "xe1 = e1'"
using m by (simp add: repDet c)
then have ev: "g2 ⊢ n ≃ UnaryExpr (UnaryZeroExtend inputBits resultBits) e2'"
using l by (simp add: ZeroExtendNode.prems True d rep.ZeroExtendNode)
then have r: "UnaryExpr (UnaryZeroExtend inputBits resultBits) e1' ≥
UnaryExpr (UnaryZeroExtend inputBits resultBits) e2'"
by (meson a mono_unary)
then show ?thesis
by (metis n ev)
case False
have "g1 ⊢ xn ≃ xe1"
by (simp add: m)
have "∃ xe2. (g2 ⊢ xn ≃ xe2) ∧ xe1 ≥ xe2"
using ZeroExtendNode b encodes_contains l not_excluded_keep_type not_in_g singleton_iff
by (metis_node_eq_ternary ZeroExtendNode)
then have "∃ xe2. (g2 ⊢ n ≃ UnaryExpr (UnaryZeroExtend inputBits resultBits) xe2) ∧
UnaryExpr (UnaryZeroExtend inputBits resultBits) xe1 ≥
UnaryExpr (UnaryZeroExtend inputBits resultBits) xe2"
by (metis ZeroExtendNode.prems l mono_unary rep.ZeroExtendNode)
then show ?thesis
by meson
case (LeafNode n s)
then show ?case
by (metis eq_refl rep.LeafNode)
case (PiNode n' gu)
then show ?case
by (metis encodes_contains not_excluded_keep_type not_in_g rep.PiNode repDet singleton_iff
a b c d)
case (RefNode n')
then show ?case
by (metis a b c d no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type rep.RefNode repDet singletonD)
case (IsNullNode n)
then show ?case
by (metis insertE mono_unary no_encoding not_excluded_keep_type rep.IsNullNode repDet emptyE
a b c d)
lemma graph_semantics_preservation_subscript:
assumes a: "e⇩1' ≥ e⇩2'"
assumes b: "({n} ⊴ as_set g⇩1) ⊆ as_set g⇩2"
assumes c: "g⇩1 ⊢ n ≃ e⇩1'"
assumes d: "g⇩2 ⊢ n ≃ e⇩2'"
shows "graph_refinement g⇩1 g⇩2"
using assms by (simp add: graph_semantics_preservation)
lemma tree_to_graph_rewriting:
"e⇩1 ≥ e⇩2
∧ (g⇩1 ⊢ n ≃ e⇩1) ∧ maximal_sharing g⇩1
∧ ({n} ⊴ as_set g⇩1) ⊆ as_set g⇩2
∧ (g⇩2 ⊢ n ≃ e⇩2) ∧ maximal_sharing g⇩2
⟹ graph_refinement g⇩1 g⇩2"
by (auto simp add: graph_semantics_preservation)
declare [[simp_trace]]
lemma equal_refines:
fixes e1 e2 :: IRExpr
assumes "e1 = e2"
shows "e1 ≥ e2"
using assms by simp
declare [[simp_trace=false]]
inductive_cases UnaryRepE[elim!]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ (UnaryExpr op xe)"
inductive_cases BinaryRepE[elim!]:
"g ⊢ n ≃ (BinaryExpr op xe ye)"
lemma eval_contains_id[simp]: "g1 ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹ n ∈ ids g1"
using no_encoding by auto
lemma subset_kind[simp]: "as_set g1 ⊆ as_set g2 ⟹ g1 ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹ kind g1 n = kind g2 n"
using eval_contains_id as_set_def by blast
lemma subset_stamp[simp]: "as_set g1 ⊆ as_set g2 ⟹ g1 ⊢ n ≃ e ⟹ stamp g1 n = stamp g2 n"
using eval_contains_id as_set_def by blast
method solve_subset_eval uses as_set eval =
(metis eval as_set subset_kind subset_stamp |
metis eval as_set subset_kind)
lemma subset_implies_evals:
assumes "as_set g1 ⊆ as_set g2"
assumes "(g1 ⊢ n ≃ e)"
shows "(g2 ⊢ n ≃ e)"
using assms(2)
apply (induction e)
apply (solve_subset_eval as_set: assms(1) eval: ConstantNode)
apply (solve_subset_eval as_set: assms(1) eval: ParameterNode)
apply (solve_subset_eval as_set: assms(1) eval: ConditionalNode)
apply (solve_subset_eval as_set: assms(1) eval: AbsNode)
apply (solve_subset_eval as_set: assms(1) eval: ReverseBytesNode)
apply (solve_subset_eval as_set: assms(1) eval: BitCountNode)
apply (solve_subset_eval as_set: assms(1) eval: NotNode)
apply (solve_subset_eval as_set: assms(1) eval: NegateNode)
apply (solve_subset_eval as_set: assms(1) eval: LogicNegationNode)
apply (solve_subset_eval as_set: assms(1) eval: AddNode)
apply (solve_subset_eval as_set: assms(1) eval: MulNode)
apply (solve_subset_eval as_set: assms(1) eval: DivNode)
apply (solve_subset_eval as_set: assms(1) eval: ModNode)
apply (solve_subset_eval as_set: assms(1) eval: SubNode)
apply (solve_subset_eval as_set: assms(1) eval: AndNode)
apply (solve_subset_eval as_set: assms(1) eval: OrNode)
apply (solve_subset_eval as_set: assms(1) eval: XorNode)
apply (solve_subset_eval as_set: assms(1) eval: ShortCircuitOrNode)
apply (solve_subset_eval as_set: assms(1) eval: LeftShiftNode)
apply (solve_subset_eval as_set: assms(1) eval: RightShiftNode)
apply (solve_subset_eval as_set: assms(1) eval: UnsignedRightShiftNode)
apply (solve_subset_eval as_set: assms(1) eval: IntegerBelowNode)
apply (solve_subset_eval as_set: assms(1) eval: IntegerEqualsNode)
apply (solve_subset_eval as_set: assms(1) eval: IntegerLessThanNode)
apply (solve_subset_eval as_set: assms(1) eval: IntegerTestNode)
apply (solve_subset_eval as_set: assms(1) eval: IntegerNormalizeCompareNode)
apply (solve_subset_eval as_set: assms(1) eval: IntegerMulHighNode)
apply (solve_subset_eval as_set: assms(1) eval: NarrowNode)
apply (solve_subset_eval as_set: assms(1) eval: SignExtendNode)
apply (solve_subset_eval as_set: assms(1) eval: ZeroExtendNode)
apply (solve_subset_eval as_set: assms(1) eval: LeafNode)
apply (solve_subset_eval as_set: assms(1) eval: PiNode)
apply (solve_subset_eval as_set: assms(1) eval: RefNode)
by (solve_subset_eval as_set: assms(1) eval: IsNullNode)
lemma subset_refines:
assumes "as_set g1 ⊆ as_set g2"
shows "graph_refinement g1 g2"
proof -
have "ids g1 ⊆ ids g2"
using assms as_set_def by blast
then show ?thesis
unfolding graph_refinement_def
apply rule apply (rule allI) apply (rule impI) apply (rule allI) apply (rule impI)
unfolding graph_represents_expression_def
proof -
fix n e1
assume 1:"n ∈ ids g1"
assume 2:"g1 ⊢ n ≃ e1"
show "∃e2. (g2 ⊢ n ≃ e2) ∧ e1 ≥ e2"
by (meson equal_refines subset_implies_evals assms 1 2)
lemma graph_construction:
"e⇩1 ≥ e⇩2
∧ as_set g⇩1 ⊆ as_set g⇩2
∧ (g⇩2 ⊢ n ≃ e⇩2)
⟹ (g⇩2 ⊢ n ⊴ e⇩1) ∧ graph_refinement g⇩1 g⇩2"
by (meson encodeeval.simps graph_represents_expression_def le_expr_def subset_refines)
subsubsection ‹Term Graph Reconstruction›
lemma find_exists_kind:
assumes "find_node_and_stamp g (node, s) = Some nid"
shows "kind g nid = node"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) find_Some_iff find_node_and_stamp.simps assms)
lemma find_exists_stamp:
assumes "find_node_and_stamp g (node, s) = Some nid"
shows "stamp g nid = s"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) find_Some_iff find_node_and_stamp.simps assms)
lemma find_new_kind:
assumes "g' = add_node nid (node, s) g"
assumes "node ≠ NoNode"
shows "kind g' nid = node"
by (simp add: add_node_lookup assms)
lemma find_new_stamp:
assumes "g' = add_node nid (node, s) g"
assumes "node ≠ NoNode"
shows "stamp g' nid = s"
by (simp add: assms add_node_lookup)
lemma sorted_bottom:
assumes "finite xs"
assumes "x ∈ xs"
shows "x ≤ last(sorted_list_of_set(xs::nat set))"
proof -
obtain largest where largest: "largest = last (sorted_list_of_set(xs))"
by simp
obtain sortedList where sortedList: "sortedList = sorted_list_of_set(xs)"
by simp
have step: "∀i. 0 < i ∧ i < (length (sortedList)) ⟶ sortedList!(i-1) ≤ sortedList!(i)"
unfolding sortedList apply auto
by (metis diff_le_self sorted_list_of_set.length_sorted_key_list_of_set sorted_nth_mono
have finalElement: "last (sorted_list_of_set(xs)) =
sorted_list_of_set(xs)!(length (sorted_list_of_set(xs)) - 1)"
using assms last_conv_nth sorted_list_of_set.sorted_key_list_of_set_eq_Nil_iff by blast
have contains0: "(x ∈ xs) = (x ∈ set (sorted_list_of_set(xs)))"
using assms(1) by auto
have lastLargest: "((x ∈ xs) ⟶ (largest ≥ x))"
using step unfolding largest finalElement apply auto
by (metis (no_types, lifting) One_nat_def Suc_pred assms(1) card_Diff1_less in_set_conv_nth
sorted_list_of_set.length_sorted_key_list_of_set card_Diff_singleton_if less_Suc_eq_le
sorted_list_of_set.sorted_sorted_key_list_of_set length_pos_if_in_set sorted_nth_mono
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: assms largest)
lemma fresh: "finite xs ⟹ last(sorted_list_of_set(xs::nat set)) + 1 ∉ xs"
using sorted_bottom not_le by auto
lemma fresh_ids:
assumes "n = get_fresh_id g"
shows "n ∉ ids g"
proof -
have "finite (ids g)"
by (simp add: Rep_IRGraph)
then show ?thesis
using assms fresh unfolding get_fresh_id.simps by blast
lemma graph_unchanged_rep_unchanged:
assumes "∀n ∈ ids g. kind g n = kind g' n"
assumes "∀n ∈ ids g. stamp g n = stamp g' n"
shows "(g ⊢ n ≃ e) ⟶ (g' ⊢ n ≃ e)"
apply (rule impI) subgoal premises e using e assms
apply (induction n e)
apply (metis no_encoding rep.ConstantNode)
apply (metis no_encoding rep.ParameterNode)
apply (metis no_encoding rep.ConditionalNode)
apply (metis no_encoding rep.AbsNode)
apply (metis no_encoding rep.ReverseBytesNode)
apply (metis no_encoding rep.BitCountNode)
apply (metis no_encoding rep.NotNode)
apply (metis no_encoding rep.NegateNode)
apply (metis no_encoding rep.LogicNegationNode)
apply (metis no_encoding rep.AddNode)
apply (metis no_encoding rep.MulNode)
apply (metis no_encoding rep.DivNode)
apply (metis no_encoding rep.ModNode)
apply (metis no_encoding rep.SubNode)
apply (metis no_encoding rep.AndNode)
apply (metis no_encoding rep.OrNode)
apply (metis no_encoding rep.XorNode)
apply (metis no_encoding rep.ShortCircuitOrNode)
apply (metis no_encoding rep.LeftShiftNode)
apply (metis no_encoding rep.RightShiftNode)
apply (metis no_encoding rep.UnsignedRightShiftNode)
apply (metis no_encoding rep.IntegerBelowNode)
apply (metis no_encoding rep.IntegerEqualsNode)
apply (metis no_encoding rep.IntegerLessThanNode)
apply (metis no_encoding rep.IntegerTestNode)
apply (metis no_encoding rep.IntegerNormalizeCompareNode)
apply (metis no_encoding rep.IntegerMulHighNode)
apply (metis no_encoding rep.NarrowNode)
apply (metis no_encoding rep.SignExtendNode)
apply (metis no_encoding rep.ZeroExtendNode)
apply (metis no_encoding rep.LeafNode)
apply (metis no_encoding rep.PiNode)
apply (metis no_encoding rep.RefNode)
by (metis no_encoding rep.IsNullNode)
lemma fresh_node_subset:
assumes "n ∉ ids g"
assumes "g' = add_node n (k, s) g"
shows "as_set g ⊆ as_set g'"
by (smt (z3) Collect_mono_iff Diff_idemp Diff_insert_absorb add_changed as_set_def unchanged.simps
disjoint_change assms)
lemma unique_subset:
assumes "unique g node (g', n)"
shows "as_set g ⊆ as_set g'"
using assms fresh_ids fresh_node_subset
by (metis Pair_inject subsetI unique.cases)
lemma unrep_subset:
assumes "(g ⊕ e ↝ (g', n))"
shows "as_set g ⊆ as_set g'"
using assms
proof (induction g e "(g', n)" arbitrary: g' n)
case (UnrepConstantNode g c n g')
then show ?case using unique_subset by simp
case (UnrepParameterNode g i s n)
then show ?case using unique_subset by simp
case (UnrepConditionalNode g ce g2 c te g3 t fe g4 f s' n)
then show ?case using unique_subset by blast
case (UnrepUnaryNode g xe g2 x s' op n)
then show ?case using unique_subset by blast
case (UnrepBinaryNode g xe g2 x ye g3 y s' op n)
then show ?case using unique_subset by blast
case (AllLeafNodes g n s)
then show ?case
by auto
lemma fresh_node_preserves_other_nodes:
assumes "n' = get_fresh_id g"
assumes "g' = add_node n' (k, s) g"
shows "∀ n ∈ ids g . (g ⊢ n ≃ e) ⟶ (g' ⊢ n ≃ e)"
using assms apply auto
by (metis fresh_node_subset subset_implies_evals fresh_ids assms)
lemma found_node_preserves_other_nodes:
assumes "find_node_and_stamp g (k, s) = Some n"
shows "∀ n ∈ ids g. (g ⊢ n ≃ e) ⟷ (g ⊢ n ≃ e)"
by (auto simp add: assms)
lemma unrep_ids_subset[simp]:
assumes "g ⊕ e ↝ (g', n)"
shows "ids g ⊆ ids g'"
by (meson graph_refinement_def subset_refines unrep_subset assms)
lemma unrep_unchanged:
assumes "g ⊕ e ↝ (g', n)"
shows "∀ n ∈ ids g . ∀ e. (g ⊢ n ≃ e) ⟶ (g' ⊢ n ≃ e)"
by (meson subset_implies_evals unrep_subset assms)
lemma unique_kind:
assumes "unique g (node, s) (g', nid)"
assumes "node ≠ NoNode"
shows "kind g' nid = node ∧ stamp g' nid = s"
using assms find_exists_kind add_node_lookup
by (smt (verit, del_insts) Pair_inject find_exists_stamp unique.cases)
lemma unique_eval:
assumes "unique g (n, s) (g', nid)"
shows "g ⊢ nid' ≃ e ⟹ g' ⊢ nid' ≃ e"
using assms subset_implies_evals unique_subset by blast
lemma unrep_eval:
assumes "unrep g e (g', nid)"
shows "g ⊢ nid' ≃ e' ⟹ g' ⊢ nid' ≃ e'"
using assms subset_implies_evals no_encoding unrep_unchanged by blast
lemma unary_node_nonode:
"unary_node op x ≠ NoNode"
by (cases op; auto)
lemma bin_node_nonode:
"bin_node op x y ≠ NoNode"
by (cases op; auto)
theorem term_graph_reconstruction:
"g ⊕ e ↝ (g', n) ⟹ (g' ⊢ n ≃ e) ∧ as_set g ⊆ as_set g'"
subgoal premises e apply (rule conjI) defer
using e unrep_subset apply blast using e
proof (induction g e "(g', n)" arbitrary: g' n)
case (UnrepConstantNode g c g⇩1 n)
then show ?case
using ConstantNode unique_kind by blast
case (UnrepParameterNode g i s g⇩1 n)
then show ?case
using ParameterNode unique_kind
by (metis IRNode.distinct(3695))
case (UnrepConditionalNode g ce g⇩1 c te g⇩2 t fe g⇩3 f s' g⇩4 n)
then show ?case
using unique_kind unique_eval unrep_eval
by (meson ConditionalNode IRNode.distinct(965))
case (UnrepUnaryNode g xe g⇩1 x s' op g⇩2 n)
then have k: "kind g⇩2 n = unary_node op x"
using unique_kind unary_node_nonode by simp
then have "g⇩2 ⊢ x ≃ xe"
using UnrepUnaryNode unique_eval by blast
then show ?case
using k apply (cases op)
using unary_node.simps(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
AbsNode NegateNode NotNode LogicNegationNode NarrowNode SignExtendNode ZeroExtendNode
IsNullNode ReverseBytesNode BitCountNode
by presburger+
case (UnrepBinaryNode g xe g⇩1 x ye g⇩2 y s' op g⇩3 n)
then have k: "kind g⇩3 n = bin_node op x y"
using unique_kind bin_node_nonode by simp
have x: "g⇩3 ⊢ x ≃ xe"
using UnrepBinaryNode unique_eval unrep_eval by blast
have y: "g⇩3 ⊢ y ≃ ye"
using UnrepBinaryNode unique_eval unrep_eval by blast
then show ?case
using x k apply (cases op)
using bin_node.simps(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18)
AddNode MulNode DivNode ModNode SubNode AndNode OrNode ShortCircuitOrNode LeftShiftNode RightShiftNode
UnsignedRightShiftNode IntegerEqualsNode IntegerLessThanNode IntegerBelowNode XorNode
IntegerTestNode IntegerNormalizeCompareNode IntegerMulHighNode
by metis+
case (AllLeafNodes g n s)
then show ?case
by (simp add: rep.LeafNode)
lemma ref_refinement:
assumes "g ⊢ n ≃ e⇩1"
assumes "kind g n' = RefNode n"
shows "g ⊢ n' ⊴ e⇩1"
by (meson equal_refines graph_represents_expression_def RefNode assms)
lemma unrep_refines:
assumes "g ⊕ e ↝ (g', n)"
shows "graph_refinement g g'"
using assms by (simp add: unrep_subset subset_refines)
lemma add_new_node_refines:
assumes "n ∉ ids g"
assumes "g' = add_node n (k, s) g"
shows "graph_refinement g g'"
using assms by (simp add: fresh_node_subset subset_refines)
lemma add_node_as_set:
assumes "g' = add_node n (k, s) g"
shows "({n} ⊴ as_set g) ⊆ as_set g'"
unfolding assms
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) case_prodE changeonly.simps mem_Collect_eq prod.sel(1) subsetI assms
add_changed as_set_def domain_subtraction_def)
theorem refined_insert:
assumes "e⇩1 ≥ e⇩2"
assumes "g⇩1 ⊕ e⇩2 ↝ (g⇩2, n')"
shows "(g⇩2 ⊢ n' ⊴ e⇩1) ∧ graph_refinement g⇩1 g⇩2"
using assms graph_construction term_graph_reconstruction by blast
lemma ids_finite: "finite (ids g)"
by simp
lemma unwrap_sorted: "set (sorted_list_of_set (ids g)) = ids g"
using ids_finite by simp
lemma find_none:
assumes "find_node_and_stamp g (k, s) = None"
shows "∀ n ∈ ids g. kind g n ≠ k ∨ stamp g n ≠ s"
proof -
have "(∄n. n ∈ ids g ∧ (kind g n = k ∧ stamp g n = s))"
by (metis (mono_tags) unwrap_sorted find_None_iff find_node_and_stamp.simps assms)
then show ?thesis
by auto
method ref_represents uses node =
(metis IRNode.distinct(2755) RefNode dual_order.refl find_new_kind fresh_node_subset node subset_implies_evals)
subsubsection ‹Data-flow Tree to Subgraph Preserves Maximal Sharing›
lemma same_kind_stamp_encodes_equal:
assumes "kind g n = kind g n'"
assumes "stamp g n = stamp g n'"
assumes "¬(is_preevaluated (kind g n))"
shows "∀ e. (g ⊢ n ≃ e) ⟶ (g ⊢ n' ≃ e)"
apply (rule allI)
subgoal for e
apply (rule impI)
subgoal premises eval using eval assms
apply (induction e)
using ConstantNode apply presburger
using ParameterNode apply presburger
apply (metis ConditionalNode)
apply (metis AbsNode)
apply (metis ReverseBytesNode)
apply (metis BitCountNode)
apply (metis NotNode)
apply (metis NegateNode)
apply (metis LogicNegationNode)
apply (metis AddNode)
apply (metis MulNode)
apply (metis DivNode)
apply (metis ModNode)
apply (metis SubNode)
apply (metis AndNode)
apply (metis OrNode)
apply (metis XorNode)
apply (metis ShortCircuitOrNode)
apply (metis LeftShiftNode)
apply (metis RightShiftNode)
apply (metis UnsignedRightShiftNode)
apply (metis IntegerBelowNode)
apply (metis IntegerEqualsNode)
apply (metis IntegerLessThanNode)
apply (metis IntegerTestNode)
apply (metis IntegerNormalizeCompareNode)
apply (metis IntegerMulHighNode)
apply (metis NarrowNode)
apply (metis SignExtendNode)
apply (metis ZeroExtendNode)
apply (metis PiNode)
apply (metis RefNode)
apply (metis IsNullNode)
by blast
lemma new_node_not_present:
assumes "find_node_and_stamp g (node, s) = None"
assumes "n = get_fresh_id g"
assumes "g' = add_node n (node, s) g"
shows "∀ n' ∈ true_ids g. (∀e. ((g ⊢ n ≃ e) ∧ (g ⊢ n' ≃ e)) ⟶ n = n')"
using assms encode_in_ids fresh_ids by blast
lemma true_ids_def:
"true_ids g = {n ∈ ids g. ¬(is_RefNode (kind g n)) ∧ ((kind g n) ≠ NoNode)}"
using true_ids_def by (auto simp add: is_RefNode_def)
lemma add_node_some_node_def:
assumes "k ≠ NoNode"
assumes "g' = add_node nid (k, s) g"
shows "g' = Abs_IRGraph ((Rep_IRGraph g)(nid ↦ (k, s)))"
by (metis Rep_IRGraph_inverse add_node.rep_eq fst_conv assms)
lemma ids_add_update_v1:
assumes "g' = add_node nid (k, s) g"
assumes "k ≠ NoNode"
shows "dom (Rep_IRGraph g') = dom (Rep_IRGraph g) ∪ {nid}"
by (simp add: add_node.rep_eq assms)
lemma ids_add_update_v2:
assumes "g' = add_node nid (k, s) g"
assumes "k ≠ NoNode"
shows "nid ∈ ids g'"
by (simp add: find_new_kind assms)
lemma add_node_ids_subset:
assumes "n ∈ ids g"
assumes "g' = add_node n node g"
shows "ids g' = ids g ∪ {n}"
using assms replace_node.rep_eq by (auto simp add: replace_node_def ids.rep_eq add_node_def)
lemma convert_maximal:
assumes "∀n n'. n ∈ true_ids g ∧ n' ∈ true_ids g ⟶
(∀e e'. (g ⊢ n ≃ e) ∧ (g ⊢ n' ≃ e') ⟶ e ≠ e')"
shows "maximal_sharing g"
using assms by (auto simp add: maximal_sharing)
lemma add_node_set_eq:
assumes "k ≠ NoNode"
assumes "n ∉ ids g"
shows "as_set (add_node n (k, s) g) = as_set g ∪ {(n, (k, s))}"
using assms unfolding as_set_def by (transfer; auto)
lemma add_node_as_set_eq:
assumes "g' = add_node n (k, s) g"
assumes "n ∉ ids g"
shows "({n} ⊴ as_set g') = as_set g"
unfolding domain_subtraction_def
by (smt (z3) assms add_node_set_eq Collect_cong Rep_IRGraph_inverse UnCI add_node.rep_eq le_boolE
as_set_def case_prodE2 case_prodI2 le_boolI' mem_Collect_eq prod.sel(1) singletonD singletonI
lemma true_ids:
"true_ids g = ids g - {n ∈ ids g. is_RefNode (kind g n)}"
unfolding true_ids_def by fastforce
lemma as_set_ids:
assumes "as_set g = as_set g'"
shows "ids g = ids g'"
by (metis antisym equalityD1 graph_refinement_def subset_refines assms)
lemma ids_add_update:
assumes "k ≠ NoNode"
assumes "n ∉ ids g"
assumes "g' = add_node n (k, s) g"
shows "ids g' = ids g ∪ {n}"
by (smt (z3) Diff_idemp Diff_insert_absorb Un_commute add_node.rep_eq insert_is_Un insert_Collect
add_node_def ids.rep_eq ids_add_update_v1 insertE assms replace_node_unchanged Collect_cong
map_upd_Some_unfold mem_Collect_eq replace_node_def ids_add_update_v2)
lemma true_ids_add_update:
assumes "k ≠ NoNode"
assumes "n ∉ ids g"
assumes "g' = add_node n (k, s) g"
assumes "¬(is_RefNode k)"
shows "true_ids g' = true_ids g ∪ {n}"
by (smt (z3) Collect_cong Diff_iff Diff_insert_absorb Un_commute add_node_def find_new_kind assms
insert_Diff_if insert_is_Un mem_Collect_eq replace_node_def replace_node_unchanged true_ids
lemma new_def:
assumes "(new ⊴ as_set g') = as_set g"
shows "n ∈ ids g ⟶ n ∉ new"
using assms apply auto unfolding as_set_def
by (smt (z3) as_set_def case_prodD domain_subtraction_def mem_Collect_eq assms ids_some)
lemma add_preserves_rep:
assumes unchanged: "(new ⊴ as_set g') = as_set g"
assumes closed: "wf_closed g"
assumes existed: "n ∈ ids g"
assumes "g' ⊢ n ≃ e"
shows "g ⊢ n ≃ e"
proof (cases "n ∈ new")
case True
have "n ∉ ids g"
using unchanged True as_set_def unfolding domain_subtraction_def by blast
then show ?thesis
using existed by simp
case False
have kind_eq: "∀ n' . n' ∉ new ⟶ kind g n' = kind g' n'"
apply (rule allI; rule impI)
by (smt (z3) case_prodE domain_subtraction_def ids_some mem_Collect_eq subsetI unchanged
from False have stamp_eq: "∀ n' ∈ ids g' . n' ∉ new ⟶ stamp g n' = stamp g' n'"
by (metis equalityE not_excluded_keep_type unchanged)
show ?thesis
using assms(4) kind_eq stamp_eq False
proof (induction n e rule: rep.induct)
case (ConstantNode n c)
then show ?case
by (simp add: rep.ConstantNode)
case (ParameterNode n i s)
then show ?case
by (metis no_encoding rep.ParameterNode)
case (ConditionalNode n c t f ce te fe)
have kind: "kind g n = ConditionalNode c t f"
by (simp add: kind_eq ConditionalNode.prems(3) ConditionalNode.hyps(1))
then have isin: "n ∈ ids g"
by simp
have inputs: "{c, t, f} = inputs g n"
by (simp add: kind)
have "c ∈ ids g ∧ t ∈ ids g ∧ f ∈ ids g"
using closed wf_closed_def isin inputs by blast
then have "c ∉ new ∧ t ∉ new ∧ f ∉ new"
using unchanged by (simp add: new_def)
then show ?case
by (simp add: rep.ConditionalNode ConditionalNode)
case (AbsNode n x xe)
then have kind: "kind g n = AbsNode x"
by simp
then have isin: "n ∈ ids g"
by simp
have inputs: "{x} = inputs g n"
by (simp add: kind)
have "x ∈ ids g"
using closed wf_closed_def isin inputs by blast
then have "x ∉ new"
using unchanged by (simp add: new_def)
then show ?case
by (simp add: AbsNode rep.AbsNode)
case (ReverseBytesNode n x xe)
then have kind: "kind g n = ReverseBytesNode x"
by simp
then have isin: "n ∈ ids g"
by simp
have inputs: "{x} = inputs g n"
by (simp add: kind)
have "x ∈ ids g"
using closed wf_closed_def isin inputs by blast
then have "x ∉ new"
using unchanged by (simp add: new_def)
then show ?case
using ReverseBytesNode.IH kind kind_eq rep.ReverseBytesNode stamp_eq by blast
case (BitCountNode n x xe)
then have kind: "kind g n = BitCountNode x"
by simp
then have isin: "n ∈ ids g"
by simp
have inputs: "{x} = inputs g n"
by (simp add: kind)
have "x ∈ ids g"
using closed wf_closed_def isin inputs by blast
then have "x ∉ new"
using unchanged by (simp add: new_def)
then show ?case
using BitCountNode.IH kind kind_eq rep.BitCountNode stamp_eq by blast
case (NotNode n x xe)
then have kind: "kind g n = NotNode x"
by simp
then have isin: "n ∈ ids g"
by simp
have inputs: "{x} = inputs g n"
by (simp add: kind)
have "x ∈ ids g"
using closed wf_closed_def isin inputs by blast
then have "x ∉ new"
using unchanged by (simp add: new_def)
then show ?case
by (simp add: NotNode rep.NotNode)
case (NegateNode n x xe)
then have kind: "kind g n = NegateNode x"
by simp
then have isin: "n ∈ ids g"
by simp
have inputs: "{x} = inputs g n"
by (simp add: kind)
have "x ∈ ids g"
using closed wf_closed_def isin inputs by blast
then have "x ∉ new"
using unchanged by (simp add: new_def)
then show ?case
by (simp add: NegateNode rep.NegateNode)
case (LogicNegationNode n x xe)
then have kind: "kind g n = LogicNegationNode x"
by simp
then have isin: "n ∈ ids g"
by simp
have inputs: "{x} = inputs g n"
by (simp add: kind)
have "x ∈ ids g"
using closed wf_closed_def isin inputs by blast
then have "x ∉ new"
using unchanged by (simp add: new_def)
then show ?case
by (simp add: LogicNegationNode rep.LogicNegationNode)
case (AddNode n x y xe ye)
then have kind: "kind g n = AddNode x y"
by simp
then have isin: "n ∈ ids g"
by simp
have inputs: "{x, y} = inputs g n"
by (simp add: kind)
have "x ∈ ids g ∧ y ∈ ids g"
using closed wf_closed_def isin inputs by blast
then have "x ∉ new ∧ y ∉ new"
using unchanged by (simp add: new_def)
then show ?case
by (simp add: AddNode rep.AddNode)
case (MulNode n x y xe ye)
then have kind: "kind g n = MulNode x y"
by simp
then have isin: "n ∈ ids g"
by simp
have inputs: "{x, y} = inputs g n"
by (simp add: kind)
have "x ∈ ids g ∧ y ∈ ids g"
using closed wf_closed_def isin inputs by blast
then have "x ∉ new ∧ y ∉ new"
using unchanged by (simp add: new_def)
then show ?case
by (simp add: MulNode rep.MulNode)
case (DivNode n x y xe ye)
then have kind: "kind g n = SignedFloatingIntegerDivNode x y"
by simp
then have isin: "n ∈ ids g"
by simp
have inputs: "{x, y} = inputs g n"
by (simp add: kind)
have "x ∈ ids g ∧ y ∈ ids g"
using closed wf_closed_def isin inputs by blast
then have "x ∉ new ∧ y ∉ new"
using unchanged by (simp add: new_def)
then show ?case
by (simp add: DivNode rep.DivNode)
case (ModNode n x y xe ye)
then have kind: "kind g n = SignedFloatingIntegerRemNode x y"
by simp
then have isin: "n ∈ ids g"
by simp
have inputs: "{x, y} = inputs g n"
by (simp add: kind)
have "x ∈ ids g ∧ y ∈ ids g"
using closed wf_closed_def isin inputs by blast
then have "x ∉ new ∧ y ∉ new"
using unchanged by (simp add: new_def)
then show ?case
by (simp add: ModNode rep.ModNode)
case (SubNode n x y xe ye)
then have kind: "kind g n = SubNode x y"
by simp
then have isin: "n ∈ ids g"
by simp
have inputs: "{x, y} = inputs g n"
by (simp add: kind)
have "x ∈ ids g ∧ y ∈ ids g"
using closed wf_closed_def isin inputs by blast
then have "x ∉ new ∧ y ∉ new"
using unchanged by (simp add: new_def)
then show ?case
by (simp add: SubNode rep.SubNode)
case (AndNode n x y xe ye)
then have kind: "kind g n = AndNode x y"
by simp
then have isin: "n ∈ ids g"
by simp
have inputs: "{x, y} = inputs g n"
by (simp add: kind)
have "x ∈ ids g ∧ y ∈ ids g"
using closed wf_closed_def isin inputs by blast
then have "x ∉ new ∧ y ∉ new"
using unchanged by (simp add: new_def)
then show ?case
by (simp add: AndNode rep.AndNode)
case (OrNode n x y xe ye)
then have kind: "kind g n = OrNode x y"
by simp
then have isin: "n ∈ ids g"
by simp
have inputs: "{x, y} = inputs g n"
by (simp add: kind)
have "x ∈ ids g ∧ y ∈ ids g"
using closed wf_closed_def isin inputs by blast
then have "x ∉ new ∧ y ∉ new"
using unchanged by (simp add: new_def)
then show ?case
by (simp add: OrNode rep.OrNode)
case (XorNode n x y xe ye)
then have kind: "kind g n = XorNode x y"
by simp
then have isin: "n ∈ ids g"
by simp
have inputs: "{x, y} = inputs g n"
by (simp add: kind)
have "x ∈ ids g ∧ y ∈ ids g"
using closed wf_closed_def isin inputs by blast
then have "x ∉ new ∧ y ∉ new"
using unchanged by (simp add: new_def)
then show ?case
by (simp add: XorNode rep.XorNode)
case (ShortCircuitOrNode n x y xe ye)
then have kind: "kind g n = ShortCircuitOrNode x y"
by simp
then have isin: "n ∈ ids g"
by simp
have inputs: "{x, y} = inputs g n"
by (simp add: kind)
have "x ∈ ids g ∧ y ∈ ids g"
using closed wf_closed_def isin inputs by blast
then have "x ∉ new ∧ y ∉ new"
using unchanged by (simp add: new_def)
then show ?case
by (simp add: ShortCircuitOrNode rep.ShortCircuitOrNode)
case (LeftShiftNode n x y xe ye)
then have kind: "kind g n = LeftShiftNode x y"
by simp
then have isin: "n ∈ ids g"
by simp
have inputs: "{x, y} = inputs g n"
by (simp add: kind)
have "x ∈ ids g ∧ y ∈ ids g"
using closed wf_closed_def isin inputs by blast
then have "x ∉ new ∧ y ∉ new"
using unchanged by (simp add: new_def)
then show ?case
by (simp add: LeftShiftNode rep.LeftShiftNode)
case (RightShiftNode n x y xe ye)
then have kind: "kind g n = RightShiftNode x y"
by simp
then have isin: "n ∈ ids g"
by simp
have inputs: "{x, y} = inputs g n"
by (simp add: kind)
have "x ∈ ids g ∧ y ∈ ids g"
using closed wf_closed_def isin inputs by blast
then have "x ∉ new ∧ y ∉ new"
using unchanged by (simp add: new_def)
then show ?case
by (simp add: RightShiftNode rep.RightShiftNode)
case (UnsignedRightShiftNode n x y xe ye)
then have kind: "kind g n = UnsignedRightShiftNode x y"
by simp
then have isin: "n ∈ ids g"
by simp
have inputs: "{x, y} = inputs g n"
by (simp add: kind)
have "x ∈ ids g ∧ y ∈ ids g"
using closed wf_closed_def isin inputs by blast
then have "x ∉ new ∧ y ∉ new"
using unchanged by (simp add: new_def)
then show ?case
by (simp add: UnsignedRightShiftNode rep.UnsignedRightShiftNode)
case (IntegerBelowNode n x y xe ye)
then have kind: "kind g n = IntegerBelowNode x y"
by simp
then have isin: "n ∈ ids g"
by simp
have inputs: "{x, y} = inputs g n"
by (simp add: kind)
have "x ∈ ids g ∧ y ∈ ids g"
using closed wf_closed_def isin inputs by blast
then have "x ∉ new ∧ y ∉ new"
using unchanged by (simp add: new_def)
then show ?case
by (simp add: IntegerBelowNode rep.IntegerBelowNode)
case (IntegerEqualsNode n x y xe ye)
then have kind: "kind g n = IntegerEqualsNode x y"
by simp
then have isin: "n ∈ ids g"
by simp
have inputs: "{x, y} = inputs g n"
by (simp add: kind)
have "x ∈ ids g ∧ y ∈ ids g"
using closed wf_closed_def isin inputs by blast
then have "x ∉ new ∧ y ∉ new"
using unchanged by (simp add: new_def)
then show ?case
by (simp add: IntegerEqualsNode rep.IntegerEqualsNode)
case (IntegerLessThanNode n x y xe ye)
then have kind: "kind g n = IntegerLessThanNode x y"
by simp
then have isin: "n ∈ ids g"
by simp
have inputs: "{x, y} = inputs g n"
by (simp add: kind)
have "x ∈ ids g ∧ y ∈ ids g"
using closed wf_closed_def isin inputs by blast
then have "x ∉ new ∧ y ∉ new"
using unchanged by (simp add: new_def)
then show ?case
by (simp add: IntegerLessThanNode rep.IntegerLessThanNode)
case (IntegerTestNode n x y xe ye)
then have kind: "kind g n = IntegerTestNode x y"
by simp
then have isin: "n ∈ ids g"
by simp
have inputs: "{x, y} = inputs g n"
by (simp add: kind)
have "x ∈ ids g ∧ y ∈ ids g"
using closed wf_closed_def isin inputs by blast
then have "x ∉ new ∧ y ∉ new"
using unchanged by (simp add: new_def)
then show ?case
by (simp add: IntegerTestNode rep.IntegerTestNode)
case (IntegerNormalizeCompareNode n x y xe ye)
then have kind: "kind g n = IntegerNormalizeCompareNode x y"
by simp
then have isin: "n ∈ ids g"
by simp
have inputs: "{x, y} = inputs g n"
by (simp add: kind)
have "x ∈ ids g ∧ y ∈ ids g"
using closed wf_closed_def isin inputs by blast
then have "x ∉ new ∧ y ∉ new"
using unchanged by (simp add: new_def)
then show ?case
using IntegerNormalizeCompareNode.IH(1,2) kind kind_eq rep.IntegerNormalizeCompareNode
stamp_eq by blast
case (IntegerMulHighNode n x y xe ye)
then have kind: "kind g n = IntegerMulHighNode x y"
by simp
then have isin: "n ∈ ids g"
by simp
have inputs: "{x, y} = inputs g n"
by (simp add: kind)
have "x ∈ ids g ∧ y ∈ ids g"
using closed wf_closed_def isin inputs by blast
then have "x ∉ new ∧ y ∉ new"
using unchanged by (simp add: new_def)
then show ?case
using IntegerMulHighNode.IH(1,2) kind kind_eq rep.IntegerMulHighNode stamp_eq by blast
case (NarrowNode n inputBits resultBits x xe)
then have kind: "kind g n = NarrowNode inputBits resultBits x"
by simp
then have isin: "n ∈ ids g"
by simp
have inputs: "{x} = inputs g n"
by (simp add: kind)
have "x ∈ ids g"
using closed wf_closed_def isin inputs by blast
then have "x ∉ new"
using unchanged by (simp add: new_def)
then show ?case
by (simp add: NarrowNode rep.NarrowNode)
case (SignExtendNode n inputBits resultBits x xe)
then have kind: "kind g n = SignExtendNode inputBits resultBits x"
by simp
then have isin: "n ∈ ids g"
by simp
have inputs: "{x} = inputs g n"
by (simp add: kind)
have "x ∈ ids g"
using closed wf_closed_def isin inputs by blast
then have "x ∉ new"
using unchanged by (simp add: new_def)
then show ?case
by (simp add: SignExtendNode rep.SignExtendNode)
case (ZeroExtendNode n inputBits resultBits x xe)
then have kind: "kind g n = ZeroExtendNode inputBits resultBits x"
by simp
then have isin: "n ∈ ids g"
by simp
have inputs: "{x} = inputs g n"
by (simp add: kind)
have "x ∈ ids g"
using closed wf_closed_def isin inputs by blast
then have "x ∉ new"
using unchanged by (simp add: new_def)
then show ?case
by (simp add: ZeroExtendNode rep.ZeroExtendNode)
case (LeafNode n s)
then show ?case
by (metis no_encoding rep.LeafNode)
case (PiNode n n' gu e)
then have kind: "kind g n = PiNode n' gu"
by simp
then have isin: "n ∈ ids g"
by simp
have inputs: "set (n' # (opt_to_list gu)) = inputs g n"
by (simp add: kind)
have "n' ∈ ids g"
by (metis in_mono list.set_intros(1) inputs isin wf_closed_def closed)
then show ?case
using PiNode.IH kind kind_eq new_def rep.PiNode stamp_eq unchanged by blast
case (RefNode n n' e)
then have kind: "kind g n = RefNode n'"
by simp
then have isin: "n ∈ ids g"
by simp
have inputs: "{n'} = inputs g n"
by (simp add: kind)
have "n' ∈ ids g"
using closed wf_closed_def isin inputs by blast
then have "n' ∉ new"
using unchanged by (simp add: new_def)
then show ?case
by (simp add: RefNode rep.RefNode)
case (IsNullNode n v)
then have kind: "kind g n = IsNullNode v"
by simp
then have isin: "n ∈ ids g"
by simp
have inputs: "{v} = inputs g n"
by (simp add: kind)
have "v ∈ ids g"
using closed wf_closed_def isin inputs by blast
then have "v ∉ new"
using unchanged by (simp add: new_def)
then show ?case
by (simp add: rep.IsNullNode stamp_eq kind_eq kind IsNullNode.IH)
lemma not_in_no_rep:
"n ∉ ids g ⟹ ∀e. ¬(g ⊢ n ≃ e)"
using eval_contains_id by auto
lemma unary_inputs:
assumes "kind g n = unary_node op x"
shows "inputs g n = {x}"
by (cases op; auto simp add: assms)
lemma unary_succ:
assumes "kind g n = unary_node op x"
shows "succ g n = {}"
by (cases op; auto simp add: assms)
lemma binary_inputs:
assumes "kind g n = bin_node op x y"
shows "inputs g n = {x, y}"
by (cases op; auto simp add: assms)
lemma binary_succ:
assumes "kind g n = bin_node op x y"
shows "succ g n = {}"
by (cases op; auto simp add: assms)
lemma unrep_contains:
assumes "g ⊕ e ↝ (g', n)"
shows "n ∈ ids g'"
using assms not_in_no_rep term_graph_reconstruction by blast
lemma unrep_preserves_contains:
assumes "n ∈ ids g"
assumes "g ⊕ e ↝ (g', n')"
shows "n ∈ ids g'"
by (meson subsetD unrep_ids_subset assms)
lemma unique_preserves_closure:
assumes "wf_closed g"
assumes "unique g (node, s) (g', n)"
assumes "set (inputs_of node) ⊆ ids g ∧
set (successors_of node) ⊆ ids g ∧
node ≠ NoNode"
shows "wf_closed g'"
using assms
by (smt (verit, del_insts) Pair_inject UnE add_changed fresh_ids graph_refinement_def ids_add_update inputs.simps other_node_unchanged singletonD subset_refines subset_trans succ.simps unique.cases unique_kind unique_subset wf_closed_def)
lemma unrep_preserves_closure:
assumes "wf_closed g"
assumes "g ⊕ e ↝ (g', n)"
shows "wf_closed g'"
using assms(2,1) wf_closed_def
proof (induction g e "(g', n)" arbitrary: g' n)
case (UnrepConstantNode g c g' n)
then show ?case using unique_preserves_closure
by (metis IRNode.distinct(1077) IRNodes.inputs_of_ConstantNode IRNodes.successors_of_ConstantNode empty_subsetI list.set(1))
case (UnrepParameterNode g i s n)
then show ?case using unique_preserves_closure
by (metis IRNode.distinct(3695) IRNodes.inputs_of_ParameterNode IRNodes.successors_of_ParameterNode empty_subsetI list.set(1))
case (UnrepConditionalNode g ce g⇩1 c te g⇩2 t fe g⇩3 f s' g⇩4 n)
then have c: "wf_closed g⇩3"
by fastforce
have k: "kind g⇩4 n = ConditionalNode c t f"
using UnrepConditionalNode IRNode.distinct(965) unique_kind by presburger
have "{c, t, f} ⊆ ids g⇩4" using unrep_contains
by (metis UnrepConditionalNode.hyps(1) UnrepConditionalNode.hyps(3) UnrepConditionalNode.hyps(5) UnrepConditionalNode.hyps(8) empty_subsetI graph_refinement_def insert_subsetI subset_iff subset_refines unique_subset unrep_ids_subset)
also have "inputs g⇩4 n = {c, t, f} ∧ succ g⇩4 n = {}"
using k by simp
moreover have "inputs g⇩4 n ⊆ ids g⇩4 ∧ succ g⇩4 n ⊆ ids g⇩4 ∧ kind g⇩4 n ≠ NoNode"
using k
by (metis IRNode.distinct(965) calculation empty_subsetI)
ultimately show ?case using c unique_preserves_closure UnrepConditionalNode
by (metis empty_subsetI inputs.simps insert_subsetI k succ.simps unrep_contains unrep_preserves_contains)
case (UnrepUnaryNode g xe g⇩1 x s' op g⇩2 n)
then have c: "wf_closed g⇩1"
by fastforce
have k: "kind g⇩2 n = unary_node op x"
using UnrepUnaryNode unique_kind unary_node_nonode by blast
have "{x} ⊆ ids g⇩2" using unrep_contains
by (metis UnrepUnaryNode.hyps(1) UnrepUnaryNode.hyps(4) encodes_contains ids_some singletonD subsetI term_graph_reconstruction unique_eval)
also have "inputs g⇩2 n = {x} ∧ succ g⇩2 n = {}"
using k
by (meson unary_inputs unary_succ)
moreover have "inputs g⇩2 n ⊆ ids g⇩2 ∧ succ g⇩2 n ⊆ ids g⇩2 ∧ kind g⇩2 n ≠ NoNode"
using k
by (metis calculation(1) calculation(2) empty_subsetI unary_node_nonode)
ultimately show ?case using c unique_preserves_closure UnrepUnaryNode
by (metis empty_subsetI inputs.simps insert_subsetI k succ.simps unrep_contains)
case (UnrepBinaryNode g xe g⇩1 x ye g⇩2 y s' op g⇩3 n)
then have c: "wf_closed g⇩2"
by fastforce
have k: "kind g⇩3 n = bin_node op x y"
using UnrepBinaryNode unique_kind bin_node_nonode by blast
have "{x, y} ⊆ ids g⇩3" using unrep_contains
by (metis UnrepBinaryNode.hyps(1) UnrepBinaryNode.hyps(3) UnrepBinaryNode.hyps(6) empty_subsetI graph_refinement_def insert_absorb insert_subset subset_refines unique_subset unrep_refines)
also have "inputs g⇩3 n = {x, y} ∧ succ g⇩3 n = {}"
using k
by (meson binary_inputs binary_succ)
moreover have "inputs g⇩3 n ⊆ ids g⇩3 ∧ succ g⇩3 n ⊆ ids g⇩3 ∧ kind g⇩3 n ≠ NoNode"
using k
by (metis calculation(1) calculation(2) empty_subsetI bin_node_nonode)
ultimately show ?case using c unique_preserves_closure UnrepBinaryNode
by (metis empty_subsetI inputs.simps insert_subsetI k succ.simps unrep_contains unrep_preserves_contains)
case (AllLeafNodes g n s)
then show ?case
by simp
inductive_cases ConstUnrepE: "g ⊕ (ConstantExpr x) ↝ (g', n)"
definition constant_value where
"constant_value = (IntVal 32 0)"
definition bad_graph where
"bad_graph = irgraph [
(0, AbsNode 1, constantAsStamp constant_value),
(1, RefNode 2, constantAsStamp constant_value),
(2, ConstantNode constant_value, constantAsStamp constant_value)