Theory TreeSnippets
section ‹Verifying term graph optimizations using Isabelle/HOL›
theory TreeSnippets
declare [[show_types=false,show_sorts=false]]
no_notation ConditionalExpr ("_ ? _ : _")
method unfold_size = -
method unfold_optimization =
(unfold rewrite_preservation.simps, unfold rewrite_termination.simps,
rule conjE, simp, simp del: le_expr_def)
subsection ‹Markup syntax for common operations›
notation (latex)
kind ("_⟪_⟫")
notation (latex)
stamp_expr ("\<^latex>‹\\pitchfork› _")
notation (latex)
valid_value ("_ ∈ _")
notation (latex)
val_to_bool ("_\<^latex>‹\\ensuremath{_{\\mathit{›bool\<^latex>‹}}}›")
notation (latex)
constantAsStamp ("\<^latex>‹stamp-from-value› _")
notation (latex)
find_node_and_stamp ("\<^latex>‹find-matching› _")
notation (latex)
add_node ("\<^latex>‹insert› _")
notation (latex)
get_fresh_id ("\<^latex>‹fresh-id› _")
notation (latex)
size ("\<^latex>‹trm(›_\<^latex>‹)›")
subsection ‹Representing canonicalization optimizations›
text ‹
We wish to provide an example of the semantics layers
at which optimizations can be expressed.
lemma diff_self:
fixes x :: int
shows "x - x = 0"
by simp
lemma diff_diff_cancel:
fixes x y :: int
shows "x - (x - y) = y"
by simp
thm diff_self
thm diff_diff_cancel
snipbegin ‹algebraic-laws›
text ‹\begin{align}
@{thm diff_self[show_types=false]}\\
@{thm diff_diff_cancel[show_types=false]}
snipend -
lemma diff_self_value: "∀x::'a::len word. x - x = 0"
by simp
lemma diff_diff_cancel_value:
"∀ x y::'a::len word . x - (x - y) = y"
by simp
snipbegin ‹algebraic-laws-values›
text_raw ‹\begin{align}
@{thm diff_self_value[show_types]} \label{prop-v-minus-v}\\
@{thm diff_diff_cancel_value[show_types]} \label{prop-redundant-sub}
snipend -
"n" <= "CONST ConstantExpr (CONST IntVal b n)"
"x - y" <= "CONST BinaryExpr (CONST BinSub) x y"
notation (ExprRule output)
Refines ("_ ⟼ _")
lemma diff_self_expr:
assumes "∀m p v. [m,p] ⊢ exp[x - x] ↦ IntVal b v"
shows "exp[x - x] ≥ exp[const (IntVal b 0)]"
using assms apply simp
by (metis(full_types) evalDet val_to_bool.simps(1) zero_neq_one)
method open_eval = (simp; (rule impI)?; (rule allI)+; rule impI)
lemma diff_diff_cancel_expr:
shows "exp[x - (x - y)] ≥ exp[y]"
apply open_eval
subgoal premises eval for m p v
proof -
obtain vx where vx: "[m, p] ⊢ x ↦ vx"
using eval by blast
obtain vy where vy: "[m, p] ⊢ y ↦ vy"
using eval by blast
then have e: "[m, p] ⊢ exp[x - (x - y)] ↦ val[vx - (vx - vy)]"
using vx vy eval
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) bin_eval.simps(2) evalDet unfold_binary)
then have notUn: "val[vx - (vx - vy)] ≠ UndefVal"
using evaltree_not_undef by auto
then have "val[vx - (vx - vy)] = vy"
apply (cases vx; cases vy; auto simp: notUn)
using eval_unused_bits_zero vy apply blast
by (metis(full_types) intval_sub.simps(6))
then show ?thesis
by (metis e eval evalDet vy)
thm_oracles diff_diff_cancel_expr
snipbegin ‹algebraic-laws-expressions›
text_raw ‹\begin{align}
@{thm[mode=ExprRule] (concl) diff_self_expr} \label{prop-MinusSame} \\
@{thm[mode=ExprRule] (concl) diff_diff_cancel_expr}
snipend -
"n" <= "CONST ConstantExpr (CONST IntVal b n)"
"x - y" <= "CONST BinaryExpr (CONST BinSub) x y"
definition wf_stamp :: "IRExpr ⇒ bool" where
"wf_stamp e = (∀m p v. ([m, p] ⊢ e ↦ v) ⟶ valid_value v (stamp_expr e))"
lemma wf_stamp_eval:
assumes "wf_stamp e"
assumes "stamp_expr e = IntegerStamp b lo hi"
shows "∀m p v. ([m, p] ⊢ e ↦ v) ⟶ (∃vv. v = IntVal b vv)"
using assms unfolding wf_stamp_def
using valid_int_same_bits valid_int
by metis
phase SnipPhase
terminating size
lemma sub_same_val:
assumes "val[x - x] = IntVal b v"
shows "val[x - x] = val[IntVal b 0]"
using assms by (cases x; auto)
snipbegin ‹sub-same-32›
optimization SubIdentity:
"x - x ⟼ ConstantExpr (IntVal b 0)
when ((stamp_expr exp[x - x] = IntegerStamp b lo hi) ∧ wf_stamp exp[x - x])"
snipend -
using IRExpr.disc(42) size.simps(4) size_non_const
apply simp
apply (rule impI) apply simp
proof -
assume assms: "stamp_binary BinSub (stamp_expr x) (stamp_expr x) = IntegerStamp b lo hi ∧ wf_stamp exp[x - x]"
have "∀m p v . ([m, p] ⊢ exp[x - x] ↦ v) ⟶ (∃vv. v = IntVal b vv)"
using assms wf_stamp_eval
by (metis stamp_expr.simps(2))
then show "∀m p v. ([m,p] ⊢ BinaryExpr BinSub x x ↦ v) ⟶ ([m,p] ⊢ ConstantExpr (IntVal b 0) ↦ v)"
using wf_value_def
by (smt (verit, best) BinaryExprE TreeSnippets.wf_stamp_def assms bin_eval.simps(2) constantAsStamp.simps(1) evalDet stamp_expr.simps(2) sub_same_val unfold_const valid_stamp.simps(1) valid_value.simps(1))
thm_oracles SubIdentity
snipbegin ‹RedundantSubtract›
optimization RedundantSubtract:
"x - (x - y) ⟼ y"
snipend -
using size_simps apply simp
using diff_diff_cancel_expr by presburger
subsection ‹Representing terms›
text ‹
We wish to show a simple example of expressions represented as terms.
snipbegin ‹ast-example›
text "@{value[display,margin=40] ‹BinaryExpr BinAdd (BinaryExpr BinMul x x) (BinaryExpr BinMul x x)›}"
snipend -
text ‹
Then we need to show the datatypes that compose the example expression.
snipbegin ‹abstract-syntax-tree›
text ‹@{datatype[display,margin=40] IRExpr}›
snipend -
snipbegin ‹value›
text ‹@{datatype[display,margin=40,show_abbrevs] Value}›
snipend -
subsection ‹Term semantics›
text ‹
The core expression evaluation functions need to be introduced.
snipbegin ‹eval›
text ‹@{term_type[mode=type_def] unary_eval}\\
@{term_type[mode=type_def] bin_eval}›
snipend -
text ‹
We then provide the full semantics of IR expressions.
("prop") "P ∧ Q ⟹ R" <= ("prop") "P ⟹ Q ⟹ R"
("prop") "P ⟹ Q ⟹ R" <= ("prop") "P ∧ Q ⟹ R"
snipbegin ‹tree-semantics›
text ‹
\induct{@{thm[mode=Rule] evaltree.UnaryExpr [no_vars]}}{semantics:unary}
\induct{@{thm[mode=Rule] evaltree.BinaryExpr [no_vars]}}{semantics:binary}
\induct{@{thm[mode=Rule] evaltree.ConditionalExpr [no_vars]}}{semantics:conditional}
\induct{@{thm[mode=Rule] evaltree.ConstantExpr [no_vars]}}{semantics:constant}
\induct{@{thm[mode=Rule] evaltree.ParameterExpr [no_vars]}}{semantics:parameter}
\induct{@{thm[mode=Rule] evaltree.LeafExpr [no_vars]}}{semantics:leaf}
snipend -
("prop") "P ⟹ Q ⟹ R" <= ("prop") "P ∧ Q ⟹ R"
("prop") "P ∧ Q ⟹ R" <= ("prop") "P ⟹ Q ⟹ R"
text ‹And show that expression evaluation is deterministic.›
snipbegin ‹tree-evaluation-deterministic›
text ‹@{thm[display] evalDet [no_vars]}›
snipend -
text ‹
We then want to start demonstrating the obligations for optimizations.
For this we define refinement over terms.
snipbegin ‹expression-refinement›
text ‹@{thm le_expr_def [no_vars]} ›
snipend -
text ‹
To motivate this definition we show the obligations generated
by optimization definitions.
phase SnipPhase
terminating size
snipbegin ‹InverseLeftSub›
optimization InverseLeftSub:
"(x - y) + y ⟼ x"
snipend -
snipbegin ‹InverseLeftSubObligation›
text ‹@{subgoals[display]}›
snipend -
using RedundantSubAdd by auto
snipbegin ‹InverseRightSub›
optimization InverseRightSub: "y + (x - y) ⟼ x"
snipend -
snipbegin ‹InverseRightSubObligation›
text ‹@{subgoals[display]}›
snipend -
using RedundantSubAdd2(2) rewrite_termination.simps(1) apply blast
using RedundantSubAdd2(1) rewrite_preservation.simps(1) by blast
snipbegin ‹expression-refinement-monotone›
text ‹@{thm[display,margin=60] mono_unary}
@{thm[display,margin=60] mono_binary}
@{thm[display,margin=60] mono_conditional}
snipend -
phase SnipPhase
terminating size
snipbegin ‹BinaryFoldConstant›
optimization BinaryFoldConstant: "BinaryExpr op (const v1) (const v2) ⟼ ConstantExpr (bin_eval op v1 v2)"
snipend -
snipbegin ‹BinaryFoldConstantObligation›
text ‹@{subgoals[display]}›
snipend -
using BinaryFoldConstant(1) by auto
snipbegin ‹AddCommuteConstantRight›
optimization AddCommuteConstantRight:
"(const v) + y ⟼ y + (const v) when ¬(is_ConstantExpr y)"
snipend -
snipbegin ‹AddCommuteConstantRightObligation›
text ‹@{subgoals[display,margin=50]}›
snipend -
using AddShiftConstantRight by auto
snipbegin ‹AddNeutral›
optimization AddNeutral: "x + (const (IntVal 32 0)) ⟼ x"
snipend -
snipbegin ‹AddNeutralObligation›
text ‹@{subgoals[display]}›
snipend -
apply auto
using AddNeutral(1) rewrite_preservation.simps(1) by force
snipbegin ‹AddToSub›
optimization AddToSub: "-x + y ⟼ y - x"
snipend -
snipbegin ‹AddToSubObligation›
text ‹@{subgoals[display]}›
snipend -
using AddLeftNegateToSub by auto
definition trm where "trm = size"
lemma trm_defn[size_simps]:
"trm x = size x"
by (simp add: trm_def)
snipbegin ‹phase›
phase AddCanonicalizations
terminating trm
text_raw "\\dots"
snipend -
hide_const (open) "Form.wf_stamp"
snipbegin ‹phase-example›
phase Conditional
terminating trm
snipend -
snipbegin ‹phase-example-1›optimization NegateCond: "((!c) ? t : f) ⟼ (c ? f : t)"snipend -
apply (simp add: size_simps)
using ConditionalPhase.NegateConditionFlipBranches(1) by simp
snipbegin ‹phase-example-2›optimization TrueCond: "(true ? t : f) ⟼ t"snipend -
by (auto simp: trm_def)
snipbegin ‹phase-example-3›optimization FalseCond: "(false ? t : f) ⟼ f"snipend -
by (auto simp: trm_def)
snipbegin ‹phase-example-4›optimization BranchEqual: "(c ? x : x) ⟼ x"snipend -
by (auto simp: trm_def)
snipbegin ‹phase-example-5›optimization LessCond: "((u < v) ? t : f) ⟼ t
when (stamp_under (stamp_expr u) (stamp_expr v)
∧ wf_stamp u ∧ wf_stamp v)"snipend -
apply (auto simp: trm_def)
using ConditionalPhase.condition_bounds_x(1)
by (metis(full_types) StampEvalThms.wf_stamp_def TreeSnippets.wf_stamp_def bin_eval.simps(14) stamp_under_defn)
snipbegin ‹phase-example-6›optimization condition_bounds_y: "((x < y) ? x : y) ⟼ y
when (stamp_under (stamp_expr y) (stamp_expr x) ∧ wf_stamp x ∧ wf_stamp y)"snipend -
apply (auto simp: trm_def)
using ConditionalPhase.condition_bounds_y(1)
by (metis(full_types) StampEvalThms.wf_stamp_def TreeSnippets.wf_stamp_def bin_eval.simps(14) stamp_under_defn_inverse)
snipbegin ‹phase-example-7›end snipend -
lemma simplified_binary: "¬(is_ConstantExpr b) ⟹ size (BinaryExpr op a b) = size a + size b + 2"
by (induction b; induction op; auto simp: is_ConstantExpr_def)
thm bin_size
thm bin_const_size
thm unary_size
thm size_non_add
snipbegin ‹termination›
text ‹
@{thm[display,margin=80] unary_size}
@{thm[display,margin=80] bin_const_size}
@{thm[display,margin=80] (concl) simplified_binary}
@{thm[display,margin=80] cond_size}
@{thm[display,margin=80] const_size}
@{thm[display,margin=80] param_size}
@{thm[display,margin=80] leaf_size}
snipend -
snipbegin ‹graph-representation›
text ‹@{bold ‹typedef›} IRGraph =
@{term[source] ‹{g :: ID ⇀ (IRNode × Stamp) . finite (dom g)}›}›
snipend -
("prop") "P ∧ Q ⟹ R" <= ("prop") "P ⟹ Q ⟹ R"
("prop") "P ⟹ Q ⟹ R" <= ("prop") "P ∧ Q ⟹ R"
snipbegin ‹graph2tree›
text ‹
\induct{@{thm[mode=Rule] rep.ConstantNode [no_vars]}}{rep:constant}
\induct{@{thm[mode=Rule] rep.ParameterNode [no_vars]}}{rep:parameter}
\induct{@{thm[mode=Rule] rep.ConditionalNode [no_vars]}}{rep:conditional}
\induct{@{thm[mode=Rule] rep.AbsNode [no_vars]}}{rep:unary}
\induct{@{thm[mode=Rule] rep.SignExtendNode [no_vars]}}{rep:convert}
\induct{@{thm[mode=Rule] rep.AddNode [no_vars]}}{rep:binary}
\induct{@{thm[mode=Rule] rep.LeafNode [no_vars]}}{rep:leaf}
\induct{@{thm[mode=Rule] rep.RefNode [no_vars]}}{rep:ref}
snipend -
snipbegin ‹unique›
text ‹
\induct{@{thm[mode=Rule] unique.Exists [no_vars]}}{unique:exists}
\induct{@{thm[mode=Rule] unique.New [no_vars]}}{unique:new}
snipend -
snipbegin ‹tree2graph›
text ‹
\induct{@{thm[mode=Rule] unrep.UnrepConstantNode [no_vars]}}{unrep:constantnew}
\induct{@{thm[mode=Rule] unrep.UnrepParameterNode [no_vars]}}{unrep:parameternew}
\induct{@{thm[mode=Rule] unrep.UnrepUnaryNode [no_vars]}}{unrep:unarynew}
\induct{@{thm[mode=Rule] unrep.UnrepBinaryNode [no_vars]}}{unrep:binarynew}
\induct{@{thm[mode=Rule] unrep.AllLeafNodes [no_vars]}}{unrep:leaf}
snipend -
("prop") "P ⟹ Q ⟹ R" <= ("prop") "P ∧ Q ⟹ R"
("prop") "P ∧ Q ⟹ R" <= ("prop") "P ⟹ Q ⟹ R"
snipbegin ‹preeval›
text ‹@{thm is_preevaluated.simps}›
snipend -
snipbegin ‹deterministic-representation›
text ‹@{thm[display] repDet [no_vars]}›
snipend -
thm_oracles repDet
snipbegin ‹well-formed-term-graph›
text "@{thm (rhs) wf_term_graph_def [no_vars]}"
snipend -
snipbegin ‹graph-semantics›
text ‹@{thm encodeeval.intros}›
snipend -
snipbegin ‹graph-semantics-deterministic›
text ‹@{thm graphDet [no_vars]}›
snipend -
thm_oracles graphDet
notation (latex)
graph_refinement ("\<^latex>‹term-graph-refinement› _")
snipbegin ‹graph-refinement›
text ‹@{thm[display, margin=60] graph_refinement_def [no_vars]}›
snipend -
"n" <= "CONST as_set n"
snipbegin ‹graph-semantics-preservation›
text ‹@{thm[display, margin=30] graph_semantics_preservation_subscript [no_vars]}›
snipend -
thm_oracles graph_semantics_preservation_subscript
snipbegin ‹maximal-sharing›
text ‹@{thm[display, margin=50] maximal_sharing [no_vars]}›
snipend -
snipbegin ‹tree-to-graph-rewriting›
text ‹@{thm[display, margin=30] tree_to_graph_rewriting [no_vars]}›
snipend -
thm_oracles tree_to_graph_rewriting
snipbegin ‹term-graph-refines-term›
text ‹@{thm[display] graph_represents_expression_def [no_vars]}›
snipend -
snipbegin ‹term-graph-evaluation›
text ‹@{thm[display] term_graph_evaluation [no_vars]}›
snipend -
snipbegin ‹graph-construction›
text ‹@{thm[display, margin=40] graph_construction [no_vars]}›
snipend -
thm_oracles graph_construction
snipbegin ‹term-graph-reconstruction›
text ‹@{thm[display] term_graph_reconstruction [no_vars]}›
snipend -
snipbegin ‹refined-insert›
text ‹@{thm[display, margin=40] refined_insert [no_vars]}›
snipend -