Theory IRStepThms
subsection ‹Control-flow Semantics Theorems›
theory IRStepThms
text ‹
We prove that within the same graph, a configuration triple will always
transition to the same subsequent configuration. Therefore, our step semantics
is deterministic.
subsubsection ‹Control-flow Step is Deterministic›
inductive_cases StepE[elim]:
"g, p ⊢ state → val"
theorem stepDet':
"(g, p ⊢ state → next) ⟹
(g, p ⊢ state → next') ⟹ next = next'"
proof (induction arbitrary: next' rule: "step.induct")
case (SequentialNode nid nid' m h)
have notend: "¬(is_AbstractEndNode (kind g nid))"
by (metis SequentialNode.hyps(1) is_AbstractEndNode.simps is_EndNode.elims(2) is_LoopEndNode_def is_sequential_node.simps(18) is_sequential_node.simps(36))
from SequentialNode show ?case apply (elim StepE) using is_sequential_node.simps
apply blast
apply force apply force apply force
using notend
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) Pair_inject is_AbstractEndNode.simps)
by force+
case (FixedGuardNode nid cond before "next" m val nid' h)
then show ?case apply (elim StepE)
by force+
case (BytecodeExceptionNode nid args st nid' exceptionType h' ref h m' m)
then show ?case apply (elim StepE)
by force+
case (IfNode nid cond tb fb m val nid' h)
then show ?case apply (elim StepE)
apply force+
using graphDet apply fastforce
by force+
case (EndNodes nid merge i phis inps m vs m' h)
have notseq: "¬(is_sequential_node (kind g nid))"
using EndNodes
by (metis is_AbstractEndNode.simps is_EndNode.elims(2) is_LoopEndNode_def is_sequential_node.simps(18) is_sequential_node.simps(36))
from EndNodes show ?case apply (elim StepE)
using notseq apply force
apply force apply force apply force
using indexof_det
unfolding is_AbstractEndNode.simps
is_AbstractMergeNode.simps any_usage.simps usages.simps inputs.simps ids_def
apply (smt (verit, del_insts) Collect_cong encodeEvalAllDet ids_def ids_some
by force+
case (NewArrayNode nid len st nid' m length' arrayType h' ref h refNo h'' m')
then show ?case apply (elim StepE) apply force+
using graphDet apply fastforce
by force+
case (ArrayLengthNode nid x nid' m ref h arrayVal length' m')
then show ?case apply (elim StepE) apply force+
using graphDet apply fastforce
by force+
case (LoadIndexedNode nid index guard array nid' m indexVal ref h arrayVal loaded m')
then show ?case apply (elim StepE) apply force+
using graphDet
apply (metis IRNode.inject(28) Pair_inject Value.inject(2))
by force+
case (StoreIndexedNode nid check val st index guard array nid' m indexVal ref "value" h arrayVal updated h' m')
then show ?case apply (elim StepE) apply force+
using graphDet
apply (metis IRNode.inject(55) Pair_inject Value.inject(2))
by force+
case (NewInstanceNode nid cname obj nid' h' ref h m' m)
then show ?case apply (elim StepE) by force+
case (LoadFieldNode nid f obj nid' m ref h v m')
then show ?case apply (elim StepE) apply force+
using graphDet apply fastforce
by force+
case (SignedDivNode nid x y zero sb nxt m v1 v2 v m' h)
then show ?case apply (elim StepE) apply force+
using graphDet
apply (metis IRNode.inject(49) Pair_inject)
by force+
case (SignedRemNode nid x y zero sb nxt m v1 v2 v m' h)
then show ?case apply (elim StepE) apply force+
using graphDet
apply (metis IRNode.inject(52) Pair_inject)
by force+
case (StaticLoadFieldNode nid f nid' h v m' m)
then show ?case apply (elim StepE) by force+
case (StoreFieldNode nid f newval uu obj nid' m val ref h' h m')
then show ?case apply (elim StepE) apply force+
using graphDet
apply (metis IRNode.inject(54) Pair_inject Value.inject(2) option.inject)
by force+
case (StaticStoreFieldNode nid f newval uv nid' m val h' h m')
then show ?case apply (elim StepE) apply force+
using graphDet by fastforce
theorem stepDet:
"(g, p ⊢ (nid,m,h) → next) ⟹
(∀ next'. ((g, p ⊢ (nid,m,h) → next') ⟶ next = next'))"
using stepDet' by simp
lemma stepRefNode:
"⟦kind g nid = RefNode nid'⟧ ⟹ g, p ⊢ (nid,m,h) → (nid',m,h)"
by (metis IRNodes.successors_of_RefNode is_sequential_node.simps(7) nth_Cons_0 SequentialNode)
lemma IfNodeStepCases:
assumes "kind g nid = IfNode cond tb fb"
assumes "g ⊢ cond ≃ condE"
assumes "[m, p] ⊢ condE ↦ v"
assumes "g, p ⊢ (nid, m, h) → (nid', m, h)"
shows "nid' ∈ {tb, fb}"
by (metis insert_iff step.IfNode stepDet assms encodeeval.simps)
lemma IfNodeSeq:
shows "kind g nid = IfNode cond tb fb ⟶ ¬(is_sequential_node (kind g nid))"
using is_sequential_node.simps(18,19) by simp
lemma IfNodeCond:
assumes "kind g nid = IfNode cond tb fb"
assumes "g, p ⊢ (nid, m, h) → (nid', m, h)"
shows "∃ condE v. ((g ⊢ cond ≃ condE) ∧ ([m, p] ⊢ condE ↦ v))"
using assms(2,1) encodeeval.simps by (induct "(nid,m,h)" "(nid',m,h)" rule: step.induct; auto)
lemma step_in_ids:
assumes "g, p ⊢ (nid, m, h) → (nid', m', h')"
shows "nid ∈ ids g"
using assms apply (induct "(nid, m, h)" "(nid', m', h')" rule: step.induct) apply fastforce
prefer 4 prefer 14 defer defer
using IRNode.distinct(1607) ids_some apply presburger
using IRNode.distinct(851) ids_some apply presburger
using IRNode.distinct(1805) ids_some apply presburger
apply (metis IRNode.distinct(3507) not_in_g)
apply (metis IRNode.distinct(497) not_in_g)
apply (metis IRNode.distinct(2897) not_in_g)
apply (metis IRNode.distinct(4085) not_in_g)
using IRNode.distinct(3557) ids_some apply presburger
apply (metis IRNode.distinct(2825) not_in_g)
apply (metis IRNode.distinct(3947) not_in_g)
apply (metis IRNode.distinct(4025) not_in_g)
using IRNode.distinct(2825) ids_some apply presburger
apply (metis IRNode.distinct(4067) not_in_g)
apply (metis IRNode.distinct(4067) not_in_g)
using IRNode.disc(1952) is_EndNode.simps(62) is_AbstractEndNode.simps not_in_g
by (metis IRNode.disc(2014) is_EndNode.simps(64))